

Minato Uzumaki makes the ultimate sacrifice of a father. He gave up his own son Naruto Uzumaki, knowing nothing of his past having nothing to go with but his own last name, a samurai in the shinobi world with one goal in mind, To find out about his clan and the legacy they left behind. in his journey he'll live by the samurai code even if it kills him

xlr8gh24 · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Ch - 9

Last time

Naruto made it to the bridge and took his blade out quickly slashing a senbon in half as a mist started to surrounding Naruto. Naruto's eyes got hard an serious*

Naruto:let's do this Shinobi scum


Naruto was slowly walking around in circle as the mist blinded him from the world, Naruto closed his eyes and remembered the teachings of his sensei*



We see a much younger Naruto bloody with multiple weapons on his body, standing up by pure will alone as his sensei walked around him twirling a kunai. Naruto was breathing heavily as multiple kunais flew by him with only one being the real one. Naruto slashed a fake kunai while The real kunai jammed in Naruto's shoulder making him lose feeling in that arm*


Naruto well on one knee the little boy was trying not to cry in pain, jinpachi was not impressed, as he yanked the kunai out of the shoulder*

Jinpachi:I see one tear and I'll kick you out to the snow, where you'll be sleeping for a month. Now get up! I didn't say you could rest

Naruto:y...y...yes sensei...

Naruto said spitting out blood as he forced himself on 2 feet holding his wooden sword with one arm, Jinpachi

wrapped a bandage over Naruto's eyes blinding him*

Jin:we live in a Shinobi world to survive it you need to learn to never rely on you eyes, eyes can always lie


Naruto dodged and slashed every senbon effortlessly as he listen to every senbon and change of the wind, Naruto slashed down a large tree branch making Haku come out

of his hiding place and land on the ground*

Naruto:ears never lie...still master jinpachi was an asshole

Naruto muttered to himself as he dashed towards Haku, Haku tried to block Naruto's sword slash with a kunai, but haku's eyes widen when instead of a slash from a sword, Haku was impaled in the shoulder by a spear. Naruto pulled the spear back and started stabbing forward with Haku jumping back every time. Haku flickered out of the way of a Stab. Naruto swapped the spear for his sword and stood still, Naruto tapped his foot on the floor*

Naruto" wooden sound, salty air, I'm at the bridge..."

Naruto thought as he slowly tried to make his way back to land before any damage come to the bridge*

Naruto"scent of blood"

Naruto swapped his sword for his bow and arrows, he turned around kneeling and shot his arrow, the arrow was destroyed. Naruto opened his eyes and they widen as thousands of senbon filled the sky*

Haku:Secret Jutsu: A Thousand Needles of Death

Naruto kneeled and protected his face as the needles flooded him some breaking on contact while others managed to pierced his armor and trickle on his skin. Naruto jumped under the bridge and held on a log as the rain of needles continued*

Haku:Water Style: Water Dragon Missile

Naruto heard as he turned around and was swallowed by a water dragon. The dragon crashed against a tree making Naruto open his mouth in shock and start suffocating. The dragon disappeared and Naruto took his mask off and puke out the water coughing violently*

Naruto:w...water should never be used like that...

Naruto said out of breath as he puts the mask back on and got up looking around*

Naruto:well this can't be good...

Haku:welcome to you're final destination

Naruto looked at Haku inside the mirror his wound sealed up by ice to stop the bleeding*

Naruto: cute, what do you call this?

Haku:my family secret technique. Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals this will be the place of your demise, once these mirrors appear no one can come in or out until one of us die

Naruto: I'm already dead, so stop talking and bring it on

Naruto said coldly going into fighting position, Haku raised his hands both filled with senbon as he dashed from mirror to mirror faster then Naruto's eye could see, piece by piece Naruto's armor started breaking apart, Naruto could only dodge for so long until more and more needles started to impale Naruto's body until Naruto ended on one knee, blood coming down his face and a calm expression never leaving his face*

Haku:this is the end, you foolish samurai why did you have to get involve?

Naruto managed to crack a smile since he noticed the change in haku's tone. Naruto stumbling a little got up on 2 feet. Haku saw Naruto swap his blade for his bow*

Naruto:because I'm a hero it's what I do nothing more nothing less. And you're right it's over but not for me

Naruto started pointing the bow with the string already pulled back*

Haku:you honestly think you can touch me? You can't even see me when I leave the mirrors

Naruto: there's no such thing as the perfect technique, every move has a counter, a weakness for this one? Well, come out and find out

Naruto's eyes showed nothing but determination, Haku Made More ice senbon as he went out and went on the attack again*


Naruto let go of the string and the arrow was shot, the arrow landed it's mark as Haku lost it's direction landing on a mirror that wasn't opened it shattered against all the

momentum and Haku crashed landed on a large stone with the arrow pierced inside the rock. Naruto slowly walked out of the dome looking at Haku who had an arrow right inside his chest*

Naruto:when you dash around you have to open one of the mirrors to enter but you can't open all of them at the same time, that was weakness one

Naruto took his tanto and walked to Haku who was struggling to break free from the arrow*

Naruto:you also followed the same patterned of movements made it easy to calculate and predict where you're next move was gonna be after watching it for some time. Thankfully I had that time

Naruto made it next to Haku and grabbed haku's hand moving it away from the arrow, Haku looked at Naruto*

Naruto:even if you take it out you'll die from the collapsed lung, please don't fight it...

Naruto said with a gentle voice. Haku's eyes looked so hollowed as his arms went limb, Naruto placed the tanto in haku's chest right where his heart is*

Naruto:may you be able to find peace in the next life, any last words?

Haku:z...Zabuza... I'm...I'm sorry...

Naruto stabbed haku's heart stopping its beating, Naruto took the arrow out and rested Haku in his lap. Haku looked up at Naruto as his body was increasingly getting colder. Naruto took both there mask off and saw Naruto smiling at him, Haku couldn't help but give Naruto a smile back. in his final moments Haku died in the arms of his friend. Naruto sighed and closed haku's eyes giving a small prayer for him. Naruto bite down on his thumb*

Naruto: summoning justsu

Naruto spat the blood in the air, the blood turned in to hundreds of butterflies flying around Naruto*

Naruto:take the needles out of my body and clean the blood of his, he deserved to be clean before he's buried away all the blood out of his body, they went to Naruto and dissolve every needle until there was none left, they injected naruto with haku's blood to replace the one he lost until Naruto waved them off. Naruto wrapped in bandages his wounds and got up grabbing his sword*

Butterfly:Naruto you're still tender with the new blood, you need to sit down and rest let you're body get used to it

Naruto: don't think I have much of a choice on that

Naruto said pointing with his sword in front of him, the butterflies looked and saw Zabuza making his way towards him. They quickly disappeared not wanting part of any human battle, Naruto bowed to them as they left, Naruto walked and stumbled feeling a headache already from the fresh blood as he made it to the entrance of the bridge*

Naruto:before we fight, I'll let you take his body to be buried

Zabuza:leave it for the maggots that's all the body is good for now

Zabuza said as he walked passed Haku making Naruto looked at him with a mix of anger and disgust. Naruto spits on the ground in front of Zabuza*

Naruto: absolutely disgusting behavior, you live up to your name Shinobi, a creature without honor, a creature without a soul since he sold it for Ryo. Absolutely disgusting. Once this is over I'll make sure to burry him since a proper burial is the least he deserves

Naruto got in to fighting position his hands trembling a little as he held his sword out. Zabuza didn't respond as he grabbed his blade, Naruto eyes widen lightly as he saw Zabuza hold his large sword one handedly*

Naruto: impressive

Naruto turned around and blocked a slash from the real Zabuza. Naruto felt on one knee struggling to withstand Zabuza superior strength*

Zabuza:you haven't seen anything yet you samurai...

To be continued

Gracias especiales ah:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe


nT_wolf 0

Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker




William Washington



True V Munoz-Bennett

Shawn sachs

Jamel Collins


Billy protonotarios

Alysha brown

Ashley Coleman

Abbie Jackson

Jordan Mace

Taivon cook

Kyla Evans

Max bell

Darren Belcher

Tyler Gist

Charles Sims
