
The Vampire Diaries - Gilbert's Reckoning

A young man who sought to see all the world had to offer graced with a penchant for killing has died. A young man who could not handle the death of his parents and sought to ease his pain with drugs has died. And now, there is a new Jeremy Gilbert, and he has only one goal in his mind and that is to do as he has always done. Be the best. For many additional chapters and to get caught up on all of my other stories long before they appear anywhere else, follow on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter .

hunterxxhunter2011 · テレビ
52 Chs


It took a while for him to make his way onto the path that led out of the forest. He humbly thanked whatever entity it was that supplied him with the memories that came along with the body, however he could not help but feel a slight bitterness for the emotions that were plaguing his heart.

It hurt.

Both physically and emotionally.

He could feel his mind resisting the instinct that he carried to process the emotions in an efficient manner. His brain was, instead of acknowledging the pain that was carried with the memories, was attempting to avoid them.

He reasoned that, because of this, it was likely that he would need to do a lot of work not only to build himself up, but also rewire his brain to follow his will, instead of the depressed teenager that set its foundation.

But he was not worried. Time would solve all and his soul was far stronger than a remnants will.

He found himself coming out of his musing as he began to see a bright light a few feet ahead. A space unobstructed by trees and he knew, his journey through the forest was coming to an end.

However, he felt no joy. Because the closer he got to civilization, the more his heart hurt. But he refused to let a single tear fall. After all, the tears were not his own. They were a physical reaction. It all was physical, because Jeremy Gilbert took one drug too many and now, it was it time. His life. And his Will.

(First Person P.O.V.)

'Finally,' I could not help but think to myself.

Walking through a forest is light work. However, coupled with the gravity attempting to squash me with each step made it far more tiring than it should have been.


I had to take in a sharp breath through clenched teeth when my eyes met the light of day.

For a split second I was tempted to turn my ass back around and go back into the forest just for the shade it provided, but I knew that was just my body's weakness leaving the body...yeah that saying still worked.

I took in the town. Dreading the walk that was ahead. While I may not be a fan of complaining, a part of me is saying that I've earned the right. An entire life spent striving for excellence. Attempting to grasp true strength in a world where I knew strength was an illusion.

After all, despite all the steps I took, the work I put into my body and mind, and all the luck that belonged to me and me alone, I was still taken out with a single shot.

Hmm, I should be angry. No, I should be wrathful.....but I'm not.

From the moment I knew what death was, I never expected to see old age. In my mind, time was worth nothing if it was not utilized to the maximum. I'm pretty sure I did far more in my short time on earth than most of the countless number of lifeforms that passed through that world did, no matter how long lived.

I was great, after all.

And now, all that work, is no more.

I find myself back at the beginning of my journey equipped with nothing more than knowledge and a near fearless disposition. As far as I'm concerned, that is more than enough to to make this world my own...and hopefully not get one-shotted again.

It's not as though this world has nothing to offer.

An untold amount of untapped potential lies in its depths. Magic has been shown to make the impossible, possible. And while I cannot wield it, that does not mean that I cannot figure out how...but first, I will need to survive long enough to gain access to the information this world holds.

My first instinct is to leave this drama-filled convoluted town. All the dangers will come crashing down on this location and all of it could be avoided by me with a simple change of zip code....

But..it's not happening.

Just the thought of it makes me feel dissatisfied. Like I'm letting outside factors control my life and make me leave what matters...

To Jeremy.

What matters to Jeremy, not to me...

Hm, and yet, I still feel it all. Have seen it all. It's like I lived it all.

I know, I am not Jeremy. However, at the same time, I know I am Jeremy.

It's like a split personality, only now I'm in control, the other me is gone, and I have all of my original memories.

So, leaving is not an option.

I have a doppelganger that I call family. An aunt who is unprotected. And a few women who could prove to be not only good company, but loyal allies.

The question that matters is, what to do about the ripper and the psycho. One denies who he is and the other have shut off half of who he is...and killed my previous self in the future.

I want to say I will play it by ear, however a part of me just wants to do some cleaning. While they could play a part in distracting Klaus when he inevitably shows himself, as well as Katherine when she tries to trade her doppelganger for freedom, I can also think of several instances where their presence is more of a detriment to a strength.

100 years was just enough time for them to not grow at all.

In fact, that might be a common occurrence when it comes to vamps in fiction. Only the most powerful ones seem to grow as individuals in their lives...or is it the ones that are able to fully accept themselves, thus they acquire maturity and strength?

This is a useless line of thought, no matter how necessary the distraction is, though luckily it might no longer be necessary.

(Third Person P.O.V.)

*Honk Honk*

Jeremy allowed his body to stop trudging forward, instantly feeling the weakness rack his system, however he felt he no longer needed to walk forward. Not when he could get a ride.

The car pulled up to a stop along side him. While usually not someone that he would want to meet in his current state, he had to admit that she was a welcome addition to his journey.

"Hey Sheriff Forbes," he greeted the blond cop with a small smile as the window separating them rolled down.

"Jeremy," Even if he could not see the concern on her face, which he could, he only need hear her voice to know she was worried for him.

Not that he could blame her.

He knew he looked like shit.

Nothing a bath couldn't fix.

"Are you just stopping to say hello or are you offering me a ride home?" He gave her what used to be a disarming smile that let him make many a beautiful woman feel pleasant around him, only now, it just looked like he was tired...but he didn't know that.

(Additional chapters are on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter