

Warning mature content The only heir to a third generation conglomerate, engaged to a spoilt princess he has no feelings for, finds himself in a dilemma, when he falls in love with a girl from a poor background just few weeks to his wedding.

Tijesunimi · ファンタジー
35 Chs


Tom who had been staring at Josephine unaware of Alex glare looked away from Josephine to look back at Alex who was still glaring at him and when Tom's grey eyes locked with his blue eyes, he stumbled back and his backside hit the stood he had been sitting on. He slowly parted his lips to ask Alex what he had done wrong but nothing came out of his parted lips and at that moment, he found it difficult to put words together, the look on Alex face was a deadly one, one that made him tremble internally and he wondered what he had done wrong, he had greeted him well and smile at him. Alex took two steps closer to the man and he moved back again and his backside hit the stood again, this time, the stood staggered before falling on the ground heavily with a loud sound. Josephine whose head was still half bowed, moved her eyes between her boss and Alex, she was enjoying the little show, it was relaxing to see fear in her boss eyes, he was always acting like he is almighty, so what happened to him now, Josephine thought and chuckled inwardly. Josephine looked at Alex before looking at her boss and wondered how a mere glare caused a man to tremble, it was a deadly one, one that spoke danger, if this two were to get the into a fist fight, Josephine was confident that Alex would beat her boss to a pulp with those masculine and broad shoulders of his, compared to her boss massive size and she shook her head her in pity for her boss, he would always bully her because she is a lady and here he is unable to withstand a mere glare from his fellow man and she pressed her lips, suppressing a laugh. Knowing that if this continues, she might end up loosing her job, she decided to intervene and she said, "customer what do you want" and Alex looked at her, but it wasn't a glare, it was that of worry and concern and Josephine shook her head, not wanting him to talk and he gave one last look at the man before walking out of the store. Josephine looked back at her scared boss who still had his lips parted and she suppressed another laugh then she had the man say, "that stupid guy, who does he think he his, I should have slapped him across the face" he said breathing heavily

"should I run after him and call him back" said Josephine that had the man glare at her.

"get out of this place and find something to do, start cleaning the store" the man yelled and Josephine bowed her head and walked away from the man triumphantly, she couldn't wait to see Alex, then a thought crossed her mind that dampened her mood, Alex might not wait for her outside, he might have left, he looked angry when he left the store, she thought.

Minutes later, her boss left the store and when it was 8pm, Josephine closed the store and looked around her surroundings sadly, that useless boss of her's, she cursed under her breath and stamped her foot on the ground, then she saw a figure walking towards her from across the street and she smiled, Alex came to stand before her, looking at her with worry and she saw that he was still upset."let's go I will walk you home" he said and she nodded her head. They walked beside each other not saying a word to each other, then he spoke, "are you alright?" he asked and she looked at him, her eyes locked with his and she nodded her head before saying"hm"

"that man is dangerous, how long have you been working with him?"

"more than a year"

"you should stop, what if he just locks you in the store one day and do things to you"

"things like what, rape?" she asked and he nodded his head and her lips curved into a smile, was he worried about her, is that why he his upset, she thought" I will be fine"

"Josephine" her name rolled out of his delicate lips

"am searching for another job" she said and he looked at her with worry, he wanted to offer her help but then decided to remain quiet.If Josephine hadn't stopped him at the store, he was sure the man would be on an hospital bed right now, probably collecting oxygen because he would have beaten him black and blue, how dare him call her a fool and a bitch, he thought and clenched his hand into a fist."am not comfortable with the man, he should be taught a lesson" he said and she smiled

"why are you smiling, does the whole thing sound funny to you"

"no" she replied and looked away from him, then she thought of asking him about the lady she saw with him at the restaurant, she didn't want to ask him as he still looked upset but she wouldn't be at peace if she doesn't and for her own peace, she gathered courage and spoke. "Alex" she called and he looked at her and smiled and the anger on his face died down, he loved the sound of his name on her lips that alone soothe his soul.

"what?" he asked

"I have a question"

"go ahead"

"the lady you came to the restaurant with that day who is she to you" she said looking at him

"why?" he asked

"I just want to know"

"she is my fiancee, am engaged to her, but am breaking it off, I don't want to marry her"

"why?" she asked still looking at him her eyes carrying curiosity then he met her gaze "because I don't like her"

"then why did you get engaged to her"

"because I thought I would come to like her, but I just didn't"

"what made you think so?"she asked

"I guess I wasn't thinking straight" he said and they chuckled.

"Is that why you said she is the source of your problem that you can't get rid off"


"do you have someone you like" she asked and his lips curved into a smile

"I won't answer that" he said and she frowned.

"look we are at your house" he said pointing at her gate and she frowned again, how did they get here so quick, she thought.

"how will you get back?" she asked

"don't bother yourself with that"

"alright, thank you"

"take care of yourself" he said

"bye" she waved her hands and he waved back at her, reluctantly she walked into the compound. He watched as she walked into the compound and sighed, this time around, he decided to walk back to his car to clear his head and he began to walk out of the street slowly.

watch out for more chapter, keep reading and support the book with your power stones to support and encounrage author.