
The Villainess Wanted To Die Young

The neurologist genius girl that developed spirit eternal life in artificial consciousness form became celebrated, but she got serious depression because she discovered a big secret about the world... Shan Qianyu, wanting to die every day, was forced to shuttle among different worlds of soap operas, playing as the villainess. Every villainess is doomed to be killed by the hero, which makes Shan Qianyu satisfied. While she doesn’t like to wait, she always takes the initiative to ask for death immediately. However, the plots go wacky: In the first crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a bully in high school and should carry the torch for the hero. At the end she would be killed by accident by the hero who would live a happy life with the chief actress afterwards. But why did the hero fondly look at Shan Qianyu?... In the second crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a spectre ghost staying in the house of the hero and kill the supporting actress, the supporting actor and the chief actress, who would be doomed to be killed by the male hero eventually. So Shan Qianyu went to tell the hero that she is a ghost. Why didn’t he believe her and how did he fell in love with a devil?... In the third crossspace, Shan Qianyu was a gangster with blood feud to the hero. The hero was supposed to come into contact with her for revenge. Shan Qianyu trained the hero so that he could kill her as early as possible. He did kill her. But who can tell her why he asked her to marry him?... In the forth crossspace, Shan Qianyu was supposed to be a tricky girl who trapped the hero prince to marry her. The prince brought honor to her on purpose to make everyone envy her. Finally, when Shan Qianyu was out of use, the hero killed her and married his true love. This time Shan Qianyu industriously played as a villainess. But why did the hero die before her?... In the fifth crossspace, Shan Qianyu wanted to live together with the hero. While this hero was different from the hero she knew before. In fact, her hero was always with her…

Ramona1pro · ファンタジー
49 Chs

004 Call me "Queen Majesty"

The green tendons on Ling Yuhao's forehead, which were so angry that they were about to explode. His whole body was "on fire" so that he wanted to give her a punch to catharsis. A fist is faster than thinking—"bang", what is the soft thing in his hand? How could it be her calf?

Shan Qianyu had been aware of it, and the leg of her lift vertically up was just in the way of Ling Yuhao's hand. She is set in this world as a big sister in a gang, naturally holding a good force, otherwise how to do the ultimate BOSS.

The spectators dropped a place of melon: good handsome skill, good long legs—the vase is not only crazy but powerful, that really make them want to seal her as a goddess. My goddess really sweet!

Just then the bell rang and the class teacher came in. The teacher in charge is a tall, gentle handsome man, being neighbor to Ling's family. Ling Yuhan respects the brother neighbor very much and doesn't play bad in his class. So he intended to ignore this tough girl and settle accounts with her after school.

The teacher in charge saw Shan Qianyu sitting steadily at Ling Yuhao's side, smiling quietly and feeling good. Finally someone can subdue Ling Yuhao. He spoke softly, "The newly, since you have a good seat, then it is where you sit. Come up and introduce yourself."

Used to the big scene of Shan Qianyu that does not matter to get up and go to the platform. She wrote down on the blackboard "Shan Qianyu" and then faced to everyone speaking loudly, "You guys'd better call me 'Queen Majesty'."

Queen Majesty! How dare she! This is a tough thing Ling Yuhao thinks.

Queen Majesty!—That's awesome! Class 8 students crowd eyes out stars.

"Queen Majesty?" Eyes of the teacher in charge jumps. He guessed this "Queen Majesty" is for Ling Yuhao's nickname of "the Highness". But he is happy to see it happen that someone helps him administer the tough Ling Yuhao.

During the recess, Ling Yuhao went out. A few students dare to come over to remind Shan Qianyu, "Shan Qianyu, please lay low, and 'the Highness' is no good! You are not from City A, so you may not know much about the Ling family. 'The Highness' is a little prince of black and white. The Ling family is the emperor of city A. We in this class have been the top of the pyramid of the rich, but 'the Highness' is the top of us! Not only in this high school, he can do whatever he want in the whole province. You would be dead if you offend him! Be smart!"

Shan Qianyu decided to offend Ling Yuhao with all her effort.

"There will be a battle between the hero and the villain," she told the crowd, waving her hand. "We can't live in peace." Everyone always thinks that Ling Yuhao is a bad guy she means.

So they rushed to give her a number of examples of "ancestors" :

I heard that there was a very powerful girl had provoked him, and then got demerit to school records and withdrawn.

I heard that there was a senior who had provoked him, and now he is still in the hospital. And I don't know if he has woken up.

I heard that there was a particularly beautiful miss aristocrat jumped off a building for him, but he did not even show up during the whole process.

I heard that there was a teacher without prior knowledge of the situation to punish him, disappeared on the earth by the next day.

... In short, the goal is to get her to stop right now and make her realize "the Highness" is a brutal and cold-blooded animal. He won't let her go just because she's a girl or of her beauty. No matter how noble, the bully Highness can stomp them in the ground.

Good, so Mr Ling will also not worry about her identity, if he wants to kill her. Shan Qianyu was happy to know.

After listening quietly, Shan Qianyu was pretty interested in Ling Yuhao's order to make people "evaporation". When he came back and everyone is gone as birds scatter, she put a tough right elbow on his left shoulder, looking like good brother, ans said, "Hey, I hear you killed a teacher. That's a good thing. Did you do it yourself, or did you send someone? What does it take to make you want to get rid of it? Is it okay as long as it hurts your body?"

It is hard to define whether Shan Qianyu is normally mental. She might be abnormal after finding the whole planet was build as toy city by 5-D creatures. But now she care more about the mental condition of the hero Ling Yuhao.

She thinks about: the corporal punishment can be thought of "killer". It is definitely not a normal state of mind. But mental illness of Ling Yuhao is good for her. As long as he is crazy, she will be able to grasp the appropriate timing on the gun so that she can die!

Just find the key motivator!

There can only be two correlations: either Ling Yuhao is a person who cherishes his body very much, may have had some shadows when he was a child, and once he is physically hurt, he will go crazy; or it was this person's incomparably self-esteem, because his status was extremely high, just like the emperor could not be insulted by his courtiers, the teacher made him lose face, so the inner demon ran out.

Then I have to hurt him severely! She told herself.

Shan Qianyu was immersed in her own strategic layout, not noticing Ling Yuhao's red and blood-dripping ear tips and panicked breath. The real age of her was only fifteen years old and she was immersed in exploring the mystery of the unknown day and night, so that neither she had the consciousness of men and women, nor pay attention to the small suspender on the cleavage of her chest and the delicate white thighs that could not be wrapped in hot pants.