Hi, Fellow Readers, This here is a Fanfic featuring Lee Everett of the Walking Dead game, It's a Transmigration Story This Story will have a System This will also have Harem Smut as Well . It will follow both Comics and the TV series of the Walking Dead ... Hope you guys enjoy this Story
"Hi Sandra, It's Lee Everett and this is my family"
Lee introduced himself as he put the away while making a gesture to shake her hand
"Ah Sorry I didn't come out earlier I thought some people entered to steal or something"
Sandra and Lee shook hands, He could tell she was nervous and wary of the Everett family, Since Clementine was not with her meant Sandra hid her away or she was in the tree house
"Don't mention it, The city isn't safe so we thought people must've started leaving their houses, I wanted to find more food if possible so we could get by till we make more arrangements"
Lee said as he started eyeing the room for any supplies, That look tensed the atmosphere for the Everetts and Sandra
"We have nothing"
Sandra spoke while glancing at all the uninvited guests, She wanted to keep Clementine hidden just in case and now she felt a little relieved that she did that Since Lee seemed to be interested in their supplies
Lee's Brother who Lee calls bud asked her right away
"Don't worry, It must be her parents or kids"
Lee immediately spoke as he saw his Brother tensing up, Lee walked toward his father
"Let's wait here for a while, rest our minds and then leave, We can't get near those dead ones or the Military"
Lee said loud enough for everyone to hear, He didn't notice that his presence was unsettling for Sandra till the 'We' part, He needed her to calm down and get her to trust them
"Why avoid the Military?"
Sandra felt even more frightened at that, She thought they were an even bigger threat if the Military itself tried to kill them
"The Military isn't trying to save anyone, They think that this disease has got us all so they are killing everyone, They most likely would bomb the entirety of Atlanta to keep things contained"
Lee explained to Sandra which relieved her
"I suggest you to gather all the supplies you can gather and leave the city"
Lee continued as he moved toward the Glassdoor
"That's what she said"
Sandra spoke in a low-pitched voice but everyone heard it, Lee and his Brother turned towards her and if it weren't for her serious expression Lee would've thought she was trying to make a joke with that sentence
"What do you mean?"
"I don't live here, I'm a babysitter for Clementine, Her parents left for Savannah, and Her Mother called saying they were going to be stuck there because of some incident which is definitely related to this disease, Then they called again telling me to call the police as things are getting out of hand, I called but the line was busy, she also told me to leave the city but I couldn't go since there are dead's walking outside, I needed to get to my house to see If my mom is ok but I couldn't leave Clementine alone either so I stayed, I didn't tell her any of this yet, She's inside the treehouse over th-"
As Sandra was pointing at the Tree House, The phone started ringing, Sandra was relieved that the phones were still working and got there, The phone though stopped ringing as she got there
"That stopped quickly, It's not working anymore"
Sandra tried to call back but the line got cut off, The mobile networks stopped working, Lee confirmed it as he called his parent's shop's phone, The call didn't even ring and got cut off, Lee wasn't expecting much anyway
He kept looking through the window for any signs of Shawn and Chet, That was the only window he had to make it out of here, If they wouldn't get here then he would've had to take everybody to Macon
He had confidence in snatching the place of the St. Johnson family, Those Cannibals don't deserve that place, He could use that place as a base for his group till he could find a place with more safety and supplies, That confidence came because of his System's provided Skills
As Lee kept thinking of alternatives for survival, They heard the phone beeping, This time it was a voice note that Sandra played, At this moment only Lee and his Brother were there since his parents had gone out to have a chat with Clementine who just got down from the Tree House
It was the same Heart Breaking voice note consisting of Clementine's mother crying for her daughter, Sandra started crying while Lee's brother tried to comfort her
Lee gave them a moment and left the room, Although he was aware of the depressing moments of this game but hearing it while seeing Sandra react to it wasn't the same as playing the game
He didn't let it linger for long and made his towards His parents who were talking to a precious little girl, She was smiling while talking to them, His mother introduced them to which Lee just smiled at her, He didn't need to involve himself with her yet since his parents were taking care of that part for now
Lee got to the main gate waiting for his saviors, He was going to wait for about an hour more, Once it's passed he would take everybody with him and head towards Macon
"We should leave this place"
"Go where then?"
"Anywhere! Outside of the city, Let's go towards Countryside"
"Let's just go back to Macon"
"Yeah, You two should tag along as well"
Lee heard the discussion his family was having with Sandra, Lee turned from the gate to head for them as he heard a car sound, He ran to take cover while signalling everyone to keep quiet which they complied
When he saw people in the car crashing into the cars on the road he smiled, He immediately recognized the two saviors he had waiting for, Shawn Greene and Chet
The collision made a loud noise to which Lee reacted and ran at them
"Get in here! Walkers are closing in!"
Shawn and Chet although shocked by the hit didn't waste much time and ran inside the gates, Lee saw three walkers who were going towards the car so he threw a rock at a further car's window which they started walking toward, ignoring them
Shawn and Chet thanked him briefly as they sat on the ground breathing hard as if they ran to get here, It was fear and shock from the accident
Lee was happy that they showed up and without wasting much time got to have a chat with Sandra
"Is there a Gun Shop nearby?"
Sandra flinched at the sudden question but quickly nodded
"I'll Go with you, My parent's place is also nearby, We will need guns to get her out"
Sandra said as she handed Clementine to Lee's parents who happily obliged
"You should get out of the city, It's dangerous"
Shawn said as he started walking toward Lee
"Thanks for saving us, It's Shawn, Shawn Greene and that's Chet"
"I'm Lee, and this is my Family, We were about to leave but I think we would need guns from here on out so I'm going to fetch us, Can you wait for me here so we can go together, If things go wrong just leave and get to the main road behind us"
Lee said as he pointed toward the back wall which led toward the road, Shawn nodded right away which relieved Him, With the backup plan ready Lee left and emptied his brother's bag which had clothes and a gun, He was going to keep most of the things in his inventory while packing some in the bag
He started to wonder why Shawn agreed to his request so quickly, Like he knew Shawn was a good guy but wouldn't just do things that endanger his life, It had been like that since the beginning with his Family and now Shawn, Though Sandra was doubtful of him at first but she still hasn't dropped her guard around him so it might be a coincidence
It was a little difficult to convince his mom and dad to let him go and his brother to stop tagging along, He told his brother to protect them while he gets the gun which finally convinced the Everett family
Sandra and Lee climbed the wall to get into the neighbour's house, Lee and Sandra started going from house to house, Every house had at least a few supplies which Lee kept adding to his Inventory which wasn't in sight of Sandra
As they traveled for around Half-Hour, They arrived near the Gun Store, It was quite huge meant there might be quite a lot of Guns, The problem was that near the entrance were around 20 Walkers
Lee didn't know if he would have to use this strategy this quickly but there wasn't much of a choice, He knew this worked and it was time to implement it
We went outside of the house porch and walked towards a single walker a little further from the main group and killed it, He dragged it back to the gate where Sandra had closed the door
"Are we going to kill them one by one like this?"
Sandra was confused about Lee bringing a dead body here but the next second she felt like puking as the scene unfolding in front of her was gruesome
Lee shoved the knife into the walker's stomach and started taking its guts out, He put a blanket on him and started applying the guts of the walker on him
"What are you doing?"
Sandra calmed herself and asked Lee
"The smell and noise attract them, But they don't eat each other means the smell of the dead on us can make them feel that I'm one of them"
"You Sure?"
"Yeah, I think so"
"You think so?"
Lee didn't reply and stood up, He found a broken flashlight in one of the houses he was scavenging, He shoved the gun into the light bulb side which worked as a low-level silencer, Is it gonna work? He wasn't sure
He walked to the gate and looked at Sandra as he remembered her house being near the gun shop
"Tell me which one is your home?"
"Ah oh, It's that one, A/220"
Sandra pointed at the house which was on the other side of the road, Near the intersection
"Alright, Now listen, If things go bad here just run back to Clementine's house, Get back up, or just go for our decided location if things are bad there as well, I will manage here and get your mom back"
Sandra wanted to disagree since she was close to her house and could get there, However, She was too scared to get there by herself or to fight any of those monsters, She hadn't killed a single one yet and had no experience, It was the reason why Lee didn't want to hold her here and wanted to get back and bring somebody who he can rely on
Sandra nodded and opened the gate for Lee, Lee started walking with the bag on his back while holding a knife in his left hand and a gun in his right
'Here goes nothing'
With a deep breath, He calmed himself and got close to the Walkers who straight up ignored him, The stench coming from him was just too convincing for them, Lee walked through and got to the door, It was locked
'Well shit'
Breaking the door would make a loud noise which left only one choice for him, Lee like an Assassin started killing the Walkers one by one, He shoved his knife into their temple from behind
He was doing it quietly so the Walkers didn't notice him, He even came eye-to-eye with one while killing the other but the Walker didn't attack him
He liked this trick, It was a very efficient way to stay alive in this world unless it starts raining, Lee cleared the area and looked towards the gate where Sandra, Sandra left the place when she saw the Walkers getting towards Lee
She thought that was the time to get back up and ran to Clementine's house, Lee didn't mind her and walked towards the gate of the gun shop, He broke the door and got in
It made him feel secure just by standing in this place, The place was intact with all the guns
He didn't waste time and started feeling the bag he got with 5 pistols, 2 Shotguns, 2 Snipers, and a lot of ammo, That wasn't the end of it but Lee didn't put it in the bag, He shoved everything else in his Inventory, There were many attachments, Revolvers and some great Melee weapons which were customized
There was a Knife Bracelet, a Gunstock War Club, A Tactical Mace, a Baseball Bat, A Tactical Tomahawk, and a Bunch of Knives, He put a few knives in the bag while keeping all the other in his Inventory [The pics are here-->]
Then he came to the real stuff, Which was AR's, Some of them were Semi-Automatic with a few Automatic ones, He didn't want to let the group have Automatic once since that was too much for now but would come in handy someday, So he shoved them inside his Inventory as well right after loading them, It took a little while for him to understand the ways for all the guns but he managed to do it and got to the office, This place could have some displayed antic weapon or something so he went there and wasn't disappointed
There were two Swords on the wall creating a cross with a Shield in the middle, He went behind the table and started opening all the drawers, There was a customized Glock-19 which looked pretty good, Though that wasn't the reason why he liked it
It had an extended magazine with a capacity of 33 rounds, It was a very incredible piece, Although he can keep switching between guns from his Inventory, That still takes some time so it was a great addition to his arsenal [Picture is here-->]
After taking the swords and the pistol, Lee left the gun shop and walked towards the House Sandra told him about, He walked past a few walkers without any fear, Now he felt confident while walking among them because of his stench
'Let's get her mother and leave for Hershel's farm'
[A/N]: Alright guys, Give me some suggestions, I want a character for Sandra's mother, Not some cute and weak looking girl but a Women, A strong and confident women is what I'm hoping to add
I'm planning to add Armani Black, She got that body which is very fit and has killer looks as well
Armani Black's Picture here-->
Tell me your opinion on her or someone you like to add, I will either add her here or use her for an another Character which will be popping in couple of Chapters