
The Villainess's Butler

Night instantly recalls his previous life as a regular young guy of Earth who lived an ordinary yet lonely life. But Night, on the contrary, he had been living in the slums, stealing food to live. But just before he was ready to be sold, he encounters and helps a girl in escaping from the guys who had kidnapped him. He had no idea that the person he helped was a VILLAINESS from a game his previous self had played on Earth! Worse! He eventually became her butler! To survive, he had no choices but to pull out all the red flags for both the Villainess and himself!

KarsX · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Elven Oath



When I heard the sudden moan, I felt a shiver run through my body.

Calm down.

I continued to rub Sianna's back more gently, noticing that she still occasionally moaned, likely still feeling traumatized.

"Calm down. Nothing will happen anymore," I reassured her, attempting to offer some comfort. To my relief, it seemed to have some effect, so I continued to whisper reassuring words while massaging her back, neck, arms, and legs.

But when it came time to wash her front...

No, I couldn't do it.

Fear of losing my composure overwhelmed me.

Turning to Meira, who had been observing the entire ordeal with shock, I instructed her to assist.

"But she doesn't want..." Meira began, her voice tinged with sadness.

"I'll take care of it. Come," I interrupted, urging her forward.

Meira hesitated momentarily before nodding, slipping off her shoes and cautiously tiptoeing toward us.

"Hya!" she exclaimed as she nearly slipped on the slick surface of the bath. Instinctively, I reached out and caught her arm. "Careful," I cautioned.

Meira didn't respond, instead staring up at my face with a look of shock.

Ignoring her reaction, I helped her regain her footing. "Come on, let's get this done," I urged, handing her the sponge.

Meira nodded and began to rub Sianna's front body.

Sianna attempted to push Meira's hand away, but I intercepted her, gently holding her hands. "Calm down, Sianna. She's here to help you. Everything will be okay."

Sianna relaxed again leaning her back on me.

I raised a confused eyebrow but shrugged it off, focusing on the task at hand. Taking the shampoo this time, I rolled back my sleeves once again and carefully massaged her hair, meticulously removing every speck of dirt until her dark green locks shone brilliantly.

After another half hour of thorough cleansing, she was finally ready.

"Now, it's your turn," I instructed, handing the shower head to Meira.

Meira took it reluctantly, hesitant to proceed given Sianna's aversion to it.

"Do it. I'll handle her," I reassured Meira with a serious gaze.

With a nod, Meira activated the shower head. As the water began to cascade over Sianna, she reacted violently, screaming and thrashing about.

"Keep going! Don't worry about me!" I shouted over Sianna's protests.

"Yes!" Meira nodded, determined, even as the water began to drench me as well.

"It's okay!" I reassured Sianna, wrapping my arm around her waist to keep her steady.

Meanwhile, Meira continued to wash away the grime from Sianna's body, revealing her spotless skin beneath.

Sianna's screams grew even more horrified, tears streaming down her face as her knees buckled. I followed her lead, kneeling behind her and embracing her tightly from behind, providing what comfort I could. "It's over... you won't suffer anymore," I murmured repeatedly, gently patting her head.

After ten minutes, Meira finished cleaning Sianna's body with a towel. I stepped out of the bathroom, leaving Meira to handle the rest of Sianna's care.

Dragging my tired, drenched body, I collapsed onto the sofa, exhaling heavily. I ran my fingers through my dark hair and leaned my head back, closing my eyes in exhaustion.

Another ten minutes passed, and I felt a gentle touch on my hair. Instinctively, I reached out and opened my eyes to find Meira's face hovering near me, holding a towel.

"What are you doing?" I asked, studying her curiously.

Meira blushed slightly, her gaze dropping. "Your hair... you might catch a cold..."

I considered her words for a moment before accepting the towel and drying my hair. "Where is she?" I asked, glancing around the room.

Meira shifted her gaze slightly beside me, prompting me to look down. There, I saw Sianna's head resting on my lap as she lay on the sofa, seemingly at peace.

Feeling slightly awkward at the intimate sight, I cleared my throat.

"Um, may I ask a question?" Meira spoke up hesitantly.

"What?" I replied.

"What are you going to do to us?" Meira asked, her tone cautious.

"Nothing," I assured her. "I'll simply arrange for a carriage to take you both back to Elderion."

Meira's eyes widened in surprise. "R-Really? But why? Did Father send you?"

"No, I'm acting on my own accord. Just remember my face," I told her.

"I won't…" Meira mumbled shyly.

"Oh yes, another thing. I want an Elven Oath from you," I added out of nowhere.

Meira's expression shifted from surprise to shock as she stared at me, clearly taken aback by the request.

I wasn't about to let her off the hook so easily, especially after paying such a hefty sum.

The Elven Oath was a binding promise, one that couldn't be broken under any circumstances.

"...For what?" Meira asked cautiously, though I noted she didn't outright refuse.

"There may come a time in the future when I require your assistance. I want your word that you'll do everything in your power to provide it, no questions asked, regardless of the consequences," I explained, my gaze serious.

"But…I can't…my Kingdom is at stake…I…" Meira's voice wavered with hesitation, and her reluctance was palpable.

It was understandable. Asking her to make such a promise, especially when it could potentially endanger her kingdom, was a weighty request.

"In that case, you'll have to trust me. Consider it a debt for saving your life. I'm certain your father would spare no expense to ensure your safety, but I'm not interested in bargaining with him. I'll return you to him, but in exchange, I need your word that you'll welcome me and provide assistance when I require it," I explained calmly but firmly.

The Elven Kingdom held significant power and influence, and if I could secure their cooperation, it would be invaluable. I didn't know what challenges lay ahead, but I was certain a peaceful life wasn't in the cards for me.

Meira still seemed hesitant, her expression troubled.

"Look at me," I urged gently.

Meeting my gaze, Meira raised her emerald eyes to meet my dark ones.

"I have nothing to gain by selling you back to your father for a ransom. Money isn't my objective. What I seek is your future cooperation and alliance if I require your aid. I saved both you and your half-sister from a fate worse than death at the hands of despicable nobles. Do you agree to that?" I pressed.

Meira nodded, her expression bitter.

"I have everything to lose by involving your kingdom in this, and I have no desire to antagonize the elves. However, I know they aren't easily swayed. That's why I need your promise. As a Royal Princess, you wield influence, and I trust that you'll honor your word," I continued, extending my left hand towards her.

Meira regarded me thoughtfully for a moment before slowly clasping my hand in hers. "I, Meira Elowen Elderion, swear upon the Sacred Trees that I shall uphold my engagement and offer you my utmost help by any means when you call upon me…"

As she spoke, a bright green light enveloped our clasped hands, our mana intertwining before forming a delicate green leaf bracelet tattoo around my wrist, flickering with a golden-green glow.

Watching the shimmering symbol, a smile tugged at the corners of my lips.

But all of a sudden, there was a lot of noise coming from outside. 

I got up from the couch, gently raised Sianna's head, and went to the window.

"Did you see this girl here? Two elves. They are slaves." 

I turned back and met Sianna's and Meira's stare with narrowed eyes.

"We have to leave immediately."

I have released a new book: Rise of the Vampire Prince!

Check it on if you are interested, it's the story of a Royal Prince fighting for his family and his kingdom

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