
Legacies #12

[ Salvatore Boarding School, Common room ]

[ 7h00 ]

Sitting at the first row besides Hope, Lizzie, Josie, MG and Josie, Alec quietly observes the the only three teachers of the school. Lizzie made sure before they separated way to give him a basic recap of the informations pertaining to the school and a promise to teach him the spell she used to discretely got out of his bedroom.

Dorian Williams who teach the origins of species and their multiples impacts on history, Emma Tig esoteric teacher slash counselor who focus on magic and finally the Headmaster giving lectures on pretty much everything he wants as can the absent Headmistress Caroline Forbes.

She explained that the numbers of students don't need require more than three, apparently as much as her father would like the world to believe, not a lot of supernaturals are ready to trust a school full of potentially deadly partners with their kids. Especially when the Headmaster is human and the other in charge a relatively young vampire.

" Where were you ? " Josie whispers angrily to her sister as Alaric steps on the platform.

" Huh... Alright Josie you caught me, I was having a bulimia episode. Happy ? " Lizzie answers sarcastically and with dark humor, her a voice a little bit higher than Josie's.

" Hum.. Hum, Your attention please. " Alaric says, his voice amplify by a microphone. He waits for the silence before speaking again. " Yesterday, an attack has occurred and... a young comrade of yours payed the price. " He adds, his guilt visible only to those who know him well.

" I, I've let you down, all of you. The truth is this isn't the first attack of monster we've foiled, I made the decision to retain this information from you but it is clear now that I was wrong. I am no longer able to ensure your safety and you all deserve to know it. That's all for this morning, classes will resume this afternoon and you'll quickly realize changes were made in response to these new threats. Thank you all..." Alaric adresses the sixty students, reaction are mixed, some seems angry while others are stunned and uncertain.

" Did we just witness the public suicide of our father ? " Lizzie jokes but Josie is more preoccupied by her father stepping down from the stage.

" It was... odd." Josie answers as the assembly ends on depressing notes.

After waiting for the most impatient to get out, Alec followed by the others of the front row leaves.

" Hope, Alec, come with me please. " Alaric ambushes them at the door. He looks dejected but nothing a big glass of bourbon can't fix, as he discovered even the baddest moods diffuse and reduce into the amber liquid.

[ Headmaster's Office ]

" Why stay open ? After all that has happened, you're still ready to put them at risk ? " Hope asks her tone accusing while Alec seated besides her silently listens to the conversation.

" Because of you. " Alaric retorts, his eyes alternating between them and also ogling his desk drawer.

" Of us ? " Alec interjects under the influence of his curiosity.

" Yes, why are you so surprised ? " Alaric answers as he sees Hope's doubtful face. " You two already brought down monsters whose very existence was a complete mystery to us. They're all kids now, but in a few years they are going to be more powerful than most, until then they need protection and the safest place for them is here. Surrounded by their owns and protected by the strongest amidst them. " He adds, dumping heavy responsabilities on their young and inexperienced shoulders without asking for their opinions.

" I'm sorry but are you out of your mind ? " Alec abruptly says, his eyebrows raised as he stares at Ric while Hope glares at him. " What ? " He asks her defensively.

" It won't work, it isn't viable, I mean do you know how to clone yourself ? No ? Me neither, so how do we protect dozens of peoples simultaneously ? " Alec continues sarcastically, his fingertips tapping the wooden armrest of his chair.

" Alec's right... " Hope agrees unwillingly, however an idea already at a sketch stage takes shape a little more in her clever mind.

" We need to get offensive, Alec pointed out to me that the Gargoyle and the Dragon were both searching for something. " She says confidently while looking at the enclosed knife.

" What's you're proposition ? " Alaric asks as he and Alec are intrigued.

" We use the knife as bait, we trap whatever come after it then we do what need to be done to extract as much infos as possible. " Hope explains her plan, a devious and proud smile on her face that Alec can't help but reciprocate

" Alright, then we know what to do the next time a monster come knocking. " Alaric responds, fully aware of the high probability of a new attack.

" That's very good but we're still at an impasse when it comes to protecting the school's population..." Alec unceremoniously brought them back to the actual problem they're facing.

" We will be extra vigilant and ready. " Alaric's answer don't quell any of Alec's doubts. " You can go now Alec, thank you for help... I'm glad you're here. " Ric requests him to leave, he add kind words for his timely arrival and help then waits for him to leave before turning back to Hope.

" Sheriff Donavan called, he'll pass by in the morning. " Alaric says to Hope once alone.

" Why ? " Hope asks.

" He didn't say. But if i had to guess I'll say he didn't believe us when we said having no ideas of who's Charles Haller. " He explains, annoyance on his face as he think this the worst moment for dear old Matt to pay a visit.

" So... " Hope says perplexedly.

" So I want you to keep an eye on our new Houdini. " Alaric reveals what he wants from her.

Hope hesitates for a moment, she have yet to discuss with him about the strange memories she saw and now she have to sort of spy on him. His help offered without counterparts from her and her growing affection for him accentuating the dilemma she's undergoing.

" I'll make sure he isn't seen. " She accepts, however her wording demonstrates the leeway she gives herself on this task.

[ School's Library ]

[ Forty minutes later ]

After surveying each row of shelves, Alec has already taken note of 4 or 5 interesting books. On one of them have the name 'Mikaelson' written on the cover, a subject from which he seeks to fill gaps in his knowledge.

Despite the almost irrepressible urge to dive headfirst unto the old pages engraved with readable wisdom he holds back. The library is empty, deserted, the place distorted by the recent death of Pedro and the sadness that followed.

Nonetheless this is not the reason of his abstention, because he's not exactly alone either, a majestic and intimidating presence due to its unparalleled aura that he knows prevents him for indulging in his favorite activity.

" Are you going to show yourself ? " Alec exclaims loudly while sitting at a table in the center of the library.

Silence, the presence he recognized ignores him. " I never imagined getting a stalker as soon. I seriously underestimated you Hope, you're vicious... " He says playfully while staring at the top of a shelf on his right.

To the naked eye there's nothing however if he concentrates and open himself to his metaphysical vision, his capacity to detect and visualize all magic and its countless flows, what he see could be described as a blue flame of human size, a blue interspersed with silver and scarlet red in lesser quantity.

" You're talented. " Hope says as she shows herself to him. Sitting on the edge of the shelf which culminates at more than 3 meters.

" And you're... watching me ? " Alec states indifferently while looking at her swinging legs, her heeled boots slightly kicking the wood each times.

" I might have a reason. Other than stalking you for my twisted pleasure of course.. " She quips back, taunting him with mirth.

" Which is ? " Alec asks while she jumps down. Hope then walks to him and sits on a chair in front of him. " I took a picture you know. " She begins mysteriously and stops as if waiting for him to understands what she's talking about. " Seattle, the modified pentagram that summoned the Empu'sa. " She clarifies.

" I don't hear a question. " Alec answers, his aloofness unsettling her a little.

" What role did you played in it ? Why were you there, at the hotel ? " Hope demands directly, her gaze unwavering as whe waits avidly for an answer, a particular answer. A part of her is fearful, frightened that just like Landon and Roman did, he'll lie.

" I summoned it. I'm the one who did everything you saw in that place but you knew that Hope. So go on, ask your real question. " Alec answers, his brutal honesty shocking her for a second.

" Why ? " Hope asks, her voice climbing in intensity as she tighten her fists hidden under the table.

" Empu'sa, fascinating creatures. There's very little known about them, for many good reasons.. And what is commonly believed about them is generally incorrect.. However rare sources testified of a capacity to see everything that has happened, truly it was a gamble... but I needed to know a truth and this was the only way. " Alec explains, as always he omits pieces of the story, a mechanism to always protect himself that became a reflex during his younger years.

" You're selfish. Did you even care... do you even feel remorse for what you did ? " Hope retorts emotionally, anger and indignation blooming profusely from her.

" You're kidding me ? I've been inside your pretty head and you're certainly not better than me, so keep your judgment for yourself will you. " Alec lashes out defensively, using the private memory he saw as an argument.

" There's nothing to compare here ! " Hope exclaims, pushing her chair back to stand. " I was... " She begins while leaning aggressively towards the still seated Alec.

" I'm not asking you to justify yourself, I just want you to understand. I had no clue it was going to degenerate like that, my intention was never to hurt, I just... I wanted to know, that's all that mattered to me. " Alec interrupts her to explain himself. When he finishes the faces of the sheriff and Robert appears to him, how far will he go ? He wonders.

" What else did you see in my head ? " Hope asks calmly his words having the desired impact as she slightly relax and sits back.

" I'll tell if you have the courtesy to begin. " Alec answers vaguely, betting correctly that she's experienced the same thing.

" I saw you as a boy in a massive forest, hiding behind old oaks while a red haired woman laughed as she chased after you, your turn. " Hope says, describing one of his fondest memories.

" A younger you, sneaking inside a barn where three coffins reside in. I saw you using your magic to open them. " Alec shares, secretly wishing he saw the faces of the coffins inhabitants as he witnessed the terrible longing on Hope's face.

" Who were they ? " Alec asks, not really convinced he'll get a response.

" My family. " Hope answers simply, not explaining further than that.

" Now that everything's cleared up between us you wanna tell me why you're following me ? " Alec changes back the subject, he isn't truly as comfortable as he seems about talking of this, personal meaningful interaction is not a domain he excel at.

" I don't know, maybe 'cause you're a dangerous sociopath unleashing chaos on your wake ? " Hope says jokingly and scathingly simultaneously, to makes sure he's aware she haven't totally absolved him of what he admitted. " The sheriff is coming, Ric thought it best to keep you out of sight, just for the morning. " She adds more seriously, her brows furrowed.

" A babysitter... Yay ! " Alec exclaims humorously and it makes Hope smile.

His penetrating gray eyes fixed on her, Alec hesitates to ask a question that has been bothering him for a while now. Of course, another part of him, more pragmatic, cold and logical considers the recurring problem, the sheriff.

" It may be inappropriate but I have a question..." He starts then look for confirmation in Hope's blue orbs. " What are you ? " Alec continues with Hope's tacit permission.

" Nothing escapes you eh..." Hope says, the truth of her statement scaring her as much exciting her. To be seen, veritably, it procures a very strange feeling, however, it can rapidly become a source of calamities for the one laid bare.

" I... I am different you're right..." Hope tries to buy herself time, normally she's not as worried to reveal her nature when she already chose to willingly tell someone but as from the beginning with him, nothing is the same, he's everything but simple she decides.

" I'm a tribrid. A combination of three species, Wolf, Vampire and Witch. " Hope finds the courage the say it, her senses in turmoil, she puts her focus on Alec and tries to decipher his every mimics.

" It's.. uh, fuck... You're a natural miracle, how is it possible ? " Alec can't help but asks, he had a theory or two but never has he considered a triple helix. Now that he knows, her gigantic aura becomes explainable.

She appreciate his reaction, she won't admit it but it's one of her biggest fear, being rejected unjustly, just for being her.

" My father was an hybrid, my mom a werewolf then ta-da, 9 months later I was there, the 'miracle'.. " Hope responds, her hands making the quotes sign when she prononces miracle, a word she isn't fond of.

" An hybrid ? " Alec asks, wondering if the answer to another of his problem is as simple as that.

" Yes... " Hope says, flogging herself internally for having said too much. " My name, Marshall, it's my mother last name. On my dad side, I am a Mikaelson. " She adds feeling satisfaction at saying her birth name, an infamous name she's always wanted to wear with pride but was forced to cast aside since forever.

A disturbingly sounding laugh threatens to escapes from Alec, yet the open-hearted revelation isn't hilarious, what is funny from his perspective is that Hope unknowingly made the hungry vampire obsolete. In short, the awful road trip, the altercations with the cop then the rebelling vampire then the cops again and again all for that bastard Robert, so much work, all for nothing.

[ Fort Valley, Georgia ]

The building is unwelcoming, a five story mass of concrete with sharp angles standing solidly. The windows are tinted and no logo or names is visible from the outside, adding that to the fact that there is no dwellings around and it makes the building almost perfectly opaque.

Clark as he named himself a long time ago knows the interior of it, the hidden passages, the secrets buried in the walls, the cadavers piling in the basement... He was there all along to witness it.

As he walks towards the most secured place, the ground floor, his crafted heart beats with anger. After a long walk through a maze of hallways he reaches it, scanning his digital imprint the metallic doors blocking the access opens.

A large room made of concrete housing the darkest secret of the company Clark serves faithfully. A black pit looking like petrol, absorbing the lights but not reflecting any. Approaching as closely as he can to the pit, Clark stares at it, waiting for something to emerge.

Dissatisfied by the lack of movements from the pit of materialized emptiness, Clarke turns back toward the exit, it is when he grabs the handle that a bubbling noise echoes in the secured room, something finally emerging.