
The Waifu App In The Apocalypse

Jason Augustus, he is an ordinary young man who enjoys reading Manga and playing Video Games. An ordinary man with a slightly odd last name and that's about it. When coming out of a corner store, Jason to his horror found out he was in the Apocalypse. Somehow, someway, he time traveled five years into the future, without aging one bit. How does he know his time traveled? Some mechanical voice In his head, of course. Furthermore, he even got some Waifu App on his phone that lets him summon them and buy their abilities and skills. ... At least something good came out of the Apocalypse, right? RIGHT?! ****** [ I write for Fun and for Entertainment. Don't take this too seriously. This Fanfic could be counted as Wish-Fulfillment. Also - I own nothing in this Fanfic but I my own creations and ideas ]

VoidShiro · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

[Chapter - 1: The Apocalypse & Waifu App ]


" What the...".

Jason was dumbfounded when he walked out of the 7/11. Instead of beautiful night skies and warm weather, he was greeted with crimson skies and freezing cold weather. It was so cold, that his teeth started to grit together and the tips of his fingers were feeling numb.

" Urgh!" Holding In his threw up, Jason's blood froze to a stand-still, seeing bodies upon bodies stacked on each other, creating a human meat shield around 7/11. He can practically taste what he is smelling. And the rot made it worse. It was a slaughter here!

Looking up, three bright blood moons welcomed him, shining.

' What the... Where...Why...?' His mind couldn't understand what is happening. It rebooted and started up countless times and he still couldn't form a sentence together.

' Back...Back In...' This was the only plan he could come up with. A plan he would gladly embark on.

However... He couldn't.

' Why...?' The 7/11 was no more. What stood in its place were just broken ruins of army camps and outposts, and what was like makeshift homes. Bodies are scattered throughout the area without limit.

' What's...What's happening? Where am I?!' His mind was on the verge of breaking down. He's an ordinary modern man, so of course, seeing stuff like this is not normal, nor is he used to blood and dead bodies just because he plays video games. He plays them, not acts them! In his case, he's doing better than most. Most would have fainted or started yelling. His was a silent voiceless type. The worst kind in his opinion, where your own mind is your worst enemy!

[Ping! Welcome Human Jason Augustus to the Apocalypse ] A unfeeling female mechanical voice boomed in Jason's mind; as the sound appeared, his eyes froze, and he felt as if time froze. The entire surroundings also became extremely slow, as if time had stopped.

' Apocalypse? What do you mean?'

[ Due to the Human Jason Augustus using an unregistered portal, he has time traveled into the future where your world is overrun with undead and fantasy monsters ] The voice continued, paying no mind to Jason.

[ Do not worry Human Jason Augustus, we have heavily punished the God who sent you into the future. You can rest easy, knowing Justice has been served rightfully ]

' Hey!'

[ As an apology, the Overseer has granted you 20 levels in advance with an Apocalypse Starter kit. The items will be found in your inventory. Please use them well and survive long enough. We the System will be watching you with great interest - Human Jason Augustus ] Like this, time resumed. Only this time, the moons seemed to be watching Jason.

" What the fuck..." He let out in shock, seeing a white holographic panel with crimson letters, possessing a scary resemblance to blood, dripping throughout the panel. On the panel, he can see stats that look like they came right out of an RPG game.


<Player profile>

-NAME: Jason Augustus.

-TITLE : Player(×???). | Time-Traveler(+50 to all Space-Time Aspects / -50 to all Space-Time Aspects against him).

-LEVEL : 20.

-Occupation: None.

Strength: 100(Superhuman).

Agility: 100.

Vitality: 100.

Stamina: 100.

Endurance: 100.

Mana: 100.


Skill Points: 0.

Earned Gold: 0.


Ability & Skills: None.


' Why the!' In a sudden wave of euphoria, Jason's whole body felt like it was floating. His entire being became stronger. Even his mind became more stronger and controlled.

A few seconds later, everything returned to normal, and Jason felt like a new man. He felt like it could take on the whole world and come out on top, but he was sure it was just the new power getting to him.


Calming down, he breathed in and out, using a breathing exercise his Grandfather taught him during his WW2 days. He said he stole it from some Japanese man, but who knows. His Grandfather even told him he could beat a bear in submission, so he truly doesn't know what to believe from him.

" Better..." Now back to normal, he scanned around and frowned," Now, what do I do?"


" Eh?" Putting his hands into his pocket, his eyebrows raised up, seeing his Samsung phone display a new home screen. Instead of his Jalter wallpaper, it now shows a plain black screen with big pink bold letters, reading: WAIFU APP.

Curious, he put in his password and tapped onto the new icon right smack in the middle of his screen.

[* Waifu App Now Online! Ready for Host to use!*]

' Waifu App? What the hell is that?' One after other, strange things kept on happening to him.


" Huh, so that's how it works." After ten minutes, of messing around with the App, he got the General jest of it.

Every week, Jason will gain 1000 WP(Waifu Points). These points will not only help him summon waifus from some catalog. However, it will also help him buy perks, lures, heritages, powers, etc that exist throughout the Omniverse. As of now, he can't really buy anything. Though, he can get more Waifu Points by killing enemies, so at least he can could get more points. Likewise, every Week a page of thing he can buy will appear. At most, it will have ten items or summons.

" *Sigh* At least I have this." Jason smiled at his phone, scrolling through the Waifus he can summon.
