
Chapter 1 [ Misfortune ]




How much different is one's life compared to another...?


Does everyone get whatever they want

in life...?


Can they achieve what they desire...?


If so, what will they lose as a sacrifice..?


The answer is NO! Such a desire was never a reality!




This was always my thoughts... Being an orphan I've never received parental love. I always

desired for it. When I see some of the families smiling during their fun times, i always feel envious.

But i knew there wasn't anything that I could do about it..!

After my parents died, i was taken in by

my Aunt and Uncle. I thought maybe they will make me happy. Betraying my expectations, i learned, that they adopted me for the money that was left behind by my parents...

I never cared about money anyway. So i never asked about it. But once the money was used up, they began harassing me. It was just cursing at first. Later they began to harass me mentally, physically...

They forced me to do work instead of studying. But I liked learning about new things. Thanks to some kind old people, i was able to get a job in a library.

It was not a simple country side library.It was a library filled with books from all over the world. Some rich old man had a desire to learn everything. But, unfortunately, his life didn't allowed it. After his death, his people built a library in memory of his desire and death.

There were a number of books written by world famous writers. As I can't learn like other kids, I slowly began to read, while enjoying the knowledge about unknown things.

Today i was reading a book called 'Molecules – The Elements and the Architecture of

Everything'. It's actually very good book. From the book, I was able to learn a lot about chemistry.

I heard that, if a student wants to learn chemistry, they have to be in high school! So I am quite lucky to be able to learn about science in such a deep manner.

In that library, there were food services. As I was a helper, who delivers food and needed books for the customers, after a specific time, I don't need to work at all. Thus, I took an apple juice and continued reading the book.

I took a sip. I was always so energetic when i read a book. But today was different. I felt little sleepy.

Maybe it was because i worked overtime. I returned the book to it's position and exited the library to get some air. I was actually already late. If I return later, my aunt will hit me. But, to earn more, I have to work more! Even if I have to endure some pain!

As i sighed thinking about my misfortune, i suddenly felt dizzy. I leaned myself onto the post

nearby. But before i could do something, i heard a vehicle closing in towards me, before stopping

and opening its door. As i was about to see who it was, i saw my vision going black....





Inside a dark room lit by a small light, there were two people. The adult man was walking

around as if trying to prepare for a holy ceremony. The other was an unconscious boy on a table tied to his hands and legs. The man sprayed some water on the tied person's face. He suddenly opened his eyes only to see a gloomy looking room. He looked around and saw the man. He tried getting off the bed but was unable to do so. Because he felt weak, he relaxed and asked,

"Umm... Excuse me... Where am i..?"

Hearing the boy's question the man smiled before saying "It's my Laboratory."

Hearing this, the boy was confused. Then the man asked him "What is your name and age

kid..?" The boy replied as he couldn't find any problems in telling his name, "Michael, and I am 15."

The man showed a smile when he heard his age and said,"15 huh...It's perfect" Not understanding the man's words the boy asked,

"Can you untie me..? I have to go home or I'll be in trouble."

Hearing Michael's words the man asked with an amused smile, "Oh…? What trouble..?"

"It has nothing to do with you" Michael replied to which the man smiled and said, "May

be your Aunt and Uncle will beat you..?" Hearing this Michael showed a surprised face.

But before he could ask him, the man said,

"You don't have to worry about them kid. After all you won't be going back anymore..."

"..??? What do you mean?"

The man showed a creepy smile this time before saying, "They sold you for money."


Michael could feel his heart quicken as he gasped. 'They did it at last' he thought.

"You aren't sad?"

"Not really. They never cared about me anyway. So this is how they thanked my family huh…"


"So what will happen to me now?"

"Are you sure you want to know…?" The man was surprised by his mature and calm personality. Michael nodded to which the man smiled before pulling down the sheet that was covering the near table.

Upon removing the sheet, any normal person who see what was behind them would vomit. There were tools. They were painted red. On closer check Michael could understand that it isn't paint but blood. That wasn't all. There were small

bottles filled with off-white liquid and small things. Michael who saw it understood what it was.


"Yep. You are very clever and knowledgeable for a 15 year old brat! You see, my boss's company buys live humans and we prepare the organs to sell them in the black market or wealthy hospitals. You are going to be cut into pieces"

'So I was born to only suffer….Why…? Why was I even born…?' Michael thought. He was calm as he knows that he can't escape even if he wanted to. So he said to the man , "Can you at

least make it painless…?"

"Of Course! Or Not! Do you think I would say so…? Hahaha..! I am not a doctor..! I am a torturer...! I find pleasure in it...! So why would I make it painless..!? The more you scream, the more delighted, I get..!"

The man asked as he picked up a tool that looked like pliers. Michael being an intelligent boy understood one thing. He can't escape. So he asked curiously,

"Are you not afraid of what will happen if everything is revealed to the public...?"

His question made the man smile evil and then he said, "Not really. Even if it is revealed, there are a lot of ways for me to escape" The man then aimed the plier at Michael's right forefinger and said, "I will start with your nails dear Michael....."

Feeling something entering under his nails forcefully, Michael gritted his teeth, but his bravado was lost the next second as the man began pulling the plier slowly. If it was sudden he may have been able to endure the pain. But enduring the pain and increasing it by second is something he never experienced. Still he didn't shout. His eyes were flooding with tears and his glums were bleeding.

Seeing the boy enduring the pain without crying out, the man made a sadistic face before moving onto the next finger. He aimed the plier at his middle finger next. Then his ring finger, pinky, and lastly thump. He did it slowly enjoying torturing Michael. Half an hour later he saw Michael bleeding from both his hands and limbs, whimpering but not crying out still. He was annoyed.

"What is it dear...? Don't you wanna cry out for help..? Hmm...?"

Michael feeling pain from his both hands and limbs Michael felt like losing consciousness. But he opened his eyes and looked at the man and smiled and said,

"I know...that..there is..no way..i..am going..to escape even..if I..shouted." He stopped to get some air, then he continued, If you....feel...pleasure in...doing something...like this...then I will do...my best...to not show..you what you...wants!"Michael smiled knowingly.

For the first time in his life, the man felt angry. Even when adults were his prey, they cried out in despair. But this young boy was challenging him.

"Good...good! I never felt this angry in my life. I will make you say 'please spare me' the hard way!"

He was planning to torture the boy to his satisfaction first. Now that he challenged him, he will show this kid how professional of a torturer he is...! The man threw the plier on the ground and then picked up a tool that looked like a small ice cream scooper.

"Since you are having fun while seeing me annoyed, I will pluck your vision first.."

Michael could only guess what the pain would be. He still has only one thought. If he was supposed to be suffering so much for nothing, then why is he even alive...? But before he could think more he felt his eyelids being opened forcefully. Upon seeing the tool in front of his pupils, he knew he couldn't keep the bravado for long. But still he gritted his teeth tightly. The man smirked like an evil being and forced the tool on his eye socket before pulling it out suddenly. Michael was surprised that the only pain he felt was a sharp one which instantly left him feeling nothing in his empty socket and darkness.

The man said, "Unfortunately I can't take it slowly on your eyes. If it is not in a good shape even a little bit, I will lose my head..." Before Michael could understand everything in his mind he felt emptiness in his other socket too. Only sensing darkness in front of him. He gritted his teeth again.

The next tool he picked was the most hurtful one. If Michael still had his vision he would be crying right now. Then he felt something soft touching his right chest right under his collarbone. But before he could ask what it was, it moved downwards bringing his pain to the highest level.


He cried loudly. There's no way a child of such an age can endure such pain. He knew what it was. The mad man was peeling his skin. It didn't stop there. It continued again from his middle chest.....
