
chapter 22 : First son.

The next morning, Calvin sat and ate breakfast just like the rest of those men in the mess hall.

The room was noisy and the atmosphere was good-humoured, all the survivors knew each other and had developed a spirit of camaraderie.

Molly and Reyes who were at his table were chatting with him while Lee was with Clementine, Duane and Sophia, his students.

The children had had a bit of a growth spurt since before winter and in these two weeks, they were going to teach the young ones how to kill a walker despite their small size.

 They were thinking about a program when Diana came to approach Calvin's table with three other women including the girl he saved the day before while the others didn't even look at them, these women were unimportant pain in the ass.

They stood there as Calvin lazily looked at them like Molly. The young girl he rescued the day before looked at him, blushing.

 Cal: What do you want?!

 Diana: We came to apologize and thank you for helping us. You killed honest, good women who suffered greatly but-(interrupted)

 Calvin: Your sisters wanted to kill my men for no good reason and I gave you a chance to surrender but your arrogance led to your downfall. I don't care about your experiences or your reasons, only the lives of my men matter. Men, women or children, no matter who will be a threat to them, they are the enemy just like you now.


 Calvin: Your apologies and thanks are accepted. Now get out ladies, you're interrupting my breakfast.

 Diana: Actually, the girls and I were wondering if we could join your community.

 Calvin: What?! Ahahahah the nerve !!! Ahahahahah It's too much! NO WAY !! You tried to kill my men.

 Sam: You said you accepted our apology!

 Cal: Oh, you're the little fool I rescued yesterday! (To Reyes) This idiot kept waving and scratching me, I really wanted to kill her. (to the girl) What is your name ? 

 Sam: Samantha…my name is Samantha. Sorry for-(interrupted)

 Cal: Very well child, it's not because I excused your attack that I have forgiven you. Furthermore, the first impression I have of someone or a group of people is the one that stays in my head in relation to the people concerned. If I think you and your friends are assholes then you will be in my head for a very long time.

 Sam: Jerk !

 Rachel: Sam, that's enough. You owe him your life.

 Cal: Maybe the jerk should have left you to die yesterday! Now get out of my sight ladies.

 Rachel: The girl from yesterday, the one to whom I owe my life, do I-(interrupted)

 Cal: You tried to kill her father, you won't see her.

 Sam: At least give us some food.

 Cal: You are strong and independent women, why ask for food from a poor useless man. You will have nothing here, go and find your livelihood elsewhere

 They left while Molly and Reyes looked at him intently.

 Cal: What?!

 Reyes: You're really too cruel with them.

 Cal: My dear, I didn't take Danh and his daughter under my wing to let them die. He counts on me, his daughter also counts on me like everyone else to keep them alive. I was very kind to these idiots because if Danh had ever been mortally wounded, these women would have been exterminated. They thought they would do better without the help of men, so they will carry on until the end.

 Molly: He's right.

 Calvin: By the way Molly, you're the one who's going to train the kids in close combat against the dead.

 Molly: The method is not difficult, quickly sidestep, hit the side of the leg to knock him off balance then quickly finish him off on the ground. I trust Duane, Sophia and Clementine….but the others…

 Cal: You can give them tests and don't take any fearful people among them, panicking when faced with a walker face to face is guaranteed death. If they don't have the required mental predisposition then don't take them. ..for now. They'll grow up and be ready later, it's normal to be afraid. 

 Molly: Understood.

 Reyes: They are children!!!

 Cal: False. They are children of the apocalypse, they will be educated accordingly. Do you think that for a walker there are children?! They will be his lunch and nothing more. They will not only be fed and protected even if Clementine already does wonders with a gun and with Duane, Sophia has learned to survive in stealth outside, I want these children to be prepared as much as possible.

 Reyes: I understand, new world new education...

 Cal: We have to adapt, my dear, and they even more than us.

 Later in the day, Molly was giving the kids tests while Calvin still watched, sipping a glass of whiskey while he played the guitar.

Reyes was sitting near him and listening to the random melodies he played, she was deeply shocked because he was good, he was even very loud.

His touch, his rhythm, everything was perfect. (he can manipulate and understand perfectly everything he touches.)

 Reyes: You never told me you played guitar so well !!!

 Cal: Guess I have talent. I like to impress my wife.

 "Looks like it'll just be them..." Molly said downstairs while of all the kids the only ones still there were Clementine, Duane, Sophia and Danh's daughter Rose with another boy Cal quickly recognized .

It was Rachid, a 10-year-old Moroccan boy who came on vacation with his rich family when the epidemic began.

He saw his family being devoured before his eyes but was saved by a survivor who himself had died leaving the child in a small camp of nomadic survivors who tried to survive until Calvin finds them.

 The child was young but his eyes were determined, Cal came down from where he was with Reyes and looked at the 5 children who had managed to contain their fear before stopping in front of Rachid who lowered his eyes a little because he greatly admired Calvin who was a superhero for him.

Cal looked at him for a few seconds before kneeling on the ground in front of the young boy to talk to him.

 Cal: Do you want to become my first son?


 Rachid immediately raised his head to look at Calvin in surprise before lowering his head and nodding weakly.

 Cal: Raise your head my son, I will make you strong and you will never have to lower your head again. What was the last name your father gave you.

 Rachid: BENALI

 Cal: Your full name will now be Rachid Benali Lincoln, you will live with Doctor Reyes and me, from now on you are the first of my children.

 Rachid: Thank you leader, but why me?!

 Cal: I like your look and my Instinct tells me that you will be a wonderful heir. (puts hand on his shoulder) Welcome to the family, son. Molly will train you with the others but you will have special training with me.

 Rachid: I will have a sword too?

 Cal: (laughs) I'll make you a real one but for now you'll have to practice with a wooden sword or saber. You are not yet big and strong enough for that so we will train you in something else first like the others. All right ?

 Rachid: (nods).

 Calvin: That's good, son.

 He gestured to Molly and she started some light training for them, she didn't tire them out too much as they had classes to take with Lee and another survivor teaching them math.

These kids were the future and he was going to make it better for them, the world was fucked but they were going to survive it the right way.

Two days later, they began to eliminate the horde that the trucks were blocking. Calvin had asked the drivers to create a little space between the vehicles to let the walkers enter in small streams as the survivors with their spears began to kill, they needed practice.

 Behind, Diana and the other feminists watched with apprehension, they expected it wouldn't work and that they would end up being overwhelmed, but they had underestimated the training survivors had received with their spears.

They showed great concentration and discipline in their group formation, they made no unnecessary moves and were very quick to kill the walkers.

When they needed to rest a little, the survivors in the rear ranks took their places orderly and quickly.