
The Vampires Night:DROPPED

One day while walking home Marcus finds an injured bat he decides to help it but what he didn’t know was it was actually a vampire and one by one mysterious events started to happen in his so-called normal life his body started to change,do all these events unfolding one by one happen to be good or bad?

Mohammed_Jawad · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Chapter 4 The Girl

When walking home multiple girls walked up to Marcus some had their phones out they asked Marcus"can we get your number maybe we can hang out sometime".Marcus than said with a nervous smile"sorry I can't but I can give you my social media",Marcus than gave the girls his social media he realized this whole day at school a bunch of girls kept on asking him for his number.Which was surprising for Marcus because if anything girls stayed away from him when he was in middle school,Marcus than finally reached his house the first thing he did was check to see if his mom was there,while looking around he saw his fathers picture out which meant his mother was probably staring at it again.Marcus put the picture back in his mother's drawer and decided to check on the bat to see if it was still in the garage.

Marcus went into the garage looking for the bat but couldn't find it "did mom release it"Marcus thought.All of a sudden Marcus felt something cold and hard on his neck he than looked down and saw a blade of some kind he than felt a breath on his neck and a voice said"who are you,where am I"Marcus said I'm Marcus and were in my garage,who are you why are you doing this"he than got a glimpse of the person behind him with the knife was a blonde girl with red eyes and wearing some weird clothes."she asked who fixed her wound"Marcus was confused he never helped a girl he than said"I don't know what your talking about I never helped you I've never even seen you before in my life I swear".

Than a bang was heard Marcus than turned around to see the pale girl on the floor sweating as if she was sick.Marcus asked her "hey what's wrong are you okay"she than said "I lost too much blood I need to feed",Marcus said "what do you mean feed do you want me to get you a sandwich or something"she than looked at Marcus dumbfounded and said bring "me your neck".Marcus confused did what she said and "asked what is this gonna do",Marcus then felt something pierce the side of his neck and saw the girl with her teeth sunken into his neck and a second later she throws up "saying of course you have dog blood".

Than Marcus's mom came stomping in saying "shit it's happening sooner than expected"that's when Marcus's mom took the blade slit her hand and put it on the girls mouth than her eyes opened and she began to suck the blood and after a while Marcus's mom than pulled her hand away.The girl than stood up and said "so your one of the last surviving dogs that were expected to be extinct"Marcus confused said"what are you talking about who's a dog"Mom than said damn it I didn't want this too happen your too young now I guess I have to come clean now,

Marcus your a werewolf and not just any kind your a pure blooded werewolf and this girl right here is a vampire".

The girls eyes widened when she heard the word pure blooded werewolf she than thought "how's that possible they were all wiped out I have to get out of here it's too dangerous for me".Mom than explained to Marcus that she's "not his real mom that her name was Alice and that his parents both died protecting him in the great massacre where vampires slaughtered werewolves who were the only ones capable of killing them and that she was her parents best friend a hunter,those who tried there best to fight the vampires along side werewolves in the great massacre".Marcus than was frozen thinking "that's impossible vampires and werewolves aren't real just some made up story for people to scare there kids on Halloween yet the girl standing next to me had red eyes and just drank moms blood".

Than his mom said "now that I've told you this I must warn you your 15 now and the full moon is in a couple of days that's when you'll transform into a werewolf but there will be those trying to hunt you vampires and hunters".What are you talking about your telling me I'm going to turn into a giant dog in only a couple of days how long were you hiding this from me and when we're you going to tell me the day it was going to happen"Marcus said angry and confused.Also what are you talking about hunters will be after me also I thought you said they helped werewolves,there are two groups of hunters the Pures who's ideology is to make the whole world only humans killing anything supernatural the other group called the brotherhood who ally themselves with other supernaturals to fight the vampires.

"How long do I have Marcus said in a serious tone how long do I have until I turn into a werewolf".Worry about that later said Alice let's first focus on our guest because she has some explaining to do on why a vampire royal is doing here far away from the vampire realm.The girl than started to back up wondering how she knew she was a royal Alice than said she recognized the symbol on her clothes only the royal family in the vampire kingdom wore those.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and remember to rate the novel and comment about what I should do to improve the novel and the upcoming chapters.

Mohammed_Jawadcreators' thoughts