
The Vampire Loves Me

"Hey, is somebody here? Who brought me here?" I screamed, on the top of my lungs. "Please, help me out. I guess, it's some misunderstanding." I again shouted. But, no one came in. The room was big. It had a king size bed. Whom does these belongs to? Suddenly, the door opened and the man who came in, made my eyes pop out. I was in utter shock. It was unbelievable. "You." I whispered, in disbelief. But, he didn't react. He just smirked. As usual. ------------------------------------------------- Ever heard of "Past chasing you." Well, it did happen in Claire's life. No one can ignore, what their fate has kept for them. Not even their past. The one who left her without any reason, has come back again in her life. What will happen? Will the love blossom in between them? Will he be able to make her fall for him again? Will he let go of her? Will she be able to forgive him? To find out the answers, read this book. Find the interesting story behind the curtains. The story behind the curtains will make you imagine it. Roll a coaster of love, romance, betrayal, bloodshed tears, pain and many more.

lovewhisperers · その他
5 Chs

Chapter 4

Alexander's P.O.V

"Their she is." Blake pointed at Claire. I smirked at the site of her. She was talking to some of her friends. The previous day, I searched for her in the college but, didn't find her. So, the next day, I again searched for her and there she was in the cafeteria.

Me and my friends sat on a table, during the lunch break. I was staring at her back, when an idea popped up in my brain. I smirked to that idea. I was about to got up from my seat, when Blake took my attention.

"Why are you smirking like an idiot?" Blake asked, biting his inner cheek. I knew, he was pretending a laugh. I glared at him, making him laugh his ass out. "What's wrong?" Ian asked, smiling. "Nothing." I said with a stern voice.

"Someone...has...taken...his...attention...." Blake said, between his laughs. "Shut up." I murmured glaring at them. "Is she the one?" Eric asked, pointing at Claire. I didn't answer a thing. "Yes." Blake chuckled.

"Really? Damn!! Is she your ma-" I cut Eric in the mid-sentence, when he was about to say or maybe ask something. "I am going." I got up from my seat before, they could ask me anything.

I patted on her shoulder a little. She turned back and for a second I felt like, she was assumed to see me. But, again her expression was back to normal. "Yes?" She asked, frowning. "Actually, I am sorry for that day." I said, with a monotone.

"Which day?" She asked, with a brow raised. 'Did she forget about me? So soon', I thought to myself. I ignored all these things and replied back. "The day when I accidentally poured my coffee on your hand." I tried to remind her.

I knew she was pretending to forget it as, she was first amused to see me. I could infact sense it. The way she covered up her facial expression was beautiful. I focussed on her and the conversation going on between us.

Her lips formed an 'o' shape making me realise that, she remembered it already. "Actually, I didn't mean to do that. I didn't even get a proper chance to apologise to you." I said, trying to convince her further.

"Oh, that's really fine. I understand. There is no need to apologise." She said, waving her hand dismissively. "But, I am really sorry. I can make it up to you with a cup of coffee. If you don't mind. I really insist." I said, trying to come on the main question, I am going to ask.

"Umm....I really don't know..." She tried to say something but, I cut her mid-sentence anyway. "Please, I insist." I tried my best to give her the 'hope of yes' looks. "Ohk." She huffed. "Thank you. This is my number. I'll text you at the evening." I said, turned on my heels and left, before she could change her mind.

I went back to my bestfriends and they were staring at me like two more extra heads has grown up. "What?" I barked. "Did you just ask her out on a date?" Ian asked, with wide eyes. "Have any problem?" I faked a smile. "Shit! It's going to be fun." Erick said, laughing.

I glared at them. I looked at Blake and he was smirking at me. Which made me blush kind of a thing. I left the cafeteria before, they could ask me anything. I didn't turn around to look at them. I never felt so shy or embarrassing.

I could hear my bestfriends yelling my name from behind but, I didn't stop my feet. The lunch break was over so, I went inside my classroom. After some time, the teacher walked in.

She was lecturing about some known thing. I couldn't pay much attention to it as, my whole attention was stolen by someone else. I mentally smiled at the thought of her.

I can't wait for the 'DATE' anymore.


I woke up with my alarm going on. I was all stressed and depressed. The scenario in front of me last night was eating me up from inside. The things happened from last night came rushing in my head. Which made my hands clutch the side of my bed.

How I wanted to cut off his both the hands. The way Claire was grinding on him. The way they both were dancing, so close to each other. I felt like, someone was burning my head. If it wasn't for my friends then, I could have killed him instantly.

When she left the club with some of her stupid friends, I followed her. The guy with whom she was dancing, he held her bridal style and went inside her house. I could definitely say, my friends were able to see my blood boiling.

I was beyond angry and frustrated. After some time, he came out and drove off. I was still outside her house and waited for some minutes or maybe some hours. After an or two hour, I went inside her house through the window.

I landed smoothly on the floor of her bedroom. She was still in her party dress and had a blanket on her. Well, I may thank him before killing him. I slowly walked at her side and sat on the bed. Raking her hair made my anger go down.

I slightly kissed her cheek and again left my mark on her neck. After that, I drove off to my house. It was disaster. The moment I stepped inside my room, everything was fallen on the floor. My anger was radiating from me.

The only thing I could see, was blood. My family walked in and they were gobsmacked. My mom tried to console me. My father just said that, it's useless to be angry. Anyhow, I controlled my anger and went to bed without talking to anyone.

I groaned loudly and walked inside my bathroom. I so much need a cold shower to calm my nerves down. After a good thirty minutes shower, I walked out. As usual I wore a pair of simple black jeans with a black tshirt.

I went downstairs only to come across the stunned faces. Everyone was looking at me with concern. "Please. Don't remind me of any freaking thing. Only I know, how I have controlled myself." I shouted. No one spoke anything after that.

I directly went out of my house and drove off to my office. Blake, Ian and Eric joined me after some time. I didn't spoke to them as well. I was feeling devastated. I just can't wait any longer. Just a week more and she will be mine again.

Atleast this thought made me smile a bit. I was ignoring everyone in my office. I busied myself with the work. My assistant scheduled five meetings for an entire day. I with my bestfriends attended each and every meeting. Well, the meeting went well.

"Alex? Are you ok?" Blake asked, keeping his one hand on my shoulder. I hummed in response. "Don't worry. Just wait for a week more." Eric said, with concern evident in his voice. I nodded not uttering anything. "Let's go and have some drinks. It will surely calm you." Ian said, punching my shoulder.

I threw the car keys at Ian and he catched it. I was about to sit on the passenger seat when, Fanny texted me. The text made my feel like to cage her inside my room. "Ian!" I shouted. "What?" He shouted back. "I am driving the car." I roared.

Maybe, he got scared a little as, he got out of the driver seat and sat on the passenger sit. I drove off to her office and parked the car just behind Fanny's jeep. I was about to call him when, I saw Claire walking fast out of the elevator.

Confusion ceased me but, didn't last any long. Behind her, that guy was calling her name. I focussed more at her dress and his shirt. Then it rang a bell. They made out inside the lift. "Damn it!" I screamed and punched the starring wheel. "Calm down." Blake shouted. But, I kept on hitting the starting wheel instead.

My knuckles started bleeding but, healed soon. I didn't stop hitting it though. I was breathing heavily. Heat was radiating off me. I could tear anyone's neck and shred it into pieces. It was beyond frustrating. I was going through a difficult time. I can not see her making out with someone else.

This tearing me into tiny pieces. It's breaking me from inside. I didn't feel the tears until, it was swiped away from my cheeks. I looked at Blake who was staring me with emotion filled eyes. I felt two hands on my shoulders from behind. Ian and Eric gave the same looks.

My knuckles were all healed as, I am a vampire. Yes, I am a vampire and she has no clue about it. To keep myself healthy and fit, I drink blood from the blood bank. My whole family and my bestfriends are the same. Blake, Ian and Eric were turned into one of us.

For there family, they are dead. My sisters were there mates. And, Claire was my mate. When I first saw her in the college, I knew she was my mate. We were destined to be together. We change countries. We move from one place to another. My bestfriend's families died an age ago in an attack.

Since then, they lived with us. The attack broke off during Christmas in my house. Me, my family, my bestfriends and there family. They all were there. We fought each and everyone. There family were brutally harmed as, they weren't our type. They didn't even have a single clue of us being vampires.

They were badly injured from that attack. I couldn't save there family as, they instantly died. It was a trauma for my bestfriends. I couldn't kill the leader as, he ran from that spot. I had to turn them as well. Since then, we became a hell way of close friends. They were always there in my ups and downs.

My bestfriends consoled me and drove off back to my house. The night was restless for me. I couldn't sleep or take rest. Vampires don't sleep. So, I never slept since, I was turned into one. I wasn't able to take rest.

My surroundings were all frustrating to me. I wasn't feeling good. I was going crazy. Not even crazy but, beyond crazy. I never imagined of Claire being with someone else or in someone else's arms. And, make out is out of topic. I swear once, I get a hold on her, he will be fucking dead.

"No one fucking touches my "GIRL." I roared and slammed the glass on the wall. I was fuming like a mad man. I started breaking the things in my room. At last, I took the whole bottle of beer and drank it. I don't how many drinks were swallowed by me.

But, I kept on drinking until, I fell tired on my bed. I didn't have a single energy left in me. I just needed her beside me. I closed my eyes to calm myself down which, was important. Gradually, my breath became normal and steady.