
The war hero of destruction

One day humanity changed in a instant.. some people in the world recived a game like message.. ' Villain or Hero ' Chaos started to happen.. many died.. 25% of humanity died in the ongoing war, villains vs heros. But as time passed laws and agreements were made by these two because of one child..

nubwriter777 · アクション
1 Chs

20 years later...

In a world were villains and heros existed chaos will always appear between those two but one day that all stoped because of 1 child.

New laws were made, you cannot kill if a villian is in a villains territory or a hero is in a hero territory, if a hero decides to enter a villains territory all the villains have the right to kill/attack the hero, if a villain enters a heros territory all heros have the right to kill/attack the villains.

Each person who either chosen villain or hero had the ability to obtain a system, each system are ranked the higher rank the system the more powerful you are.

'News reports, hello people today we have some interesting news. The legendary hero LightningBash has arrested a another A class villain who was trying to pass the boarder and started to cause chaos'.

"huh, looks like these villains are trying to cross the border lately" said a man holding a beer in his hand as he takes a sip.

"yea, yesterday they caught another one trying to cross the boarder" said a women making beer for a customer .

"uh-m.. could I- ... get the regular please..?" said a man with a skinny structure and blackhair with eyes that look like they could close at any minute, and with a shy introvert aura surrounding him.


the doors slam to the walls as a gang of people with scars and this nasty aura surrounding them enter. As they walk to the counter and took a seat.

"Hey! let me get a beer make it quick and get some more for my guests!" said a man with a deep ugly voice and a scar in between the eyes. As the gang of people chattered about stuff.

Then walks in a women whos face was unbelievably beautiful with this skinny but strong slim structure as she walks to the counter.

"May i get the regular" said the women in this clam soothing voice as she takes a seat next to the shy man.

"woah she must be a model" said one person in the background.

"Hey beauty, Wana come with me tonight we can have fun" said one of the gang of people with this muscular structure.

"no thanks" said the women

"who said it was a option?" said the man as he placed the beer on the counter and streches out his hand to grab the women.

"ugh let go!" said the women in a frighten tone

but everybody just irgnored the situation, only 45% of the population received a message while the rest were clueless. And these Gang of people were known to be villains.

"let her go" said the shy man but with a vicious tone enough to send shivers down your spine.

"Ha! look at this kid tryna be a hero!" said one of the gang of people.

"since im feeling rather nice today ill let what you said go so hush and mind your business" said the muscular man.

"last time, let her go.." said the shy man as he got up with his fist all balled up.

"ya know what lets teach this punk a lesson" said one of them.

As the gang of people got up, and then one of them charged forward and striked with his fist but only to miss and get hit in the chin and get knocked out.

"Heh, this kid got some moves huh" as they all charge at him only to be defeated by 1 hit.

As the muscular man sees this he then let's go of the women and charges at him as this glowing light in his fist appears as he strikes.


but the big blown didn't even scratch the shy man at all.

"wha- what!.." the muscular man said in shock only to to be hit in the face and pass out on the floor.

As the room turns slient and everbody looks at the man who took down a gang of villains with a weak body?..

"thanks!" said the women in a thankful tone.

The women then hands the shy man a card.

"sorry i have to go, here take this when your free make sure to come torrmow ill compensate you.." said the women as she hurried on..