
The Vampire Diaries - Gilbert's Reckoning

A young man who sought to see all the world had to offer graced with a penchant for killing has died. A young man who could not handle the death of his parents and sought to ease his pain with drugs has died. And now, there is a new Jeremy Gilbert, and he has only one goal in his mind and that is to do as he has always done. Be the best. For many additional chapters and to get caught up on all of my other stories long before they appear anywhere else, follow on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter .

hunterxxhunter2011 · テレビ
52 Chs


(A/N: Additional chapters are on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter)


He could see that the sheriff wanted to say something and while he would usually let her, the longer he found himself not allowing his mind to focus completely on distracting thoughts, the more he felt his body shutting down.

He needed to rest.

That is why, instead of waiting for a reply, he just took the single step forward and opened the passenger side door.

Building connections could wait until after he washed his hair.

He plopped his ass onto the seat feeling not an ounce of shame.

"Thanks for the ride, Ms. Forbes." He gave her a "winning" smile and let his mind rest as he sat back and closed his eyes. He would handle the consequences of this decision another day. When he came back stronger and could say shit like "I'm built different" and "that's a PR". He let an actual smile show on his face as he felt the car begin moving and thought about what he would do with his body.

All he needed to truly get started, was a random bloodsucker...or not so random.

It had been a week since his parents death.

He knew from his past life's knowledge that Enzo was experimented on by his father, however he was not sure if he was ever brought to town or if he was still kept at Whitmore college.

Either way, he knew where to find a weakened vampire and was willing to do whatever it took to get himself a supply of that liquid courage...and maybe somewhere along the way, he could gain himself an accomplice to his endeavors. He could use all the muscle he could get and in the show one of Enzo's trademarks was his loyalty, without the massive baggage that the Salvatore's carried.

Time would tell and information was required.

He opened his eyes as he felt the mood in the car shift as it came to a stop.

He acknowledged that sensing intention was a trait that he carried over and not one that the original Gilbert possessed. He wondered how far of who he was will influence who he became.

"Jeremy," the sheriff called out to him, wanting his attention. "How are you doing?" She asked and while it was not the most original question, it was one that fit the situation.

He turned his dark brown eyes on her, giving a smolder like no other. One could call the youngest Gilbert many things. Unattractive was not one of them. But he knew that she was not seeing him in that way...at least not now. What the future held, he did not know, he thought to himself, forgetting just how young he currently was.

Weren't no baddies checking for a 15 year old...even if he was going to be the baddest teenager walking when the school year started in a few months...neither he nor Elena would be going to school for at least five months with him becoming a sophomore and her becoming a junior...though he let the thought of skipping a grade flow through his mind. Sitting in school being taught things by others was never his way.

He learned far faster and more efficiently on his own. No one knew his mind or body better than him in the past. And now, in the present, he would come to know himself once again.

"What do you want me to say Ms. Forbes? I'm okay?" He asked, letting his smolder dip into the realm of a scowl as he played on the emotions that were begging to come out to play. His body was sad. His mind was geared towards depression. And since it was to be expected, he let it show. After all, showing emotion can still be badass. Just look at Toretto.

He watched a look of pain and understanding pass her features as she reached out a hand to place it on his own. He had to acknowledge that he truly did not know this woman. Only that she neglected her daughter, but not who she was as a person, so he sought to let go of his preconceived notions. Which is something he would seek to do for every one he came across.

How else could he keep an open mind?

"I know it's hard," she told him. "Just know you have an entire town here for you and you sister whenever you need us."

He looked at the tired smile on her face. One of the aspects that he found rang true to canon. She worked...a lot.

His face took on a slight look of thankfulness.

He thought about playing into Jeremy's path of depressed loner for a bit in order to go under the radar for a while, but his reasoning told him that all that would do was have people pay even closer attention to him where ever he went, just to make sure he was okay.

"Thank you, Ms. Forbes." He closed his eyes and smiled with thin lips like he was feeling a great weight on his heart. "I will keep that in mind." And with that he "quickly" got out of the car and trudged his way to the familiar house.

He had a doppelganger to console and some goodwill to spread. When shit hit the fan, he would need her to see him not as a liability and more like a source of strength, like it should have been in the series.

Instead of leaning on weak ass bipolar vamps for support, siblings should be able to rely on each other and now that he had one, he was determined to excel in his new position, as a big brother should...since let's be real, age ain't nothing but a number.

He fished his key out of pocket, placed it in the lock, turned and opened the door.

The scent hit his nose, conjuring memories that felt like they were from a distant past as he took in the sight of the hallway leading to the kitchen past the living room and the stairs to his left.

This time, he allowed a tear to fall.

His emotions, for the first time since he stepped into his new life, genuine.

He looked around, taking in each and every inch that laid before his eyes and took a deep inhale, engraining the moment in his mind.

"This is my life now."

(Line Break)

"Jeremy!" He heard a someone...no his aunt Jenna yell his name as she quickly came toward him from the kitchen and wrapped him in her arms.

He did not know how long he had stood there, but he was glad for the time he took to gather himself.

He felt it was exactly what he needed. To others it might have been a short time, but for someone like him who had spent every moment of a life learning, growing, and thriving. Taking a single moment to just be still allowed time to stretch that moment for all it was worth. For him, it could only be called the deepest of meditations.

He brought his arms up and wrapped them around his cute aunt as she tried to comfort him as she had been since she arrived in town a week ago.

"Where have you been!" She half-shouted, though instead of angry, she only sounded afraid. "I had no idea where you were and you didn't come home last night."

He pulled her back into the hug and stroked the back of her head. He liked that he was taller than her.

"I'm sorry," was all the explanation that was offered, and the only words that he knew were needed.

His aunt did not require an explanation, no. She just needed to know that he was okay and for the first time in the boy's life, he was far far better than okay.