
The Villainess Wanted To Die Young

The neurologist genius girl that developed spirit eternal life in artificial consciousness form became celebrated, but she got serious depression because she discovered a big secret about the world... Shan Qianyu, wanting to die every day, was forced to shuttle among different worlds of soap operas, playing as the villainess. Every villainess is doomed to be killed by the hero, which makes Shan Qianyu satisfied. While she doesn’t like to wait, she always takes the initiative to ask for death immediately. However, the plots go wacky: In the first crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a bully in high school and should carry the torch for the hero. At the end she would be killed by accident by the hero who would live a happy life with the chief actress afterwards. But why did the hero fondly look at Shan Qianyu?... In the second crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a spectre ghost staying in the house of the hero and kill the supporting actress, the supporting actor and the chief actress, who would be doomed to be killed by the male hero eventually. So Shan Qianyu went to tell the hero that she is a ghost. Why didn’t he believe her and how did he fell in love with a devil?... In the third crossspace, Shan Qianyu was a gangster with blood feud to the hero. The hero was supposed to come into contact with her for revenge. Shan Qianyu trained the hero so that he could kill her as early as possible. He did kill her. But who can tell her why he asked her to marry him?... In the forth crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a tricky girl who trapped the hero prince to marry her. The prince brought honor to her on purpose to make everyone envy her. Finally, when Shan Qianyu was out of use, the hero killed her and married his true love. This time Shan Qianyu industriously played as a villainess. But why did the hero die before her?... In the fifth crossspace, Shan Qianyu wanted to live together with the hero. While this hero was different from the hero she knew before. In fact, her hero was always with her…

Ramona1pro · ファンタジー
49 Chs

026 Work harder!

Eccentricity! Eccentricity! Eccentricity! It was definitely not a joke to deceive Ling Yuhao. After the Liberal Comprehensive Examination papers were handed out, Ling Yuhao discovered that Shan Qianyu was simply an idiot for liberal arts: politics 40, history35 and geography 28. It's far from the passing line!


Is this the score that the average person can get on the test?


The teachers of each subject grasped Shan Qianyu to talk about it, and the level test will affect the follow-up college entrance examination, so it is necessary to pay attention to. Shan Qianyu does not pay attention to it at all, because it is difficult to say whether she can live to the level test, not to mention the college entrance examination. Alas, this damn life!


The sixty-sixth day of wanting to die.


Ling Yuhao came to ask her. As soon as she heard it, she was annoyed: in order to scare him, she didn't study at all, besides, the politics, history and geography courses of this world were very different from the original world of her. The answers were all made up, so the scores she got might be sympathy points.


How can you learn well without spending time and energy! That was the solid foundation she laid in the original world (she was a prodigy in the last world, plus the foundation of study), but they don't know it.


Do you really think that geniuses are all over the world? There is already a Qi Lang here!


"Your Highness, didn't you invite tutors from various subjects on the weekend? Take me to the politics, history and geography place." Shan Qianyu was helpless, and could only lick her face to ask for help from her enemy.


Who made her say that to crush Qi Lang in all directions. The big cowhide she blew must be rounded back!

Bragging, working hard, and finally being defeated by the righteous protagonist... Shan Qianyu, you are really getting more and more villainess! In this way, it is not far from death, work harder! She said to herself.


"Good!" Ling Yuhao couldn't ask for it, and was very satisfied with his foresight. He could finally see Shan Qianyu on Saturday and Sunday, and those two days were no longer difficult!


Now Shan Qianyu takes Lin Menglin with her wherever she and Ling Yuhao go. At first, she called Lin Menglin to do her homework for her, and the cowardly Lin Menglin with no support did not dare to refuse. Class 8 secretly isolated her, and bumped into her when she took the equipment as if nothing happened. Lin Menglin didn't copy the blackboard and asked people to borrow notes but no one would helped her, and they often chatted at the front and back desks to avoid her... After all, Shan Qianyu was the big sister of class 8, very convincing, and she was actually elected by the whole class as the class leader.


Lin Menglin couldn't figure it out, but due to the excitement of the crowd, she wanted to integrate into everyone, so she also voted for Shan Qianyu.


Who would have thought that the first thing she did when she took office was to bully her classmates! Is she the devil? Exclusively for the pleasure of bullying?


Lin Menglin secretly looked at Shan Qianyu's deskmate, whom she knew as the only person in this world could save her, but remembering what he had said snuffed out her illusions. "The Highness" likes Shan Qianyu. How could he help her?

So, Lin Menglin resignedly went home with a gilding cover with a very Shan Qianyu personal style, and wrote until half past ten in the evening. A few days later, she really couldn't help it, taking advantage of Ling Yuhao's presence to deliberately run to Shan Qianyu to complain: classmates should unite and help each other, but homework should be written by themselves, and Shan Qianyu, as the class leader, should take the lead in setting a good example! Shan Qianyu's behavior obviously increased her burden!


Lin Menglin herself is a scumbag. The ordinary calculations made her have to think of an old half a day, and essays can only rely on the Internet to piece together copy. Completing two homework can be said to be the second challenge in her life—the first challenge is to complete her homework!

Although the class 8 is a class at the bottom, it is only at the bottom of this school, which is much better than that of foreign schools. Therefore, Lin Menglin has not undergone such "high-intensity training" and feels that it is normal to be strenuous.


Listening to the heroine's broken thoughts, Shan Qianyu whispered and felt complacent. Everything was expected. She encouraged the classmates to bully Lin Menglin, and forced this silly white sweet who couldn't even get her own studies to write homework for the ultimate big devil, all in front of the male protagonist. Ling Yuhao must have discovered Lin Menglin's innocence and kindness and a series of traditional and excellent good qualities, and immediately stood up to protect his princess and fought to the death with the evil dragon which is her, Shan Qianyu!


Unexpectedly—Ling Yuhao slowly stood up, coldly stuffed his homework book into Lin Menglin's arms, and said expressionlessly, "Then, you can also help me by the way."

Shan Qianyu's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe her ears. Which part of the male protagonist was wrong? The routine is not right! Shouldn't the male protagonist be the angel of the female protagonist? Isn't the heroine your whole world? Now your whole world is being trampled by me, what is the matter with you also coming up and participating?


Also incredulous was Lin Menglin. She never dreamed that "the Highness" would also come to bully her. She always believes he is a good person who just was blinded by the evil Shan Qianyu. If she could resist against Shan Qianyu, she couldn't resist Ling Yuhao at all. Because she and her mother now don't have to sleep on the street and she could go to this exclusive school, all relying on the sympathy of the Ling family. If she offends "the Highness", they would have nothing. Mom still hoped that she could hold His Highness's thigh.