


Okay, I will tell you a story of how I died after my graduation. And also, how my life changed after my death.

    Yeah, the first one sucks.

    When you're finally done with school and are ready to face the torture of being a full, independent, working adult, you suddenly died without even knowing the cause of why you died.

    Well, at least I don't have to face my torturous future, right? I can just stay in my coffin, getting all cozy while waiting for the world . . . to explode or something?

     Enough with the chit chat and let me start with my wonderful story.

     I was a twenty-one-year-old independent student that has no loving parents to rely on. Yep, I was that child that a parent would hate. Not that I care though, because, to their loss, I was the smartest of the three! Haha! Who needs parent's love when you have a smart brain and a strong body!

     I learned how to live alone and worked a lot of part-time jobs while attending college. it was hard at first but I got used to it and managed to live like that for four years.

     Girlfriend? HAHAHA! I never had one.

     I'm a busy man that has no time with love and just watches in a lovey-dovey life on every occasion while I'm just at the corner, trying to survive.

     I lived a life alone, died after graduation, and had no girlfriend . . . how worse can my life be?!

     I worked hard, study hard, eat hard and sleep hard just to achieve my dream to become an architect.

     And in the end, all my hard work was thrown in the trash because I DIED. If someone just told me about my fate sooner then I wouldn't have worked so hard for my living and just wait for my fate. I dreamt for my future for nothing.

     Enough with my past and let us get on to what happened after my death.

     Just as I thought that it was the end of me, I woke up in a world where there are no technologies are involved but magic. In a world where emperors and kings ruled over the society.

     Which is the WORST.

     And I know what you all are thinking. Yep, I got reincarnated. I don't know why and how but I did. I became the third child of the duke in a small kingdom. My name was changed and I am now Azazel Iruz Sheridan.

     From a student to a young lord, talk about huge promotion. I think I can get used to this new and relaxing life. Though that would soon change when I found out about the body that I was reincarnated in.

     Let's talk about that later and go to the main question.

     How did I become a villain?