
The Lion: Chimera

"I... I do not understand what you are trying to say? Erwin... you know me, Carlo, your brother was once my..." Juliana tried to convince him.

Erwin slammed the table as he heard his brother's name, "You have no right to say the name of my brother!" He signaled one of the guards to punish her for her misconduct.

The guard nodded and tased Juliana in her chair, Juliana screamed in feeling the short burst of electricity running in her body. After she was tased, the guard retreated back to her former position.

The room lighted dimly as the door was closed and the air conditioning of the room was set to 20 degrees Celsius. Erwin continued to look at the documents in front of him for more information.

"Erwin... I am innocent! Believe me!" Juliana pleaded to him over and over.

One of the guards signaled Erwin to tase Juliana but was stopped by him. Erwin stood up and shows her pictures of her involvement with the group. She was seen in the picture with suspicious person, foreign nationals and worse confirmed terrorists and lawless elements. Juliana could not believe that she was detected in thinking that she was being cautious in her acts.

"You cannot hide anything now, traitor! Tell me! What is the objectives of the organization!?" Erwin yelled at her asking.

"I... I don't know!" Juliana confessed and said, "We have our reasons to turn back, I admit it, I work for them and so what!? I don't know of the name of the organization and I am impressed in how good you are! However, they will bring salvation to us, I swear, a new era will befall upon us ending our misery...!"

Erwin slapped Juliana upon hearing her words. Seeing the ex lover of his brother she was disgusted in what she had become. Having enough of the interrogation Erwin left the room and let Juliana be. He picked up the phone and tried to contact his brother about the situation. Erwin changed his mind and dropped the call and proceeded on his way to his superiors.


After talking to the Kaiser on the phone, Enrique sat on his chair. He knows that the Kaiser is now suspicious on them and are now hasten his plans.

"Do you have news of that woman lately?" Enrique asked Cobra in front of him.

"What about her?" Cobra asked in reply.

"She believed that she can fulfill the role of the late elite spy code named Julia Ana."

"Indeed, what a naive fool!"

Cobra and Enrique laughed at Juliana's stupidity, the two intended her to be captured. They tipped government officials of her actions, revealed of her supicious activites and lastly her betrayal to her country.

The two then looked onto pressing matters, their plans in disclosing the Hydra to the general public. Their aim is to demonize their bosses for the sake of their plans and objectives. The formation of their organization is a form of defiance to their former masters. No longer shall Enrique, Cobra and their associates to be puppets of Hydra.

"What shall be our next plan, boss?" Cobra asked Enrique.

"In due time you will know... in due time!" Enrique grinned in his seat waiting for news to unfold.


The Kaiser and Karl were discussing matters in his office when a sudden flash of light caught his attention. This was no ordinary light as Karl looks outside the window. The reflection looks like a flash from some sort of a mirror. He looked closer and jumped to push the Kaiser from his seat.

The Kaiser was thrown to the ground then bears witness to the death of his friend, hit on the side by a bullet shot by a sniper. Kaiser took cover as shots continued to rain from the window. He saw the lifeless body of his friend drenched in blood. After the sustained burst of accurate sniper fire, the Kaiser crawled away from his office.

"I swear, those who are responsible for this shall pay!"

Several of properties that belonged to Hydra has been bombed and vandalized and its key members assassinated. The attacks carried by Enrique's organization, Chimera and intentionally left markings and evidence of their existence. Worldwide, anything that is involved with Hydra was attacked, nothing spared even small businesses that belonged to some of their members.

The indiscriminate attacks by the group who called themselves as Chimera. In the wake of the attacks, the group is immediately identified as a terrorist organization by the Atlantic Federation and it's allies. Bounties were placed by its identified members and arrests to those who were captured.

"Free the world of the serpent!" The very slogan and the cry of those who were captured by the authorities. They were seen as fanatical to their cause and are willing to die for their objectives.

Several of the terrorists were captured by authorities worldwide as the rampage has been controlled. It took several days to finally end the violence that spanned almost the entire world in every continent.

Two days later from the attacks, the so-called leader of Chimera had took responsibility of the attacks. He was warning the leaders of Hydra of death and will hunt every single one of them.

The Kaiser on his residence was shaking in fury, he began to contact his associates and key members including Enrique who seems to be elusive as of late. After talking to everyone but Enrique, he had a big suspicion on him but nonetheless tried to clear it. Enrique was one of the Kaiser's favorite, he treated him like his own relative and provided him with trust and position that Enrique enjoyed.

To Enrique however, he used it to make his plans into reality. He believed he did not owe the Kaiser anything and thought that he did the world a favor in return. Hydra existed as a shadow that manipulates the affairs of the world. The world has suffered too much from their meddling and it has to stop. Enrique realized that he must act.

The Kaiser stopped contacting Enrique for a while taking a deep breath in thinking that his supicions about his favorite is wrong. He tried once again to contact him but Lawrence suddenly calls his attention.

The Kaiser tried to confront Lawrence for disturbing him but stopped when he saw an envelope in the secretary's hand.

"A letter, from Enrique de Cordova!" Lawrence gasped for air as the Kaiser grabbed him by his throat.

"Enrique?" The Kaiser was surprised in seeing the letter.

He dropped Lawrence to the ground and took the letter to read it. In reading its contents the worried face of the Kaiser turned into rage as he continued. Upon reaching the last part of the letter the Kaiser shouted with fury and tore the letter.

"Papa... I am greatful of the help you provided me...

I thank you for all the acceptance you have given me...

For the sake of the world, someone must stand up against you...

Therefore, for the sake of every soul that lived... It is my right to stand against you..."

Therefore, I declare war!"

The Kaiser slammed his huge hand to the table and screamed, "YOU INGRATE!!!"