
The Villain Saves the Male Lead

Ren, a modern doctor and a secret master magician, suddenly finds himself inside a random book he picked up at the airport...as the villainous older brother of the protagonist. As the bad guy, he's supposed to make life difficult for the Male Lead until the latter grows up and kills him in revenge. However, looking at the broken teenager in front of him, Ren can't help but feel his heart soften. Fang was an orphan who had never known what a family is. Abandoned at birth, all he knew was pain and fear. He loved nothing, and wanted nothing...until he saw the angelic Wade. To save Wade, Fang didn't hesitate to sacrifice himself. ..after all, there was no one to cry over him. But then, Ren appeared and turned his world upside down.

Jaywalker_Holmes · LGBT+
268 Chs

8 - School Matters are Settled

The visitors from school entered awkwardly.

The attendant by the bedside helped Fang sit up. The teenager smiled tiredly at his classmates and the teacher.

"Thank you so much for visiting me," he said softly. "I was really worried I would fall behind in my studies." Now, Fang knew that it wasn't true - with his intellectual capacity, there was no way he would ever fall behind - in fact, he could even finish off University level exams right now; all he needed was a chance to take a look at the books! However, he really was very touched that people from his school had come to visit him, and he was very grateful for their concern.

"No problem," the teacher said quickly. "We should do this much. Mr. Ren has already arranged for the class notes and homework to be picked up for you everyday from school, and I'll drop by on Saturdays to tutor you until you're able to return to school."

There were very few things money couldn't solve, after all.

Fang didn't have any trouble conversing with his visitors. They were much more interested in the famous CEO's mansion than in Fang's heroic story. Besides, it was fairly apparent that they were more interested in the legendary young CEO Ren of Sirocco than a poor little classmate they'd barely spoken to in the few days he'd attended school. They were bursting with curiosity, but the delicious food provided by Jules quickly overcame that.

"If you have any problems, send me a text," the class representative said. "I live close by; I can drop in anytime. Let's exchange numbers, and I'll also add you to the class group." She pulled out her phone eagerly.

Fang was a little lost. How could an orphan like him afford a mobile phone?

"Young Master Fang's phone was unfortunately lost in yesterday's incident," Steward Paul said smoothly. "Master Ren has ordered a replacement, but I'm afraid it's not here yet."

"Oh," the girl said, seemingly disappointed, but brightened immediately. "I can drop in tomorrow, then?"

"Sure," Steward Paul said. "Young Master Fang's friends are always welcome."

"Is Mr. Ren not in?" the girl asked.

"He is resting," Dr. Gordon said, a sarcastic smile on his lips.

"Tell Big Brother that I'm here," Wade said imperiously.

"Why?" the doctor asked, feigning innocence.

"He'll want to see me, of course!" Wade declared.

"Master Ren needs to rest," Steward Paul spoke up. "Young Master Wade, if you're short of money again, I'll ask Pax to transfer a million to your account tomorrow morning. Will that be enough to tide you over for the rest of the month until your regular ten million is sent on the first of next month?"

Everyone frowned at Wade. What did a high school student need so much money for?

Wade glared at Steward Paul. "Who are you to interfere with what I want from my brother?"

"If it's about a sports car again, Master Ren has already promised to get you one when you're old enough to drive and get a license," Steward Paul said smoothly, ignoring the slight.

Fang eyed Wade worriedly. When he had first seen the other boy, he had thought very highly of him. Wade had such a pure, innocent appearance and seemed to be always smiling and kind to everyone in school. Was this spoilt brat with no concern for his big brother the same person? Fang remembered the hint of loneliness he'd seen in Ren's eyes earlier. He'd learnt from the staff that Ren dotes on his little brother, and he'd imagined that Wade reciprocated that affection...but could it be that while Ren cherished his little brother, Wade only treated him as a money bag? Was Ren so starved for familial affection that he could even bear this without a complaint?

Fang suddenly felt an ache in his chest as he remembered Ren's smiling face in the morning and his serious demeanour at lunch. Why had Fang behaved like that with his saviour? Even if saving him was no more than a rich man's passing fancy for Ren...still, hadn't it been Fang who had reaped all the benefits? The school situation was already sorted, he was being treated with more kindness and affection than he'd ever been in his life, and he had a powerful man's sincere promise that the situation at Orchid Orphanage would be sorted out...which meant that his year-long nightmare was almost over. What more could he possibly want? Did it really matter why Ren was helping him? Shouldn't he just accept the help and be grateful instead of questioning him?

"All right, my patient needs to rest now, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask everyone to leave now," Dr. Gordon said firmly.

Fang's pale face did look rather weak and fragile, so no could argue.

Wade seemed reluctant, but the teacher dragged everyone away. Steward Paul showed them out.

Fang turned to Dr. Gordon anxiously. "Is he really ill again?"

Dr. Gordon raised an eyebrow. "Who? Master Ren?"

Fang nodded.

Dr. Gordon chuckled. "Nah, he's busy in the kitchen. Wolf is coming over for dinner and he promised to personally cook for him."

"Wolf?" Fang asked curiously.

"Head of the Blue Wolves," Dr. Gordon said. "He was recruited to sort out the troublesome people at your orphanage."

Fang's mouth dropped open in shock. "He involved the mafia?!"

Dr. Gordon laughed heartily. "It's more efficient this way."

Fang gaped at him. "It's already done...?" Was it possible? Just like that, Ren solved all his problems with a wave of his hand?

The doctor nodded. "Also, Wolf is Pax's twin brother and Ren's ex-boyfriend." He put a finger to his lips. "Don't tell them I told you about that!"

Fang nodded in a daze.

"I hope the food will be edible. From what I know, Master Ren has never cooked before," Dr. Gordon muttered. "I saw him looking at a cookbook after lunch... perhaps I should prepare some stomach medicine just in case."

Fang jumped out of bed. "I can cook! I'll go and help him!"

He ran off towards the kitchen before anyone could stop him.