
The Wanderer - A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Dying painfully and in despair, Elijah Frost wakes up in a new reality, where he finally got the chance he had been denied before. Using his unique gift, he plans to wander the galaxy, as he enjoys the freedom his power grants him. ................................ This Fan-Fiction is a Crossover between the X-Men, MCU and the Marvel Comics. Characters, events and timelines will be mixed to create the world the MC finds himself in after his abrupt transmigration. It is a slow paced story and therefore a bit different than my other works, which means it will also be longer. I know that a lot of things are overused when it comes to FF in the MCU, so I can only ask you to trust me that I will create a unique story that will not leave you wanting for anything. There will be romance. I have no real update schedule, but advanced chapters of this story are on my p@treon account. I will probably only upload it here occasionally, as this account isn't a priority of mine and just exists to stop others from stealing my intellectual property. (My p@treon-acc: www.p@treon.com/GodOfFreedom; Don't forget to change the @ for an a...) Last, but not least, I don't own anything but my own characters, as I do not own the cover image, which I found on the internet. If you are the creator and want me to take it down, just send me a message or leave a comment. Enjoy!

GodOfFreedom · その他
181 Chs

Chapter 079 – Temporal Shield

[2009 – July]

The next few days I spent mostly sparring against Laura, though I asked her to use different styles and weapons each time. Being raised as a living weapon, Laura had been taught several deadly styles of Martial Arts and been trained to use dozens of different weapons with the sole intent to kill.

Among those styles were Krav Maga, Silat, and Vale Tudo, the last of which I became especially fond of as it quite literally meant 'anything goes' in Portuguese.

It was similar to Muay Thai in the sense that a lot of its techniques were lethal and were banned from use in competitions, as there existed no rules or regulations for Vale Tudo, making it one of the most lethal fighting styles around.

Using Adaptive Muscle Memory, I absorbed Laura's proficiency and skill in those fighting styles, which helped greatly in furthering my skill in close-quarters combat while also learning from her how to use a few different types of bladed weapons.

The best part about sparring with Laura though was that there was basically no holding back on either side. Thanks to Body Supremacy I didn't have to worry about injuries as long as my brain wasn't damaged while Laura was much the same with her Regenerative Healing Factor.

Our spars were straight-up brutal, their ferocity shocking Jean greatly as she had come by to watch a few times. Still, it helped me greatly in making me more familiar with my newest power.

Laura also seemed to be much less 'tense', as our spars seemed to help her vent some of her more violent urges. I understood that being raised as a killer and being Logan's daughter, meant that her tendencies for violence and aggression were naturally different than those of a normal teenager, our spars giving her an outlet to just let go.

My attraction to her was still there, but with Body Supremacy I had full control over my physical body, so I was in full control when it came to my reactions to her presence. I had realized that staying away from her wasn't necessary as I did have the required self-control to not act on this attraction, not to mention that I really enjoyed spending time with her.

This might just be what monogamy was all about. Being attracted to someone else despite already having a spouse wasn't something bad or fiendish, as I did believe that it was impossible to decide who you were attracted to.

It was the decision to not act on it that made one monogamous. And I would never do something that would knowingly hurt Jean like that.

I had realized that she was the only one I needed to be happy the day I had granted myself Body Supremacy. That she could be so distraught by the simple thought of me being in pain, was heart-breaking, and it had touched me deeply. Truly, I never wanted to be the cause of her pain.

I also spent a lot of time getting familiar with my indirect spatial manipulations, trying to replace the use of the Sling Ring with it.

I shrunk my shield to just cover my body and clothes while 'teleporting' different distances repeatedly, strengthening my fine control over this new power. There were however some problems with this type of teleportation.

One of the problems I faced was the fact that I couldn't move through physical objects, meaning that I couldn't use this ability to leave a closed room. Still, I had found a way around that after remembering something about Quicksilver.

Every particle in space vibrated at a specific frequency at all times, even space itself did. Modulating that frequency made it possible for one physical object to pass through another without interacting with each other, as interference wasn't possible for some frequencies.

It took some testing with a few unfortunate tennis balls, which had died a rather gory death, but eventually, I managed to figure out the right way to manipulate my barrier to pass through physical objects, giving me the ability to move through walls and other obstacles.

The greater problem though was that due to the fact that the barrier moved too fast for my senses to catch up to, I had to see beforehand where I wanted the barrier to move toward to ensure that I even moved in the right direction.

In the end, I had no other choice but to use Self-Creation to give myself the Alpha-level ability Farsight, which allowed me to see beyond physical obstacles and had a range that entirely depended on the strength of my mind.

The larger the distance, the greater the pressure on my mind, though thanks to the fact that it was an Alpha-level ability and my mind being enhanced beyond human limits, the range was still enough to enable me to spy on places all over the world.

Admittedly, this made my teleportation abilities rather useless when it came to visiting other planets and worlds for the time being, but it still allowed me to move freely around Earth.

The process of inheriting this ability though had been particularly uncomfortable, as my eyes had felt as if they had been boiled and frozen over and over. Still, this time Jean had been by my side and I couldn't deny that her presence and gentle caresses had been incredibly soothing.

Thanks to Body Supremacy, I naturally could have just shut off my pain receptors, but the whole point of enduring the pain of Self-Creation from the beginning until now had been to temper myself, and help me never forget that all power came at a price.

Otherwise, I could have just casually given myself an Epsilon-level power that would allow me to shut off my ability to feel pain.

There was something else I had noticed over the last few days, which was the fact that due to my mental capabilities increasing, my Programm-ability had also improved and I could now allow my subconscious to execute two more pre-programmed tasks instead of just one.

Wearing some loose workout clothes for a change, I sat in a lotus position on the living room floor, having pushed aside the coffee table beforehand.

Jean was also present as she sat at the small dining table, reading up on some medical literature while wearing a pair of yoga pants and one of my shirts, her hair done up in a messy bun. She absentmindedly chewed on a pen while listening to some music, her chin resting in her left palm.

She was beautiful, and I had to force myself to turn away my gaze as I could spend hours just watching her.

The small frown whenever she came across something she didn't understand, followed by the innocent smile when she figured it out were just too adorable, making it hard for me to not grab her and ravish her on the table right then and there.

Still, I had something important to do, so I concentrated as I closed my eyes and focused intently as I created an ethereal barrier around myself. The moment I did though, I felt a huge and sudden force slamming into my mind, feeling as if someone had just brought down a sledgehammer on my head.

Gritting my teeth I didn't let up, as I kept the barrier active despite the painful pressure, I even went a step further and used Programm so that this barrier would stay active indefinitely, the same way my anti-divination barrier did.

Suddenly two soft and warm hands lay themselves on my temples, gently massaging my scalp as I felt Jean move into my lap. When I opened my eyes with some minor effort, I saw her lovely green eyes looking at me with care and worry as she addressed me.

"You suddenly held your head and grunted in pain, what happened?", she asked softly, not stopping her massaging as I sighed in relief, her gentle care doing wonders in distracting me from the painful pressure in my mind.

"I set up a temporal shield to prevent someone from interfering with my past.", I explained as I closed my eyes again and leaned forward, resting my head on Jean's chest while wrapping my arms around her waist.

Stopping her gentle ministrations for just a moment, she stated in mild surprise: "I didn't know that was a risk. Should I be worried?"

"Not anymore.", I replied while inhaling her wonderful and calming scent, "I don't know how much you know about the Multiverse and alternate timelines, but now that I shielded my own existence from temporal interference, this timeline is most likely also safe from that."

"Or I just created an alternate timeline that is isolated from outside interference. I don't really know which it is.", I explained honestly, "Either way, as long as this barrier is active no one can travel to my past to eliminate me or change something. It's a simple precaution as there are a few beings in existence that have time-related powers."

"Though this shield is considerably harder to keep active than I had expected. I will get used to it though, I just need a few more minutes.", I added with another comfortable sigh, resting my head on Jean's soft breasts.

"Are you sure you didn't just make this up so that you can take a rest with your head in between my breasts?", Jean giggled as she asked softly, her hands moving into my hair as she gently massaged my scalp.

"I wish I did.", I replied with an exhausted sigh, knowing that time-travel shenanigans were sadly not something rare in the Marvel Universe.

"Well, that's too bad.", Jean whispered softly, before she added in a flirty tone, "I wouldn't mind if you did, my breasts love the attention."

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This story has more than 80 advanced chapters on my p@treon account. I will probably only upload it here occasionally, as this account isn't a priority of mine and just exists to stop others from stealing my intellectual property.

(My p@treon-acc: www.p@treon.com/GodOfFreedom; Don't forget to change the @ for an a...)

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