
chapter 9 : Poem Completion

Alexander turned to Becca and said with an expressionless face, ��Fine.�� He didn��t argue further as he took a seat once again.

It amused Lucas when he saw that Alexander actually calmed down with one touch from Becca. How can this be possible when Alexander is known as one of the most dangerous vampires because of his temper? Lucas wondered, still not believing what he saw right in front of his eyes.

��Let��s not argue anymore and stick to unrequited love,�� Becca beamed when Alexander didn��t protest on the topic anymore and she sat back on her chair. ��Are you okay with it?��

��Will you change the topic if I said no?�� he deadpanned.

She shook her head and twitched her lips. ��Unfortunately, not. I love this topic so I won��t change it.��

Alexander said, ��Then why did you even ask whether I was okay with it?��