
The Villainess Wanted To Die Young

The neurologist genius girl that developed spirit eternal life in artificial consciousness form became celebrated, but she got serious depression because she discovered a big secret about the world... Shan Qianyu, wanting to die every day, was forced to shuttle among different worlds of soap operas, playing as the villainess. Every villainess is doomed to be killed by the hero, which makes Shan Qianyu satisfied. While she doesn’t like to wait, she always takes the initiative to ask for death immediately. However, the plots go wacky: In the first crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a bully in high school and should carry the torch for the hero. At the end she would be killed by accident by the hero who would live a happy life with the chief actress afterwards. But why did the hero fondly look at Shan Qianyu?... In the second crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a spectre ghost staying in the house of the hero and kill the supporting actress, the supporting actor and the chief actress, who would be doomed to be killed by the male hero eventually. So Shan Qianyu went to tell the hero that she is a ghost. Why didn’t he believe her and how did he fell in love with a devil?... In the third crossspace, Shan Qianyu was a gangster with blood feud to the hero. The hero was supposed to come into contact with her for revenge. Shan Qianyu trained the hero so that he could kill her as early as possible. He did kill her. But who can tell her why he asked her to marry him?... In the forth crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a tricky girl who trapped the hero prince to marry her. The prince brought honor to her on purpose to make everyone envy her. Finally, when Shan Qianyu was out of use, the hero killed her and married his true love. This time Shan Qianyu industriously played as a villainess. But why did the hero die before her?... In the fifth crossspace, Shan Qianyu wanted to live together with the hero. While this hero was different from the hero she knew before. In fact, her hero was always with her…

Ramona1pro · ファンタジー
49 Chs

016 Stay away from Ling Yuhao

Qi Lang didn't expect her to say this, dumbfounded.

Shan Qianyu just wanted to make him vomit. She wants him to quickly cancel the marriage contract with her, to pursue the heroine and become couple with the heroine, which would drive Ling Yuhao so crazy that she could walk into death. She said in her chest like a chat, "Besides, I am now 'the Majesty the Queen'. The people in the class 8 are all my subordinates that I can't leave them alone."

"Really? Do they also include 'the Highness' master Ling?"

Oh, he knows that! Why does he know? It must be that Xiong Kexuan had approached him. So if something would happen between them two? Now that the heroine has not yet appeared, have they begun to form an alliance? Or is there something dark plot that me the villainess do not know? Is it possible that the male and the female protagonist married and then the male and the female pairing fell in love with each other, while only the villainess being dead.


If that's the case, she doesn't mind helping, "Someone complained to you? Then you can get..."


"Stay away from Ling Yuhao."


Qi Lang's appearance was serious, as if he was saying something of vital importance.


He added, "I don't like it when people touch what belongs to me."


Excuse me?

Did he just say that I belong to him? Shan Qianyu felt offended. She thinks she doesn't to die now, because she wants to see Ling Yuhao robbing the female protagonist from Qi Lang. She must!


Just by your words, I am not a big villain without blocking between you and the heroine! You'll wait and see!

She stretched out her "demonic" hands and awkwardly crossed behind Qi Lang's neck, feeling so awkward. Isn't this the case with people in the TV series? Oops, she doesn't know anything about this kind of thing, but then how to seduce the male pairing in front of the heroine?


Qi Lang saw the strangeness and jerkiness of Shan Qianyu, and was pleased. He scraped her nose, "What is it to do with such thick makeup? It's not pretty."


He and Shan Qianyu had met several times in kindergarten, and they had long forgotten such a person. If it were not for their parents' reminder, they would never have remembered the marriage contract between the two families. Knowing that Shan Qianyu was transferred to the class 8, he was mocked in deep—this kind of rich brainless girl was not worthy of him. Also he heard that her personality was arrogant and cocky, and she plays with Ling Yuhao, which deepened contempt towards her. Qi Lang would never friend to cynical prodigal kind of Ling Yuhao. In this way, Qi Lang considered it was best to wait for Shan Qianyu and Ling Yuhao to be together, so that they can propose that the marriage contract be annulled.


But this time was like a basin of ice water splashed on his face. He looked at the list with the name of Shan Qianyu on top of him, and her score was extremely glaring. Isn't she a gangster girl who has an exaggerated opinion of her abilities? Isn't she a straw bag who plays games in class and never learns?


During the recess exercises, he had inadvertently seen Shan Qianyu several times. Every time he was afraid of being awkward that she would run to him. She wore elaborate makeup every day, but she was more like the fox spirit from hell, dark and charming, that was not his favorite style at all. He didn't realized the fact that she probably didn't remember him until he passed by her during recess without a glance by her.

Today, a morning class meeting was held to summarize the situation of this examination. This is the first time that he only won the second place since he was born, so he is particularly concerned about what she is relying on? As a result, the class teacher borrowed the papers of her to circulate to a class of students, and he looked at the printed font in that hand, detailed enough to accurately grasp the steps of each scoring point. Then he suddenly wanted to know her, to know what kind of person she really was, rather than getting answers from the mouths of his schoolmates.


Others have never said that her math drawing is so standard and perfect, nor said that she is particularly good at disproving, or she likes to write in the corner of the test paper: why is it boring to turn in the paper after half an hour of the exam; these questions are too simple; the teachers were too kind; there are still ten minutes to turn in the paper, which is enough for me to write another method of this task...


The teacher asked the students of the recitation team to read her Chinese and English compositions aloud in the class. So that Qi Lang has known the Chinese text of Shan Qianyu is simple but moving, and the English words and sentences written by her are beautiful, rigorous and authentic. What a strong thinking logical person! That is really different from the rumors! How could that rumors come?

His fiancée, perhaps, is not a nuisance, but a treasure!


Xiong Kexuan said that she called herself "Her Majesty the Queen" and threatened not to look at "the Highness" in her eyes.

Qi Lang was a little pleased, although she did not recognize himself as Qi Lang. She seemed to have the position of fiancé in her heart that Qi Lang believed. So he couldn't hold back, and when he saw her going in the direction of the women's toilet, he came out of the class and waited for her at the door in spite of his demeanor.

Apparently, she was unfamiliar with the word "fiancée", but she reacted quickly, as if she had known him very well. Qi Lang thought that was cute.