
The Villainess Fell In Love (major editing, don't read)

A second chance to pursue the man who truly loved and cherished her. This time, it won't be too late. • • • | • • • The hatred is mutual. Li Wei loathes Khan Bojing and he despises her. There's no way on earth or heaven would they willingly come together... Until pain ensues a passionate night between them and their fates are forever sealed. Still, describing their marriage as loveless is not far-fetched. Then time turns back. And everything changes. A new beginning starts now, here in this moment. Anything from this point on is possible. Including a love story between the villainess and the second male lead. • • • | • • • All credits of cover artwork goes to the original artist. #fantasy #rebirth #villainess #secondmalelead #magic #romance #somemature/smut #someviolence #definitelyfluffy

alixlia · 一般的
79 Chs

Straight To You

The next week passed quietly.

Li Wei took Aunt Rin around the city, visiting the best places around. On the outside, she smiled and joked as usual.

Riding into the sunsets, swimming under waterfalls, and feasting after a long day was fun. She took this perfect opportunity to spend precious time with those she loved.

But at night, when she laid alone, her heart was full of worries. She hoped she had it wrong.

On a particular night, after they returned home, Li Wei sat by the opened window listening to the sounds of crickets singing.

Lately, she found herself appreciating the natural sounds of the night, something the previous her wouldn't even notice. Like the sound of raindrops hitting the ground, the sound of the night's ballad was just as calming.

She placed her arms on the window sill and put her head down. It was late and most have gone to sleep, but tonight she couldn't rest.

With the crickets, came the sound of light footsteps running down the corridor. Song Yishan stood directly in front of her doors. "Big sister, I've returned."

Li Wei pulled him inside and asked in a hushed tone. "So how is he?"

Song Yishan's expression was grave, very much unlike the bubbly him. "You were right. The prince has been heavily injured."

"Then that day in the city..."

"Khan Bojing gave out as soon as the procession was over."

Yebai ah Yebai, why were you forcing yourself? Li Wei wanted to flick his forehead for being careless. No message or news from him, this whole time, she almost thought he was just busy.

She hesitated a moment before whispering, "Can you sneak me into the palace?"

"Sneak you in? GIve me a moment." It would be risky to bring in another person. He could barely go in and out without being notice.

To bring Li Wei in would be dangerous if they were discovered. He couldn't bring her in.

However, it wasn't completely impossible. There was a better method.

Song Yishan's eyes suddenly brightened mischievously. "Follow me."


The cane in Yue Shangwu's hands burst into flames. He turned around angrily and repeated his question, "You need me to do what?"

"I-if you can magically transport big sister into the palace, that'd be most helpful..." Song Yishan replied slowly with caution. Growing up with Master Yue for years, he knew he was forcing the limits here. It's just, how could he bear to see two lovers separated?

If it was his princess whom had been injured...

Beside him, Li Wei found it interesting. This boy was more helpful than she imagined.

She couldn't believe she didn't consider asking for her father's help. For a moment, she had forgotten she was the daughter of Master Yue, the undefeatable sorcerer of all the kingdoms.

She sweetly walked to his side and sat him down by the table. "Father, please consider it."

Yue Shangwu pondered it earnestly. His weakness was his daughter. If she didn't intervene, he would've rejected Song Yishan immediately.

"Father, if you're worried, I'll be back within the hour."


"Yes, father."

"But that prince always sneak in to meet you." Yue Shangwu complained and added, "No father would send his daughter directly to the bedchambers of a beast."

Her father's straightforward statements were unfiltered. For the first time, Li Wei found herself speechless.

Her cheeks burnt as if she was on fire. "I..."

"It's most inappropriate. Also, if something happens, how can I be sure he will marry you? Daughter, you can't underestimate the capabilities of a man." Yue Shangwu was quite serious, thinking ahead for possible consequences.

"But father, Khan Bojing, he..."

"Even under the circumstance that he can barely move now."

Song Yishan, who wasn't the topic of conversation, even found himself turning red. He gave Li Wei a helpless look and quickly fled the scene.

"Father, I know you love me the most." Li Wei childishly leaned her head on her father's shoulders. "But trust me, I'll talk to him and come back right away."

Yue Shangwu continued to nagged for a bit before he took out a little blue bottle. "Apply this to the wounds."

"Father, you're the best!" She happily jumped up and used placed the bottle into her bag with utmost care.

"Quiet down, our guests are still sleeping."

"Hehe, I forgot," She said sheepishly.

With a soft blow onto his fingers, a pebble manifested out of thin air. "Blow once to leave and once again to return."

Li Wei held the pebble in her hands. It was surprisingly warm, bringing in a small comfort to her tangled heart.

Her eyes closed and she blew onto the pebble. A soft force wrapped around her body and soon after, that same force gave her a soft push forward.

Her feet stumbled upon wooden floors and her eyes opened. She was in a large dark room, the only source of light was the moon.

Under the glowing moonlight was a man on the balcony. His figure stood straight and his eyes were closed. As the wind blew, his long hair that were let loose, gently flew about.

Khan Bojing was... beautiful. He carried an air of elegance around him, even if he was just casually enjoying the night.

"Who is it?" Khan Bojing's hand drew the sword beside him into his grasp.

Li Wei couldn't help but gulp. His tone of his voice was ice cold, not to mention, the sword in his hands was definitely sharp.

He turned around swiftly, ready to fight whoever had trespassed into his place. His piercing eyes seized the uninvited guest unforgivingly until he realized who she was.

His stony face broke into a smile, the person before was gone. Now in front of her, was the man she was familiar with. Warm and loving.

"Xiao Wei?" He walked towards her in large strides, impatient to hold her in his embrace.

Li Wei's eyes blinked slowly. The sight of him made her forget why she was there.

As he walked over, moonlight shone on his body and she could clearly see the man only had pants on. His bare torso was on full display, his well defined muscles were a bit tempting.

And she, honestly, enjoyed the couple seconds while it lasted.

His strong arms wrapped around her waist and he took in her scent as soon as he got to her. His eyes closed and he wordlessly leaned onto her shoulder.

She, on the other hand, was not as calm. Her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

Oh heavens.

Her father really sent her directly into the prince's private bedchambers.