
Elion vs Evandro

As Elion closed the gap between him and Evandro, the air crackled with lightning energy. Sparks arced from his fists, electrifying the space between them.

Evandro knew at a glance that his opponent wasn't even in the Soul-Strengthening Realm, someone with such meager strength shouldn't even be here, in Eldoria, let alone challenging him. Yet, Evandro has heard of one—a weak parasite whose entrance was permitted only because of the Princess' recommendation.

A flicker of disdain crossed his face as he sized up his opponent, convinced this battle would be easy.

Before Elion could close the gap, Evandro stomped the ground with a surge of mana, causing the earth to ripple beneath him. In response to his command, jagged pillars of solid rock erupted from the floor, surging toward Elion like a predator's fangs, each aiming to impale him where he stood.