
The waisted hopes of a hopeless dreamer

it's a story that takes place in a fantasy environment the protagonist is a kind harted wolf man and well be following him on his special adventures

TheMadHatter6_10 · その他
1 Chs

The birth of a cursed child

What should have been considered a beautiful day felt anything but peaceful. Despite the sparsely clouded majestically blue sky not a person could be found. The lush green field and beautiful flowers were not being marvelled at for their beauty. Not a soul could be seen outside the Lupin Grayfur family manor.

Deep in the interior there was a commotion in that master's bedroom. Outside the door a beastial man pacing in circles as his wolf-like tail flicked in stress. His first son, unaware of what is causing his distress giggled thinking he was playing a silly game. Meanwhile in the room a variety of nurses cast healing magic to stabilize the lady of the house.

The old Dr.Magdolin kept a close eye on the situation while calmingly directing the mothers breathing. Eventually the doctor would see the mother crowning and would rub a cream variation of a healing potion on her hands. Ducking under the covers the doctor would order the mother. Dr.Magdolin, "Push... Push harder I can see the head. Just a little more and this unruly child will come out."

The distressed mother pushed with everything she had. Taking deep gasps for air and holding it while pushing with all her might. Then a sudden relief as the baby finally popped out, but the mother didn't relax. Fear and worry filled the mother's face as she realized that despite having just been born the baby didn't cry. Elena Lupin Grayfur began to panic as she forced her exhausted body to move. Elena's powerful voice shaking from the straight and fear called out to the doctor. Elena, "Why isn't he crying why can I hear my baby?! Give me my baby let me hold him!!!"

The doctor flinched from her daze after hearing the mother's cries. Quickly Dr.Magdolin used a combination of earth, water and wind magic to clean the baby, before wrapping him up in a blanket. Stepping closer to the mother Dr.Magdolin handed the baby to Elena as she said. Dr.Magdolin, "The baby is fine he's just... An unusual child." Dr.Magdolin then opened the blanket a bit to reveal the baby's chest. The mother's gently smiling face became one of shock. Elena, "What!? How is there so much muscle definition on a new born baby?!!!"

Dr.Magdolin would shake her head then point at the insignia on the child's chest. Dr.Magdolin, "Forget about that. He's been marked with the soul curses insignia. He'll have to face the Reincarnation trial in 10 years from now." After the realization hit the mother. Her face would tear up as she began to cry. The droplets fell onto the baby's face as it opened his eyes. Sensing its mother's grief the baby would reach out his tiny puffy hand and grasp her hair.

After that day Elena and her husband Floyd Lupin Grayfur spent every day training their son. The worry and fears that had become a reality push them to make the hard decision of using the majority of their resources on the baby. Leaving their oldest son feeling neglected Boris felt envious towards his little brother who even got named after the hero of the Beast folk species. Yet to Darius, he didn't feel the love of the attention they gave him.

Every day Darius was woken up on the crack of dawn despite still being a baby. His father used unconventional methods training him to walk by 1 year old. He then enchanted all his clothes with earth magic to increase the gravity making the clothes extremely heavy. Meanwhile his mother channeled mana into his undeveloped magic core. However the expansion of an undeveloped magic core is excruciating since mana removes impurities from the body.

It is said that mages are only attractive people and it is true as a side effect of having mana. Though the level of attractiveness still varies because people are born with different levels of magic. As well as the location of their magic storage being in different places. Mages born with higher quality magic storage don't have to expand their magic systems so the imperfections aren't expelled from their bodies. So naturally born if not lucky with genetics can appear average or even ugly.

Take humans for example as they don't have maga systems they are considered the 3rd ugliest species. However their souls have speckled mana conductors. This allows humans to manipulate the preexisting mana in the air with complex words and hand movements. As a byproduct human appearance is based of genetics and not all humans can use magic. However the ones that can't use magic make up for it with either divine energy bestowed by God's through their beliefs or through training to unlock battle aura. Humans can also learn to give themselves sudo magic cores like beast folk or monsters by absorbing mana into the body with a conduit. Though all other species could gain divine energy and battle aura through training or worship.

Elves are different as a species they don't have magic cores nor do they have to make substitute versions like humans. Rather elves with their attunement to the earth act as conductors to the surrounding. This is called the maga system. It overlaps throughout the elven body's nervous system. Because of this they constantly have mana circulating through their body making their species extremely attractive and powerful at magic.

Dwarves are similar but also different. They are considering brutes of the magic systems. Since instead of the nervous system their mana is stored in the skin. This makes it hard for them to grow because their skin is so tough it is also the reason why both men and women in their species are so hairy and have beards because the mana strengthens the hair follicles. However it doesn't extract the toxins from their bodies so like humans their appearance is based on genetics.

Gnome's maga system is in their brains. It allows them to be extremely smart and gives them an instinctive knowledge of how to manipulate magic. which is why they are usually tinkerers and the best magic item inventors. However a draw back to their brains being the magic system is the brain develops too quickly. The side effects gives them a short youthful appearance. though it isn't difficult to differentiate the adults from the children as their appearance changes with the shortening of their life span.

Beast folk are different from the others. Beast folk are born with magic cores like monsters. The difference between monsters and beast folk is that their magic cores don't normally operate in the negatives of the main magical elements. Also a byproduct of having magic cores, is that they can be expanded while young up to the age of 18. However the process is excruciatingly painful as it alters their physical body depending on how their cores are manipulated.

Because of the way beast folk magic cores work Darius has grown exceptionally cute due to the toxicity being secreted from his body. Another effect is that despite being 5 he is slightly taller than his 10 year old brother who is growing at the average level. The result of which makes Boris hate and envy his younger brother and so he resorts to bullying Darius. To which Floyd and Elena don't get involved out of guilt for not being able to give Boris as much attention.