
The Wandering Girl

This is a story about a girl who woke up in a forest without any of her memories, planning not to die without finding her identity and origin,she goes on an adventure to discover herself. Unknown to her,how really the world she woke up in, was full of danger and something more magical. Will she ever find her origin?, who knows. https://pin.it/5iSfZVp2L

LightWork · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Lost in A forest

Waking up in scared, my eyes were wide open, I quickly sat up taking a look at my surroundings, I had found myself laying on the rough ground of a forest. The forest was bright, had trees of various sizes, plants scattered around the bushes.

I had no idea of how I got here,the last place I was...I don't remember.why? Did I hit my head?

I checked my body it seems fine. Standing up, what should I do?, I have no memory of everything, excluding my name, maybe I would be remember eventually right?...

I looked at the sun, it seems to be in the afternoon, soon in a few hours it would be dark, I rather not stay outside in a forest alone, I must find shelter and other necessities.

I think shelter first would be alright, I prefer to be starving then out in a dark forest. Walking for a hour now, I finally found a small cave, carefully going inside, it was a decent size and cool away from the glaring Sun.

First Task; Shelter ✔️

Second Task; Food and Water

I left the cave, walking nearby, picking sticks up and dropping them in a pile, I would come back for it. I need food, maybe I should grab fruits? I don't think I could hunt small animals. Walking towards an apple tree I saw in the distance, I smiled, 'food!'.

I grabbed the tree's trunk and shoke it hard, multiple green apples,fell to the ground, I now need water to drink and wash this apples. Looking at the apples I picked up, how could I get them back to the cave? Looking around for anything that could help me, I saw some large leaves from a plant, cutting the leaves from the plant, I use around 5-7 large leaves to wrap around the apples. Carrying the wrapped apples to the cave, setting them in a corner, I remembered the sticks I left back in a pile, rushing out to gather them to the cave. What to do with them...? I could use it to make a ...fi?...fire. yes a fire! That would keep me warm for the night. How to make a fire?, .... smashing stones against each other should create a spark, I need leaves too, before going back out to gather leaves and I first of all grab a decent stick and dug a medium sized hole, surrounding smaller sticks in the hole.

'I still haven't found water, it's already getting dark, I should hurry and grab the leaves,' I had my arms filled with leaves, placing some in the hole, and grabbed the stones I found outside the cave, I started smashing them against each other, soon starks appeared, moving the sparks closer to the leaves in the hole, until they caught on fire!. Quickly adding more leaves and sticks, there! A small campfire.

I placed my hands in front of the fire, not so long ago, night had fall, hungry. I grabbed two apples and hungrily ate them.

Tired, from the day's events and fatigue, I leaned against the wall of the cave and slowly but surely fell asleep.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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