
The Villainess Wanted To Die Young

The neurologist genius girl that developed spirit eternal life in artificial consciousness form became celebrated, but she got serious depression because she discovered a big secret about the world... Shan Qianyu, wanting to die every day, was forced to shuttle among different worlds of soap operas, playing as the villainess. Every villainess is doomed to be killed by the hero, which makes Shan Qianyu satisfied. While she doesn’t like to wait, she always takes the initiative to ask for death immediately. However, the plots go wacky: In the first crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a bully in high school and should carry the torch for the hero. At the end she would be killed by accident by the hero who would live a happy life with the chief actress afterwards. But why did the hero fondly look at Shan Qianyu?... In the second crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a spectre ghost staying in the house of the hero and kill the supporting actress, the supporting actor and the chief actress, who would be doomed to be killed by the male hero eventually. So Shan Qianyu went to tell the hero that she is a ghost. Why didn’t he believe her and how did he fell in love with a devil?... In the third crossspace, Shan Qianyu was a gangster with blood feud to the hero. The hero was supposed to come into contact with her for revenge. Shan Qianyu trained the hero so that he could kill her as early as possible. He did kill her. But who can tell her why he asked her to marry him?... In the forth crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a tricky girl who trapped the hero prince to marry her. The prince brought honor to her on purpose to make everyone envy her. Finally, when Shan Qianyu was out of use, the hero killed her and married his true love. This time Shan Qianyu industriously played as a villainess. But why did the hero die before her?... In the fifth crossspace, Shan Qianyu wanted to live together with the hero. While this hero was different from the hero she knew before. In fact, her hero was always with her…

Ramona1pro · ファンタジー
49 Chs

021 Just bully you

"Yeah, it's 'dangerous' to be with me... You are thinking of something messy! As long as you don't move, it's not uncomfortable!" Ling Yuhao sighed a little at the forehead of Shan Qianyu, and the Shan Qianyu could no longer feel the foreign body without moving. She could not help but felt magical, that the kind of "weapon" , free to put away, is still very advanced.


During the whole morning, Shan Qianyu was forced by Ling Yuhao to watch "Grudge 1" and "Grudge 2", the pinnacle of horror films in history. No matter how she screamed, cried, and even tried to hide in his arms, he turned a deaf ear and blind eye, forcing her to open her eyes to see the 4 * 3 square meter big screen.

The essence of Japanese horror films lies in the sense of realism—the bed is opened and found to have a ghost on the head, the rain shower opens its eyes and finds a ghost behind it, the ghost is seen from the transparent glass door during the elevator rise, and a familiar person calls to visit but it is actually a ghost... All the plots are too life-like and habitual, making people afraid to be alone for a while after watching it.


"We'll watch American horror stories later, starting with season one." Ling Yuhao had been facing Shan Qianyu's back, and turned her around at this time only to find that she had cried into tears, curled up, and wiped the tears on her face helplessly, "You..."




Ling Yuhao was distressed, and approached Shan Qianyu to his armpit, resignedly enduring his numb legs. He pretended not to be sad and hit her, grabbing the back of her neck with one hand, "Say, do you still want to die? Hmm?"


Shan Qianyu just cried, silently, and did not speak.


The two stalemated for a short time, and Ling Yuhao felt that he had lost. His voice was no longer fierce, "Think about it, after death, you will become that kind of ugly ghost full of regrets. Don't think about dying, okay?"


I asked for death myself, and I did not die unjustly, so that I would not leave a curse to become a deadly evil spirit! Shan Qianyu thought of herself.


"Answer, say you don't want to!" Ling Yuhao's expression was as if he was about to bite her.


The unwilling Shan Qianyu bit her lip, "You bully!"

"Yes!" Ling Yuhao deliberately scratched her, and his tone was a spoiling that neither of them was aware of, "Just bully you! Bully you to death!"


Bullying to death? What kind of death is this? Before Shan Qianyu's brain could turn a corner, she couldn't resist and dodge, being aggrieved and angry.


In order to ease Shan Qianyu's mood, Ling Yuhao took her out to sea to drive a small plane in the afternoon, and the two of them each drove a section under the guidance of the air pilot, constantly shaking. The coach was about to have a heart attack, but they were still having fun. Ling Yuhao really likes the excitement brought by extreme sports, and Shan Qianyu is a little expert in jumping into the sea and jumping off buildings to die, naturally without fear.


In the evening, Ling Yuhao ordered Madame Butterfly's musical. With his accompany throughout the whole process, Shan Qianyu felt that the sequelae of her horror film were not so serious, but she still said to Ling Yuhao, "Shall I still live at your house tonight? I live by myself, that I'm afraid..."


Ling Yuhao was overjoyed and couldn't ask for it. If so, he couldn't wait to force her to watch horror movies every day, but she cried too much, he couldn't bear to see her so miserable again.

Shan Qianyu, who returned to school, was surprised to find that the heroine had transferred to the class 8, and she just missed Lin Menglin's self-introduction yesterday. She made no progress beside the male protagonist, and the legendary extremely murderous bully "the Highness" had obviously been angry with her, but she didn't know why he didn't kill her.


Could it be that she had missed the point? The dragon has reverse scales, and people have weaknesses. The male protagonist himself may not be his own weakness, so no matter how cruel he is, he will not kill back. And his weakness is most likely to be the female protagonist. If she abuse the heroine, she may be able to hit the weak point. It's just that the male protagonist and the female protagonist have not been in love now, which is a difficult problem!


Shan Qianyu felt that her villainess was really too competent, who also would help push the plot. She bumped into Ling Yuhao, "Eh, that cute girl is called Lin Menglin, who transferred from school yesterday. If you don't have to watch any curses, you won't miss someone's first appearance!" Hmph, there will be a time for you to repent in the future! Force me to watch ghost movies!


"What's the matter with me?" Ling Yuhao forcibly received Shan Qianyu's gaze to himself, because he couldn't wait to stick himself in front of her eyes, that she could only look at him all the time. Why should he divide his attention to others?


"You better pay attention, this is my warm reminder; otherwise your intestines will be repentant in the future! Have you ever heard: 'Pretend to be cool, chase your wife crematorium'?"


"Hey," Ling Yuhao felt that he had really lost to her, and the heavens must have sent this little goblin down to submit to himself, "Good, good, pay attention to it. How dare I pretend?" The big bad wolves have been trained to be a little white rabbit by you, my little pepper. Ling Yuhao smiled secretly to himself.

The man can be taught! "That girl looks soft and cute, like a small snack that can be swallowed in one bite. I will bully her fiercely in the future!" Ling Yuhao, you must care about the heroine! I'm not afraid that you won't comply! Kill me quickly!