
The Wanted Prodigy

Dazai, a supposed murderer of his own kin, a dangerous man known for ruthless blood shedding, yet, he may not be what he is seen as. On the other hand, his older brother, Damien, a normal guy who had the bad luck to be Dazai;s family. The two brothers fate connects after 10 long years, the years Dazai spent in jail, and Damien, putting together his broken life. Yet again, the truth is not what it seems, but by then it’s too late to regret. (A sneak peek into the end) "If I could go back to the day you were eight, if I could rewind time, I would, brother" Damien whispered to the apparently sleeping Dazai, " I couldn't protect you, and you, you never told me the truth, you could have tried Dazai, to tell me that you were never the murderer we thought you were, I hate you" Sobs broke out from the man who had never cried from the day his parents died, today he was crying for their murderer, the irony. (There will be a book 2 with transmigration, I won't spoil it further) WARNING: This book is disturbing, read with caution.

Junehunter · SF
2 Chs

Work with me(Dazai's POV)

Damien looked at me with confused eyes, ever since i stepped into the light, i saw confusion in his eyes, it was clear he was surprised with my appearance.

"It's suicide, working for A.R.Z as a double agent" he said.

I chuckled, "You, worrying about me? That's definitely a first"

Damien scowled, "it's not worry"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever"

I walked to the door, opened it and said, without turning back.

"If you accept my offer to work together, come to Stratsford street, 20 miles from here, you'll know where to come once you get there"

I walked out, closing the door behind me, i sat on my bike and looked at the house one more time, our home, under the absence of its inhabitants it was starting to fall in disrepair, yet to me, this was home.


I slumped pn the bed, i had met my brother after 10 long years, he had changed, he had grown taller and had gotten on some muscles, he still had the same black hair and black eyes, something that we got from our parents, i sighed, to him i was a murderer, a ruthless killer, well i had become one, but i was not as wrong as he thought i was, i was a kid, i blamed myself, but now, i realized, i never killed them, it took me years to realize that i never killed them, my parents, i was never their murderer, i sighed and sat up, He will come, i knew it in my guess, i looked in the mirror across from me, weird, i looked like both my mom and dad, i had his jaw and her hair and eyes.

Dazai's image came floating infront of me, he was familiar, yet unfamiliar, i remeber the unfamiliarity in his eyes, we both were strangers, and he knew it, i know his job, friends, hobbies, favourite food, house, where he goes on vacations, his enemies, but i don't know who he is, he knows nothing about me, and he probably never will, after all this ends, i will leave, quietly, and live like i always did, protecting him from behind yet not making my presence known, i was after all his younger brother, we need to help each other, but i am more capable than him.

i smiled at myself, all the things i went through since i was 9 was for my strength, all that was worth it, if i could protect him, the only family i have left, i got out from the hospital as soon as i turned 12 all these scars are the scars i got in those 4 years, i live alone, i only have enemies, i have no friends, the people closest to me get hurt, so i don't keep anyone close to me, my brother , most of my enemies go after him, he is my only weakness, but they never win, i am always behind him, watching from afar, not getting closer, but still closer than ever, he used to laugh with his friends and i used to wonder, would i have been there? Would you have smiled at me like that? And then i push myself back, its no use, i don't deserve that place.