
Chapter 35

Blake held both her forearms firmly to have a small distance between them. Heather was wearing high heels but she still had to raise her face to meet his eyes. "Sweetheart, I'm really sorry." she told him breathily.

She made sure that she looked very alluring. One thing she was sure of. Blake badly wanted her. She told him not to fuck her every day but he didn’t let any day pass without having her. She was waiting for him to reply but he just held her arm and pushed the lift’s button.

"Where are we going?" She asked as she hid the panic from her voice.

He had a grim expression. "To my unit! We will have a talk!" he said flatly without looking at her.

Her body reacted which annoyed her. His nice manly smell was not helping at all. Once they got inside his unit, he released her. She advanced to his living room and put her bag on the center table. She then turned to face him.