

When all this started and people were moving away from me I just thought it was because they didn't like it or because someone else had already told them wrong about me never took so much care because I still had friends but when even they started to walk away it was when I realized that everyone else would turn me away or avoid me.

I never understood why they did it, I didn't understand and I didn't try to find out until my potatoes after a while started imitating the actions of others there was when they noticed it they avoided me because it was different or so I thought, at first as everything did not notice so much because no one would tell me every time they saw me, after that , everything nice and I really wanted was over no longer existed, so I started looking for alternatives so I could pass this I never found anything, all I found was a few friends but it seemed that they always gave me a bad idea to others or something like that still did not understand.

After a while my parents decided to go on vacation to visit my aunt and stay with her, she didn't live far but it was a long trip so we would have to go by car, the last thing I remember on the way home is that my potatoes were fighting as usual, I wore my headphones on and I couldn't hear anything they said alone I saw them so when my dad turned to my mom to yell at him I completely ignored the road and he got out of it, the car rolled down the hill all destroyed so as I could I opened the door and went out, once outside he started looking for my potatoes, they both had their seat belts when we got out of the way and rolled down the hill so the first thing I did after I left was see the front seats and I realized that my mom and Dad were there they seemed very hurt and as I could take them both out and opened them while crying, I realized that my dad was gone, I tried to help him but I didn't know how useless it was in those moments after I realized that my mom was still breathing gave me hope I approached her and opened her, she gave me back the hug that surprised me a little bit because they had received a hug from her , I only did it when I was birthday, after that I took a little away from me and apologized, I apologized for being who I am and for all the problems I had caused her, but she shut me up and said

-shh shh, stop crying, none of this is your fault, it's our fault, we should never have treated you the way we treat you, we should never have ignored you, that's just hurting you, but don't worry, we'll be fine, worse promises, promises that you're not going to let someone treat you the same again-

"I promise, I promise you, but don't go please don't walk away, don't leave me- But all those words of don't go away, even yell and implore me not to leave me but she was gone, I hugged her while I was crying I could feel like she was leaving me, but I knew it would be okay if she hadn't left me completely.

That's where all this started, where I realized him because he was different, because they treated me like that and because they were afraid of me, when the voices in my head were born.