
The Villain Wants to Quit

It's not uncommon to enter a terrible contract. Unfortunately Theo accidentally entered a contract that forced him to become the right hand of the continent's most infamous villain. The continent is being swept into violence, and Theo is one of the public's worst enemies. He would really like to quit.

OtioseNinja · ファンタジー
58 Chs

The Gems (7)

"Since you're being less destructive with fire production, we should see if you're able to handle a new spell," Marie said as they took a break on their journey to the Quartz Mountains.

"What about a water-related spell," Theo suggested.

"Water?" Marie asked.

"That way, I could put out the fires if I lose control or clean up my blood like Giselle does," Theo said.

[An excellent idea,] Stabby said. [Brilliance is expected from one of Numen's children.]

"Yeah, just be careful not to start a Tsunami to avoid a summoning," Carrot said. "The lizard could get swept away."

"I am not a lizard!" Scourge sunk his claws into Carrot's neck, but they were too small to do much damage.

"It's a good idea," Marie said, "I am more skilled at things involving explosions, fire, and electricity, but I should be able to show you the basics."

Marie chanted a spell, imbuing magic into a bullet. When she loaded and shot the bullet, it made a small splash of water on impact.

"I can see how that would be underwhelming," Carrot snorted at Marie's attempt.

"Oh shut up, you jostly pony," Marie spat at Carrot, using Scourge's nickname for the unicorn.

"Scourge, what have you been saying around others," Carrot chided the dragon.

"Nothing," Scourge said sweetly while scampering for Theo's shoulder.

"Unfortunately, I'm about as skilled as Marie when it comes to using water-related spellwork," Marc said. "Giselle would be the best at demonstrating this for you."

[Remember to have restraint,] Stabby warned Theo.

Marc laughed at the squabbles of the group while Theo focused on holding back all but a speck of his mana. He chanted the spell Marie showed him while focusing on water filling his cupped palms. The water summoned as expected but kept flowing out of his palms until the ground around him was a mud puddle. However, Theo could forcibly break the spell thanks to his experiences with the fire spell.

"That was relatively not awful," Marie clapped for Theo.

"Genius Papa Mortal Theo," Scourge cheered.

"Thanks," Theo patted Scourge's head. He had learned to just roll with whatever title the dragon used. "If I can get enough control to surround myself with water, it would be impossible to accidentally summon a monster." Theo's face was practically radiating.

"Theo, make sure you don't drown yourself," Carrot said, giving Theo a pointed look. "It would be better to accidentally summon some creature than to drown."

Theo averted his gaze from Carrot.

[I agree,] Stabby said. [The release of mana upon your death would be far more harmful than anything you can summon.]

"Wait, what," Theo froze, and everyone stared at Stabby. They had learned not to ignore Stabby when he made cryptic references to Theo's mana. "What do you mean by the release of my mana?"

[Well, if you are the last of your clan, there's no one to pass the mana on to,] Stabby said. [Numen designed it so that the mana redistributes among clan members after they pass away.]

"That's a terrible plan," Marie shouted with a gaping mouth.

[Numen was wise,] Stabby sniffed. [You humans were foolish to kill so many of Numen's children. Numen's mana was supposed to spread thinner as the clan grew and intermarried with other clans, not become concentrated to one person.]

"Why didn't you mention this earlier?" Theo asked.

[I thought it would sort itself out,] Stabby said. [Numen's other children were quite enthusiastic about reproducing. Why even Numen-]

"What would the release of my mana entail?" Theo asked, pinching the bridge of his nose and cutting the dagger off before he could share any more about their deity's personal life.

[It's hard to say,] Stabby said, [But the balance of mana would undoubtedly be thrown off, so any kind of disaster could happen. Lots of people would die.]

"Is there any way to prevent this?" Marc asked.

[Oh, Theo just needs to have descendants,] Stabby said. [Then, when Theo dies, his mana will spread equally between his children.]

"Well," Theo coughed. "…As much as I want this conversation to be over, I guess it's something I needed to know."

"If it means I don't have to worry about you giving up on life any time soon, I'm happy about it," Carrot said nonchalantly. He liked his human having an extra incentive for survival.

"Um… I'll try to introduce you to someone nice when we return to the capital," Marc said. "Until then, don't die," Marc paused. "Can't say I ever thought I would be playing wingman to Dullahan's right-hand man."

"No thanks," Theo scowled.

"I will have siblings?" Scourge's eyes shone with excitement.

"But then any kid I have will have to deal with this mana," Theo grimaced at his palms.

[The more children you have, the smaller percentage of mana they will inherit.] Stabby said. [If you live long enough to have grandchildren, it'll be even further reduced. Why with all the mana you have, you should be able to-]

"Great," Theo said with another cough, "Can we go back to magic practice."

The other humans gave an emphatic nod. Theo kept practicing fire and water spells the entire way to the base of the Quartz Mountains. He practiced a lot with summoning fire and extinguishing it with water before Marc set him to doing practical chores for the journey, like setting fires to cook with and filling the water canteens. It went pretty well, though he accidentally destroyed one of the canteens by too forcefully filling it with water. It was going better than expected, though Theo still hadn't gotten anyone to approve his plan to try enveloping himself in water.

However, he hoped the rendezvous with Vin and Giselle would change things. If Theo lost control during magic practice, Giselle could intervene as long as the spell involved natural elements.

"I can see the logic in your idea," Giselle conceded when Theo filled her in, "I'd be willing to give it a go."

"Can I stay on your shoulder, Giselle?" Scourge asked. "I do not wish to be swept away by the water. Not that I'm a lizard or anything." Scourge hurriedly added the last sentence.

"Hmm, sure," Giselle agreed, not understanding Scourge's sudden panic.

"He's been adept at water and fire spellwork?" Vin asked. When Marc and Marie nodded, he raised his eyebrows. "Using two opposing elements is pretty impressive."

[It is only natural,] Stabby said. [Would Numen's own mana be less than perfect for any application? It would be absurd.]

"I see," Vin said thoughtfully.

Theo took a deep breath before trying the spell's new application. He started by envisioning the water filling his cupped hands like the first time he used this spell, but then he willed the water to slowly envelop him. It went perfectly until the water reached his neck, and he panicked. Theo accidentally loosened control of his mana, and suddenly instead of a thin coating of water around him, he was enveloped in a bubble of water.

"Giselle, fix it," Marie said while attempting to grab Theo's arm through the bubble of water, but the amount of water was growing, and she was futilely pushed back.

"I'm trying," Giselle grimaced while drawing glowing symbols in the air. "The sprites are struggling to override his mana.

"What if I electrocute the water?" Marc asked while brandishing his sword. "Would knocking him out stop the spell?"

I am unsure. Stabby said.

"The water isn't going to directly harm its caster, but the lack of oxygen will," Vin said. His eyes were glowing with an unnatural light as he studied the situation. "Giselle, he isn't circulating his mana evenly. On his right side, at about the eight' o clock position, there's an area where his mana is thinner. Have your sprites focus on that."

Giselle followed Vin's instructions. She was sweating with exertion by the time she was done, but she was able to disrupt the spell. Theo fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

"I'm glad we waited to try that until Giselle was around," Theo weakly said.

"Yeah, I think we better wait a while before you try that again," Marie said.

"What, no," Theo said. "I just freaked out when… it's fine. I've got some good ideas from that."

"My vote is you have to practice filling up a lot more canteens and soup pots before we repeat this little incident," Marc said.

"For once, this human is one of the sensible ones," Carrot agreed. Theo chuckled. Carrot acted taciturn though Theo knew he appreciated Marc more than he let on.