
Chapter 60

"Aren't you gonna introduce us sweetheart?" Blake asked her as he gave Jay a black look.

He pulled her closer to him by her waist and his hand rested below her right breast. She knew that he was absolutely fuming inside.

Jay curled his lip as his eyes went down to where Blake's hand was. His eyes were angrier when they went to Blake’s. Heather felt her man's hold tightened. For sure he saw Jay’s reaction. She had to do something before a physical fight between the two men started. The hostility between them was strongly felt in the atmosphere.

" Sweetheart this is my boss, Sir Jay. Sir Jay I want you to meet my boyfriend Blake.”

The two men were glowering at each other. Blake was an inch taller than Jay and was hunkier but the latter didn’t look intimidated.

"I want you in my office, Miss Williams." Jay said in an arctic voice before he left them.