
Chapter 48

Pauline and Eve were startled when Blake cursed furiously and got Heather’s arms.

"Blake!" Called Eve.

"Oh no!" exclaimed Pauline.

He didn’t seem to hear them as he pulled Heather closer to him by gripping her arms.

"S-Sweetheart.." She mumbled and looked at the two women. "Why didn't you tell me about that?!" he asked while his are glaring.

"That was nothing and we weren’t yet together that time…sweetheart!” she protested when his grip tightened.

"Will you stop that Blake! You are hurting her!" Eve commanded.

Heather couldn’t look at the other woman. She felt really uncomfortable and embarrassed because they were witnessing how Blake was with her when he was jealous. She just covered the truth a while ago and now they were seeing this first-hand. She couldn’t help sobbing. She heard Blake cursed again before he enveloped her in his arms. He murmured sorry against the top of her head.

Eve sighed while Pauline shook her head.