
Chapter 67

Heather didn't bring her car because she thought she would come home with Blake. She hailed a passing taxi. She is mad at Blake but she is angry at herself too. She loved him too much so she was willing to do anything to pacify him when he was jealous. She regretted going to the bar. If she didn’t she didn’t have to stoop so low because she was jealous of that woman. She was almost like Kristel though she didn’t hit anyone, she still cause a scene. She didn’t want to say those words but she couldn’t control her mouth. His friends were there and they heard everything. She already made an effort to talk to him so she felt that was more than enough for now. Her phone rang. She didn’t want to get it because it could be him. She would give him the cold shoulder too so he would know that she was also really mad. But when her phone didn’t stop ringing, she took the call. It was Jay who was on the phone. He didn’t even say hello. His voice was very cold.