
The villains rescue system(Abandoned)


Ased · ファンタジー
20 Chs

It was easy.

"Anthony," Victor called out loudly.

* Knock-knock*

"Come in."

An elderly man dressed as a butler entered the room, his faded hair and neat mustache just screaming that he was a professional butler.

His sharp amber eyes looked at Victor with respect and awe, for in his eyes, Victor was a genius who would bring revolution to the world.

"I hear you young master, is there something you want from me?" - Anthony's voice sounded as respectful as possible.

"Anthony, I need you to get a plane for me to city X."

Upon hearing this, Anthony was extremely surprised that his young master had decided to fly to another city he had hardly heard of.

Throwing everything out of his mind, he replied - Yes young master, I will get everything ready as soon as possible.

"Anything else, young master?"


"Roger that," he bowed and left, closing the door.


Now I'm going to be the knight in the white horse, right? And this same knight must kill the dragon to protect his princess.

By killing the protagonist, I'll get the maximum score on the criterion of future encounters with her and the protagonist.

The question is, how do I kill him? He has luck on his side, which may prevent me from doing so. Personal power won't help, there's nothing supernatural or magical here. There I can only reach the peak of the human body.

When I thought about it, a great idea came to my mind. He has just become the richest and most powerful after dropping an atomic bomb on his city.

I discarded the idea because I'm not a mass murderer and, besides, it can only bring trouble.


What would happen if I replaced the atomic bomb with, for example... long-range missiles?

That's why I decided to get ready to start a new company to produce military weapons and sell them to other countries.

In order to create the perfect weapon that wouldn't worry about short glitches and all that stuff that has to do with luck, I started training in engineering and military engineering and everything related to it.

The main problem is exactly how to get China to buy these very missiles from me.

*Sigh* I never thought I'd regret being born in another country.

* Knock, knock, knock*

While Victor was pondering, Anthony had already done his work and returned.

"Young master, all done" - Anthony's voice could be heard outside the door, causing Victor to be surprised.

"You're quick as always Anthony, well done," praised Victor heartily as he began to dress.

"I'm not worthy of your praise," Anthony replied in a subdued tone.

In a few minutes, Victor came out already wearing expensive black pants and a white shirt from the famous brand. Black shoes made of expensive leather and all adorned with a watch that had only been produced in a few pieces.

"Come on Anthony, we've got a case," Victor would be lying if he said he wasn't excited about meeting the villain.



Arriving in city X in country X, he was greeted really well.

Dark jeeps and one unnamed car were lined up waiting for him.

After getting into the unnamed car and giving the address to the driver, they started driving.


When they reached a certain alleyway, he ordered them to stop.

Passers-by looked at this convoy and could not hide the envy and awe in their eyes, for they could hardly see anything like that in their whole lives.

As he got out of the car and looked around, he sighed.


"Being nice is so problematic," he muttered in a low voice, glancing at the women who were drooling and with heart-shaped eyes.

"Even the young girls couldn't resist," he sighed again, moving toward the alley as the guards began to cordon off.

As he entered the alley, people couldn't help but whisper.

"Hey, who's the cute kid?" - one of the women asked.

"Even in such a strict suit he looks so adorable," added another woman with dreamy eyes.

"didn't you see how he arrived and what he was wearing? Obviously he's from some rich family," replied the younger girl.

While the girls and women wondered why he was there, the guys had other thoughts.

"Hell, they all talk about him like they want to eat him," replied a random guy.

"I wish I had such a nice face and family too," another guy added with envy in his eyes.

While people were whispering among themselves, Victor was already standing over the Little Girl.

Her slick dress was torn in some places. Her shoes were missing.

Her pure white skin was all muddy, and her face and hair couldn't escape either.

Her purple waist-length hair was dyed in various dark colors, her little nose, puffy lips, and sharp chin.

She would have been an incredible beauty if she had grown up.

But all that beauty was ruined by her blank stare at Victor.

Her blank stare was staring straight at him and it was hard to guess what she was thinking, or if she was thinking at all.

She looked too pathetic, pathetic enough to cause even a serial killer to feel defensive and, naturally, it affected Vitcore.

"Emma Andreson," Victor said as he crouched down on the cards and looked directly into her empty eyes.

She was still staring at him with her blank gaze in which she read some surprise.

"I can help you get your revenge. Whoever your family's killer is, I'll find him and get him for you," he began to say with a smile on his face.

*Sniffling* *sniffling*

Her eyes trembled as tears began to gush out. She couldn't help herself at the mention of her family and cried.


Victor, seeing all of this, couldn't help but sigh.


He picked her up and hugged her. In response, she clung to him like a Koala and only began to sob harder.

Victor felt sorry for this little girl and began to understand why this system existed.

She cried for a long time until she finally fell asleep in his arms. She could not understand, but she felt great comfort and warmth in his arms.

After picking her up, he started walking to the cars, not paying attention to the new wave of gossip.


Hi guys, this will be my first book and I look forward to your opinions in the comments.

The translator "Deepl" was used. Grammar corrected by the free site "Grammarchecker".