

How will a young woman maneuver through this complicated concrete jungle and find true love. Follow the story and find out what choices she would make to achieve her goals.

zackthorn · 都市
1 Chs


Cindy had been through a lot for the past few years, many things has happened to her that shaped her outlook on life. As a young woman in this growing society, it was difficult to cope with changes that it brought along with it.

She stood at the sidewalk staring at the large neon sign, blinking in and out of existence, reading it's context as if it contained the answer to her problems.

'THE ONE AND ONLY CAFE' This was what was written on it. It has it's own uniqueness to it. Pulling customers from all over the street to satiate their curiosity.

The cafe was designed in a way that differed from the traditional style. It had huge pane of glass windows that provided the view to the inside, situated next to them was large multicolored opaque glass doors that provided colour to the interior of the cafe when the lights from the outside flowed through them.

The futuristic design couldn't alleviate the tension within Cindy, as she was late for her appointment with her blind date.

She brought up her courage to open the door and push through this night like always.

Walking in, she looked around looking for the description of the man she was supposed to meet. lo and behold he was there sitting at the end of the aisle, sitting by himself in a two seat table, reading the menu.

He didn't look like she imagined in her mind with all the details she was given. She was looking for a prince charming who would sweep her of the ground with only a glimpse from his eyes. Any type would have been better than what she was looking at.

He looked like a typical business man. with neatly combed hair, well ironed black suit. If a business man was described to you it will be him.

She walked up to his table to greet him and finish up with this date.

"Hello, nice to meet you, are you Max?" she asked.

He looked up from the menu and stared at her with his deep black gaze and said.

"You are late"

"Excuse me!"

"Yes iam Max and have been here for a while and iam not exited to meet you,"

"What do you mean?"

He looked at his watch and said, "I'm a very busy man Cindy, and I made an exception for you today." He looked around, then continued, "and it was not all I had hoped to accomplish within this few minutes I had reserved."

"What the f#ck are you talking about?" She was very confused.

"I have an appointment in the next hour." He said standing up from the chair," You can order anything and put it on my tab."

She watched dazed and confused as he walked out of the cafe. She watched him hail a cab an drive away from her sight.

"What just happened!" She sat down, trying to figure out what the hell that has just occurred.