
The Villainess' Pursuit

She may be the princess who was never had an authority But step by step she'll rise to have her sovereignty ╚═════ೋೋ═════╝ Heidi, the youngest princess of the La Rochefoucauld Empire. She's not a pushover, but for her father, she will accept everything. Ever since she was a child she longed for her father's love, but everything differed when her sister changed. She who used to follow her father every day wavered when her sister started to chase after her. Her world starts to have a life, her used to be gloomy self finally found its light. But not long after those happy times, everything started to crumble, everything goes back to shambles. Where did it start to go wrong? In the end, these experiences slowly change her into a horrible existence one can not comprehend. This child, Heidi, a once kind, obedient and lovable princess had grown tired of her role, hence, she turned into a villainess. "I don't need death, a second chance nor second life to wake up from this dreamlike fairytale. I want what I deserve. I want to rule the world." -Heidi Arthea Kareem La Rochefoucauld

01king_aurella · ファンタジー
4 Chs

TVPC1 *Where did it start?*


: a part of a story or movie that describes or shows something that happened in the past.

: a story memory of a past event that comes suddenly into a person's mind


December night seems so cold, she's laying down in this caliginous arctic room. The endless sadness that she feels that's making her being drowned in a wreckage reverie.

Darkness conquers her world, even a single translucent light doesn't even exist on where she is.

She lost the meaning to live. She lost all her strength and feel missing in the obscure.

Her lips are trembling as her tears from her eyes drop one by one. She can feel how her heart is starting to freeze.

"It's not a talent cause it is a curse... It's not useful for it is worthless. I'm not ugly nor gorgeous for I'm nobody.... I'm not famous for I'm nothing"

She whispered but it was loud enough for her to hear multiple times. Her voice echoed in the four corners of this damp small room.

The clashing of the iron who shackled her ring in her head. The rattles made by the others outside her room is like a real purgatory on land.

Their wails sting her head and make her lose herself again. An endless nightmare in an emptiness. For another time around she feels so helpless.

"Where did it start to go wrong? Is it because I let her in my life or because I'm useless that I didn't even notice that?"

She was nine years old at that time.

It was in the middle of winter, 320th Imperial year. 9th year of Zaché Emperor. Odin Imperial Palace, La Rochefoucauld Empire.

She was so tired that she forgot to eat her meal but never forgets to chase after her father.

Her stomach growl as she reaches her hand to the fruit that was on the table. A bunch of redcurrants that she picked up in the orchard of her palace.

She made her way to where her father used to stay.

When she catches sight of a pale, black straight-haired man with fierce blazing red eyes. Her tired face was replaced by a radiant and happy expression when she saw her father in his garden just sitting while sipping tea.

He's a great man everyone will fall into, a great ruler but not as a father, the only one who is the most powerful in the whole empire.


Sun of the Empire, the emperor.

She ran closer to him with her sweet smiles eager for her father's love.


Her father did not even turn around and continued drinking, not minding her presence like she was nothing.

When she got closer, she held out her hand holding the fruit she wanted to give to her father.

"Father, I picked it from my palace garden. I have learned to plant and the very first plant I have planted has borne fruit. I want you to be the first to taste the first fruit of my laborious care."

She was still smiling as she watched and waited for her father's reaction, her lips aren't even quivering from too much smiling.

The empty and dark burning red eyes of her father were there again. He only looked at her for a moment then slapped her hand so the fruit that had just been in her hands fell out.

The pain was visible that went through her eyes. Just like before, at the same time as the redcurrant cluster disintegrated, it also destroyed her heart.

She could feel the pain in her heart, the feeling as if her heart were being pierced by a lot of burning needles.

Slowly she picked up the separated fruit as she felt the tears dripping from her eyes. She knelt for a long time as her tears flowed one after another, she bit her lower lip hard so that she wouldn't make any noise.

She heard her father stand up and walk away. She turned to see and saw only her father's back.

As she silently cries there she died once again.

"Pfft... Such a poor child."

She dried her tears and valiantly looked at the one who sneers at her.

It was a snake hissing again. I mean the empress.

Elvina Gennady Nabila La Rochefoucauld.

It may be hard to accept but she's the mother f*ck- I mean, the moon of the empire. The snak- - the Empress.

She thought so. There's a snake in the palace that's why she always hear a hissing and always sees dried skin around the place.

"Hssss..." Heidi replied copying how the snake sounds.

Elvina lost her mocking smile and gripped her hand to the fan she's holding.

"Tch! Just wait till you see"

The last sentence the empress said before turning her back and leaving the garden. Heidi sticks out her tongue wearing her victorious smile.

Just a moment ago she was down to earth but now she feels so elated that she pissed off the empress.

She's jumping a little making her way to go back to her palace while humming with her hands clapping back and forth.

She feels so happy not until she heard the voice of a little girl that she doesn't wanna see even at the ends of the world.


She ignores it but that kid keeps calling her.

'Ughh. Seriously' Heidi thinks while rolling her eyes.

She walks faster and forgets how good her mood is since it was destroyed by the girl who's chasing after her.

"Heidi!!! Wait a minute!!"

Heidi's forehead frowned at the kid's unyielding behaviour and was always chasing her. She wonders what her sister is doing because she always ignores her or in other words, she acts that she does not exist in her life.

Now she will always chase after her. She couldn't understand but Heidi felt that something was wrong with her sister.

'I am sure she wants to do something or the empress has had control over her to torment me more'

Heidi accelerated her walk but that kid was determined because it caught up with her. She got a glimpse of soft sky blue curly hair and crystal clear sky blue round eyes, her half-sister. EADLIN ZAKIRA LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, the first Princess of the empire, the eldest daughter of the emperor.


She bubbly calls Heidi's name and smiling brightly at her.

'What's her problem? Is this really her? ' in Heidi's mind as she stared at Eadlin.

She ignored her and just walked away. Eadlin got an uneasy feeling and chased after her as she shouted her name.

When Eadlin coped up with her she wrapped around her right arm to her, so Heidi was a bit troubled. Heidi strained to remove the arms wrapped around her arm.

"Heidi, don't be so mean. Let's go together, please"

She said sullenly while begging Heidi.

"Get off. I don't know what's wrong with you but can you let me go. It's like just the other day you didn't know me. How come you're here now and it's like you know me well."

Eadlin did not answer but smiled at her meaningfully.

"I'm going back so you should stop following me and go back to where you belong." Heidi bitterly said.

Eadlin pouted and even hugged Heidi tighter. She shook her head and shouted. "NO!"

"Your home is my home. Can I sleepover at your palace?" Eadlin shamelessly asked Heidi. Heidi just gives up and let this mischievous sister of hers enter her palace.

'Such a shameless attitude.' Heidi sighed as she looked at her sister eat the cookies as if she didn't eat for weeks.

"Can I get another batch?"

Heidi's face turns sour.

"Don't you have foods in your palace?"

Eadlin taps her temple as if she's in deep thoughts.

"Uhhmm... Yeah, I think I have?"

'Is she kidding me? She's the favourite one. She can't be lacking in foods.' Heidi frowned.

"Anyways, I like Heidi's food the most." Eadlin smiled warmly while Heidi's a bit surprise on what her sister said.

'What? Does she know that I'm the one baking my pastries here?' That's the question in Heidi's mind that's visible on her face. Eadlin wriggled her eyebrows while smiling.

"Yups. I just know. Besides, yours the tastiest. Yummy.."

'I don't believe you. What a pretender.' Heidi just sighed and ignored Eadlin. She got up from the sofa and started to walk through the door. Before she opened it she look back at Eadlin with confused face.

"I'm going to bed. If you want to sleep over here you can just choose whatever room you like and leave my palace in the morning." Heidi's cold voice send shivers down the spine of Eadlin.

Heidi left and Eadlin was still stunned in her sit.

"Just as I thought so. It's hard to gain your trust even as such a young age." Eadlin whispered softly.

She sighed and swallowed the whole cookies. She looked around and wrapped the other cookies to eat inside the room.

'Maybe a midnight snack sounds good'
