
The villain's side of the novel

[ Discord: name : Merciless Clan lien: https://discord.com/invite/2m7XzWyEDQ] In this unique twist on the typical hero-villain dynamic, our protagonist, the villain, finds himself compelled to save humanity from powerful races threatening its existence. Meanwhile, the hero is preoccupied with gathering a harem. The story unfolds as the villain must not only confront external threats but also challenge so-called heroes, proving his perspective and ultimately taking on their responsibilities to ensure humanity's survival. As alliances shift and moral complexities emerge, the narrative explores the unexpected journey of redemption and sacrifice.

Fri123 · ファンタジー
229 Chs

Astralhaven City

After hours of soaring through the sky, the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue across the horizon. Fray's destination was far, and he had chosen to embark on this journey alone, without Adam's help. Although he had planned his stops in advance due to the long journey, he knew he was close to reaching his first destination. Fray scanned the landscape, searching for the city he sought.

As his eyes surveyed the terrain, they landed upon a city nestled amidst rolling hills. Its architecture was adorned with intricate patterns and ethereal colors, giving the impression of a place touched by magic. The city emitted an otherworldly aura, captivating Fray's attention like a moth to a flame. It beckoned to him, promising respite and an opportunity to gather his thoughts before continuing his journey.