
The Vigilante Champion of The Misery Goddess

"I thought that my life would be so mediocre and boring after graduating from high school, but instead everything changed during the night of my graduation." -Yamato Akira, The Vigilante Champion of The Misery Goddess

Naoe_Adam · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Graduation Day!

High school graduation day.

Where young teenage boys and girls have to become an adult and face the real world to make their own mark on this world. Some of us have our ambitions and dreams that we want to accomplish but for others, we are still lost in the sea of uncertainty.

For me, I am drowning in that sea.

But I do not want to think about that right now and I just wanted to enjoy the whole day with my friends. After the graduation event was finished, I went out with my two friends to the city to celebrate.

We hit the usual arcade place first because Tatsu wanted to experience the final moments of being a high school boy in an arcade while wearing the uniform. I cannot blame him because he is right. Throughout our school years, we have to change our clothes before we can go out to avoid getting caught and being labeled as delinquent even though we only wanted to enjoy playing games.

We did not even smoke or drink alcohol because we are such good students and abide by the rules. I have been friends with this guy for so long I do not even remember how we met and become friends.

Moreover, one of our friends is the student council president and we keep getting lectured by her although she joins us sometimes. Well, I even help her a few times on Student Council stuff unofficially. She even asked me to join her a few times but I respectfully decline.

Student Council President Takeyama Aoi who I became friends with during my second year. She was just transferred from an all-girls school because of her father's work as a prosecutor and because of her stellar performance, her experience as a member of the student council from her previous school and great grades, she immediately rose in the student hierarchy to be the hope and star of the school.

How did I first talk to her? Well, she is the one who kick me from behind when I kept falling asleep during classes. That triggered her so much and kept on lecturing me. I did not argue with her or shout back because I know what I do is wrong but why I can fall asleep in classes without the teachers getting angry? It is because I am one of the top students in the school, right behind Takeyama though. I was the number 2 but ever since she transferred in, I became number 3.

The number 1 is not Tatsu although he hopes that he can become number 1 to call us friends, "The Three Legendary Students" but his hope died as the last bell rang today.

"What are your plans after this, Akira-kun?" Aoi asks me while I am fighting Tatsu on the arcade machine.

I think for a few moments and tell her "I do not know. I do not think that far ahead." and ask her back. "What are yours?"

"I want to become a prosecutor like my father as I said before" she replied while thinking something. Then she asks "How about becoming a game programmer or game designer? You love video games right?"

"I do love playing video games but I do not know I love making them or even writing stories for them. I do not know."

Aoi then sternly says "You have to choose your own path now, we are no longer students and there are so many paths ahead of us, have you applied for any scholarships?"

"What are you, my mother? *laughs* and I have. I applied to all of your recommendations. Thank you by the way." as I beat Tatsu in the second round.

"All of them!? You also applied for a law degree?" Aoi is startled but her cheeks began to blush.

"Well yeah, I applied to all of them and now let the battle royale begins. The winner will have me as the honored scholarship student." I jokingly said to her.

After the arcade, we went to a nearby shopping mall and karaoke booth.

We went to a family restaurant that we always go to and Tatsu's girlfriend was already waiting at the usual table. It was already 7:48 p.m. and we are starving.

Tatsu's girlfriend already ordered for us so we just sit and eat. She remembers our usual order so she just went ahead and ordered it for us, 20 minutes beforehand.

She waits for Tatsu after she spends some time with her friends for the 'last time' because she wanted to spend some alone time with him before the day ends.

We spend some time with the four of us, in our school uniforms for the last time, talking about our few years together in high school. It was fun.


After I sent Aoi back to her place, I went home, thinking about what I should do.

I am a man without any plans or aspirations. I love to help people but everybody does, right?

I love playing video games but I do not know whether it is my calling or not.

Tatsu wanted to own a restaurant. Aoi wanted to follow in her father's footsteps. Cindy wanted to become a model and marry Tatsu in the future.

I remember my conversation with Aoi back in the arcade place and said to myself, "Maybe I can become a game designer or something" I laugh as I do not know what my future will bring.

But fate has something in store for me and I did not know it until I heard a woman screaming on my way back to my house.

I quickly run towards the scream to check it out.