
The War of the Kingdoms

A cast of actors, famous for their roles in the hit show "The War of The Kingdoms" are ready to film the last scene of a very long day, when a sorceress thrusts them into that very same world the show portrays. Now in the world of Noth Mildor, a place they once believed as a land of fiction, they soon realize that this world and the war between the world's Kingdoms are anything but fiction. With the help of a few, they learn the magic and sorcery that energizes the world and all around it, hoping to survive and explore this mystical and beautiful place while being on guard not to be devoured by it.

NKino · ファンタジー
31 Chs


Lemir slid into the bubble like sphere, almost crushing the others as he crashed into the edge. He quickly stood up and dusted himself off, pretending like it had never happened. Lemir made his way to an empty seat that looked similar to a plastic inflatable chair, plopping himself down as the chair swelled up in every direction, barely holding its shape.

Taril walked around to make sure the others were securely in their seats like an amusement park worker before the ride. Taril was a member of the Xerhilian species, amphibians that were lean and quite tall, usually measuring around seven feet tall. Their skin that almost mirrored the ocean, translucent with green and blue hues. He walked to the front of the bubble and through the door where his ship was attached. After a few seconds, the bubble detached from the wall as it now glided through the deep blue ocean. They all stared in amazement as they were moving side by side with the beautiful sea life surrounding them. The bubble was transparent all around, giving them a full view of the ocean, reminding them of being in an aquarium back home. Lemir, although usually tough and stern, even he couldn't help but show his excitement, as he glanced in every direction, looking at the wonders of the ocean. As the front door opened, Taril decided to put the ship on autopilot and stretch his legs a bit.

"Valier asked me if I could provide shelter for you all. I begrudgingly said yes, but I didn't know one of them would be an Arthmon." Taril said, as he spoke so eloquently while trying to offend Lemir.

"Maybe it slipped her mind." Lemir said, crossing his arms and not making eye contact.

"Well, you seem like you've been around for a while, so I don't have to tell you how dangerous it is for outsiders." Taril said, walking around the seats as he pretended to fix the unbroken door.

"No, you do not."

"Well, we should be there within the hour."

"Thank you."

Kalindil looked from Taril to Lemir repeatedly, hoping this awkward conversation would end soon. The tension between the Arthmons and Arthlondrians went back as far as the history of Noth Mildor itself. A war that Kalindil wouldn't want repeated in this underwater ship. The Arthlondrian walked back to his seat, opening a book and resting his feet on his dashboard.

"What's the plan when we get there?" Kalindil asked while staring up at Lemir.

"Taril is to escort us to an area where we can lay low for a bit. We must be on our toes at all times. This kingdom, like the others, don't care too much for outsiders."

Kalindil knew that, but hearing Lemir speak with such uncertainty while steadily approaching Athlondria made this trip seem even more terrifying. Kalindil always had the protection of his grandmother Valier. Even during the turmoil of the overthrow of the Elk Fenios Kingdom, she provided such security that he never had to worry about anything. He never ventured so far away from his home, nor wanted to, even when crossing the border into Vuldrig seemed utterly terrifying to him those few years ago. As he grew and was now in his 20's he knew he had to become his own person, and not relying so heavily on the people around him. He saw this as an opportunity to finally grow into a warrior like his grandmother.

Jin sat there staring outside into the passing sea, thinking about nothing besides Mei Lee. How long has it been? It seems like I lost so much time since falling here. But finally, I'm able to see her once again.

"You must be very excited to see Mei." Yama said as he looked at Jin with a playful smirk, almost like he read his mind.

"That is quite the understatement."

"Well, to be honest, even though we're headed into, from what I hear, a dangerous place for us, I'm excited." Yama said, breathing deeply, his fist clenched on his knees while staring forward.

"So am I."

"What kind of food do you think they have there? I'm assuming, looking at our driver, it's not going to be sushi." Yong said as he turned around in his seat, resting his arms on the backrest.

"Shut up, Yong. Are you trying to get us killed before we even arrive?" Yama said, as he glared at Yong.

"Sorry, I was only joking." Even though we experienced a rather dark time in the dungeon, Yong seemed rather unfazed by the entire experience. Still looking like a child on a school field trip.

"Personally, I'd be happy with anything edible at this point. It has to be better than the nothing they gave us in that jail we were in." Wataru said.

"Very true. I have never felt so famished in my life. I would've fainted multiple times if not for that potion Jasmin's friend gave us." Sora said, as her stomach growled so loud it startled Junichi, waking him up from his nap.

"What ocean beast was that?" Junichi asked while scanning the bubble in fear.

"How long has it been? We must be almost there, right?" Wataru asked.

As Wataru asked, everyone stared outside the window to see a sparkling castle up ahead, like a diamond in the sunlight. The castle glinted in every angle and movement in the water. Everyone moved to the edge of the bubble, hoping to get a better look at the Kingdom. They all marveled at the elegant craftsmanship of the buildings that appeared so modern but were rich with history. Their faces slowly transitioned from excitement to confusion when the ship didn't slow down when they reached the castle. Steadily the ship continued to the murkier part of the kingdom, one that didn't have the same sparkle that the castle had, but instead a slimier appearance. The ship turned upwards when reaching the mountain that extended from the depths of the ocean to the high altitude above. Climbing the rocky path and landing harshly on the unleveled floor. The bubble popped as they stopped, as the ocean air rushed through the cabin, sending a misty chill through the air. Lemir unbuckled his seat as Kalindil soon followed.

"Everyone follow me." Taril said as he exited his seat.

Everyone rushed to follow him, as he made it apparent, he wasn't waiting for anyone. They traveled through the sharp tunnels of the mountain as water dripped endlessly around them. The tunnel was lit by a string of moldy bulbs, powered by an unknown source, swinging from a gust that chilled the murky air. A light at the end of the cave approached them slowly. Kalindil wasn't sure if he should be excited or not. As he glanced back at the rest, it was revealed he wasn't the only one.

The tunnel ended as the bright light sent a shock through their eyes. As their eyes finally adjusted to their surroundings, it revealed a pallet of colors and sounds. They were mesmerized by the endless music and dancing that almost suffocated them. All around were people wearing loose clothing from their neck to their ankles, flowing with each movement they made. Endless rows of food for sale that surrounded the walkway. A medley of different types of food, from stews, pastries, and much more. Lemir had to restrain a few of them from diving at the tables, reminding them to stay on track. As they continued, ribbons and magic shot into the air, like they arrived in the middle of a festival or parade, struggling to follow Taril to the place they would lay their head. Everyone didn't want to get separated so they all had to nudge their way through the pathway, bumping into people as elbows we're jabbing into them. Even though he felt weak from hunger, Yama still possessed the strength of a bulldozer, clearing a path with ease. Soon one by one everyone decided to stay close behind Yama, Jin and Lemir as they helped guide the way through the chaos.

They finally made it through the crowd and into a more secluded area. Taril took out a key and opened the old wooden door. All their eyes stared inside the structure befuddled, surprised and overwhelmingly relieved to see where they would be staying. Behind the wooden doors, Taril revealed a lavishly decorated room, as they saw Mei Lee and the rest of them, eating until their heart's content on a large wooden table. As the others heard the door open, Mei Lee turned and faced the door, her eyes met instantly with Jin's. She jumped from her seat and ran into Jin's arms, embracing him as he did to her, like a soldier returning from war.