
39 - Me, too.

Fang didn't know what he felt, but he knew it was a good thing because he was warm and floating and comfortable and safe.

"Fang...?" Ren asked quietly.

Fang shook off his hazy thoughts and found Ren looking at him fearfully. He was still kneeling on the floor.

"Come on, get up, kneeling on the floor isn't good for you; your leg just recovered!" Fang scolded, and helped Ren stand up.

"I'll heal it with magic if it breaks again," Ren said carelessly, his eyes fixed on Fang's face.

"Don't say such horrid things," Fang snapped. "My heart hurts when you're injured."

Ren's face creased into a beatific smile at his words. "Yes, dear," he murmured and kissed Fang's brow.

"Ok, first things first...don't tell people about your magic," Fang told him. "Not even Pax. Even if he realised that you're not the original Ren-the-villain, he shouldn't be able to know you're a magician. There's no known magic in this world, ok?"