
THe Villain

Warning: Mature Content.  "I have decided what my first wish will be."  Santiago stared at her coolly as if he hadn't granted her five wishes in exchange for a deal.  "Dance with me." "What?" His indifferent facade crumbled instantly.  "My first wish-- I want you to dance with me every night we are together. So, Villain, dance with me."  ___   Persephone Marino, the stolen bride made a deal with the Villain, her captor, in exchange for five wishes. The sheltered Mafia princess got a taste of freedom in her captivity when Villain offered her a deal to get her out of his system.  Who would have thought that the bride he had stolen for a completely different goal would end up becoming his maddest and hardest obsession? __  Mature content starts after chapter 17. This book is R-18, so it's given that it will be hardcore smut. -- Regular updates.  --Anti hero Male lead.  -- No cheating or rape.  The author doesn't own the cover of the book.   

tanu_sam · 都市
260 Chs

Thank You

It was a beautiful day out. 

The sun rays were peeking through the curtains teasing the sleeping couple, perhaps the moon had gossiped about their naughty time together. 

As usual, Santiago woke up first and his gaze settled on the beautiful woman snoring in his arms. Her cheeks were pressed against his chest and her arms were wrapped around his waist as if she was worried that he might run away. 

How was it even possible? 

Heavens and earth united them and he would be damned if he let her go this time without a fight. It was fine that she hadn't given him an answer yet. She could take all the time and he was ready to wait for her. 

His lips stretched to form a smile as her chest moved up and down. He removed hair that was disturbing his view with his fingers and pecked her nose. He grabbed his phone from the nightstand, without waking her up and messaged Valencia asking if Eleanora was fine.