
The Villain's RE:Life

In 2028, a mysterious Entity called Arkadia changed the lives of every living thing by descending on Earth and Bestowing all living beings with a System unlike any before imagined. Soon, the world experienced so many changes that it was only a matter of time before the things of fairytales and comic books became real, with everyone gaining superpowers. This is the story of me, Xipher, one of the most famous and notorious villains in history. Come along with me as I reveal how I turned into one of the most sinister villains...and as I return to the past to destroy all those who made my life into the hell it was. **THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION; ANY CHARACTERS OR EVENTS THAT OCCUR ARE PURELY FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES** Additional TAGS: #MultipleRegressors,#IntelligentMC

TayLawJorg · ファンタジー
212 Chs

Spinning the Wheel Of Destiny


{The single chosen skill will be able to grow and strengthen just like any other Talent Skill; however, as it will be one of the Talent's original base skills, it will have a finite amount of power that it can utilize.}

{One final note: the XP required to upgrade both your Talent Rank and Skill Attainment will be increased by a factor of 5, and any boosters, such as the one obtained by way of an Elixir, will not apply to your second Talent.}


To say I was a bit underwhelmed by Arkadia's restrictions on the new Talent would be an understatement, as they practically neutered any chance of the new Talent being overpowered.

When I first read that the new Talent would match my current Psy-Kinesis's Omega Upgradeable potential, I was excited to gain a powerful offense or defensive weapon; however, the dark cloud named Arkadia decided to take a giant steaming dump on my head.