
The Vampire and The Addams

Reborn as the oldest vampire in existence, Vlad Dracul wakes in his coffin. Body weak, mind in disarray, descending into madness, only to find solace in the mind of a young Wednesday Addams. Disclaimer: I only own my OCs, everything else belongs to those who came first. (https://www.patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter), but only if you would like to support my work, and maybe get to know me, a little.

hunterxxhunter2011 · テレビ
48 Chs

Neither One Blinking

'First Wednesday, once again, fails to understand that romance should be left to the professionals, i.e. me. And now, an insect believes its acceptable to interrupt my internal monologue.' Vlad thought, as he swiveled his eyes behind Wednesday and onto the approaching figure of Xavier Thorpe.

Normally, Vlad would ignore the ant.

Just as he had been ignoring every ant that cast their eyes towards his grim one. He knew she would not react well to overt displays of possessiveness. She would see it as fighting her battles, which he found funny, for the most part.

However, despite how steady Vlad appeared, inside he was anything but.

Not only did he only just find out that, other than a few cowards, his people killed each other due to manipulation and his failure to see them properly. Unacceptable. But not only that, he only just healed his body. Which was fortunate, seeing as how, in order to keep up with his loyal one, he had to move faster than he could physically handle, in that state.

However, with the consumption of that waste of a spirit that was finally able to serve a worthy purpose in its life, he acquired many benefits.

The main one being, the consolidation of his exquisite physical form.

The knowledge the spirit possessed had information of taking over a body and melding into it seamlessly, which was something that he was unable to properly do. His body was only able to slowly mend itself, because his lifeforce was too robust to be contained properly. With the spirit, came finesse. With finesse, came synchronization and most importantly, equilibrium/balance. Mind, body, spirit, as one.

Now, while that sounds nice, it also elevated every single facet of Vlad to a higher level. A level that he was gaining control over, along with his chill. His nervous system and mind were firing off responses faster than ever, taking his emotional synapses on a ride along.

Which is why, he did not need to speculate when he saw the ant fall forward, flat on the ground, and Wednesday heard the thud behind her. He already had an idea.

She turned quickly, taking in the downed form of her classmate.

She went forward to check him.

He was still alive.

That much, Vlad already knew.

He was alive, but in his mind, he was experiencing nightmare after nightmare.

All those dreams that Vlad knew he feared so much, were all that occupied his being.

He was drowning in them.

Vlad felt no remorse for the boy's suffering.

He was a coward.

He knew Wednesday sought answer, and he had several.

Vlad checked the fear he saw in the boy's eyes weeks ago.

He saw the monster. He saw details. But he shared none.

Was Vlad hypocritical? Maybe. Would Vlad ask himself that question? Never.

He pulled the boy back out of his mind, placing a barrier around whatever he had just experienced so he could function, but would always have that nightmare in the corner of his mind. Whenever, his mind was too chaotic, the barrier would weaken and his fear would pull him in over and over again.

If the boy wanted to be a coward, Vlad would give him a reason to.

That was his punishment for showing up when he should not have.

Xavier jerked and jumped up.

The umbrella that he was carrying, discarded. His clothes muddied and disheveled.

He instantly took in Wednesday, still in front of him, along with his attire.

"What happened?" He questioned. Breaths heavy.

She stared at him, unblinking.

"How would I know? I turned around and you were on the ground." She rhymed, beautifully. "What are you doing out here?" She asked him, with him being unable to pick up the tone she used when she posed her question. She suspects him.

"I heard you say you were coming out to the old meeting house, and I thought you could use an umbrella," he says as he dusted himself off with his hands, attempting to remove some of the mud. "Did you learn anything?"

"I did." She says, looking him right in his eyes. "The monsters human. I saw it."

"You saw it!?" He sounded a little frightened. "Do you have a death wish?"

She does.

"What did you see?" He questions her, looking around the area, as if the monster is going to pop out.

"Its tracks turned from a monsters to a human."

That got his full attention.

"Show me." He requested, picking up his umbrella, that he did not notice was unnecessary, due to no rain falling on him, due to him standing close to Wednesday.

She turns and makes her way back to where the tracks were. Gone.

Washed away.

When she moved away, the rain occupied her place.

"They're gone." She states, sounding peeved.

*Xavier scoffs*

She turns to look back at him to see his dismissal clearly.

"I know what we saw," she states, without a hint of doubt.

"We?" He looks around, wondering who "we" entails.

"We." Once again she stated, with no doubt, naturally.

"Who is w..." He did not get to finish his question, because before he could, he saw a figure standing behind Wednesday. Black buttoned-down shirt with an open chest exposing sculpted pectorals, black slacks hugging firm legs, full lips slightly open exposing white teeth attached to a face as defined as the pectorals, and eyes. Eyes that seemed to see through everything in front of them. He knew who it was and he felt afraid. He did not know why, but the sight of Dracul Dresden always made his stomach drop.

As he looked into those golden eyes, they flashed blood red, and the last thing he heard before falling unconscious was a voice that seemed to encompass his every sense, that said, "WE ARE VENOM!"


Wednesday turned her head partially, taking in the laughing face of her worthy stalker. If her heart could beat, it might have stopped in that moment.

She had never seen him laugh before.

Heard, yes. Inside her mind, but she had never seen it before.

Normally, Wednesday Addams would never claim to be partial to laughter. She found it to be something others did, when they could not control themselves. However, she began to think, she might have to rethink her views on the matter. At least, for him. His laugh seemed less like him losing control of himself and more like, he just found something to be very funny. What? She did not know.


She felt she did not need to look to know what happened after hearing the familiar sound, but she did anyway.

Xavier was, once again, face down in the mud.

Now, she understood his laughter. She understood so well, that she had the slightest urge to partake in his mood. It was the good kind of infectious. That could be why she did not notice the smile that stretched across her closed mouth, though the laugh did not follow.

"You were the reason he fell the first time?" She questioned, but just as much, stated.

He stepped closer to her, bending forward, so his chin was propped on her shoulder, as he too took in Xavier taking his nap.

"He should not have interrupted our moment." He casually stated.

She did not contradict. However,...

"What about this time? We were having a conversation." She asks.


"Hardly a conversation and more like an interrogation." He stated, his eyes focused on her as his chin rests. "He had no intention of confirming anything, at all. Not even the existence of the dog. I could tell you, what he knows, you know." He says, just for the sake of saying.

The answer he gets, is expected.

"I'll learn his secrets. There are several loose threads. Less, now that," her eyes shift to the side as her head slightly tilts to look into his own, "you are here."

He smiles, slightly.

"I was always here. Whether I go by Vlad, Dracul, or Sire, with a capital S, I will maintain, this position." He declares, drawing her eyes further into his own. Her head turning slightly more, seemingly unconsciously. Her eyes shift to his lips that have a ghost of a smile, only for a fraction of a second. However, he catches, easily.

Before she can make a move, if she was going to, he moves first.

He vanishes from his headrest on her shoulder to her other side faster than she can blink. He taps her. She turns quickly, only to be met with his soft yet firm lips on her supple ones.

Her eyes remain wide open, as does his. They look at one another, both gathering their own facts from what they see in the others gaze. He pulls her deeper. His tongue tracing her lips, seeking permission. Her eyes widen, but only for a moment, and then she slowly spreads her lips.

He takes his invitation. Her eyes close on their own as her head falls back and he pulls her body fully against his own.

His tongue explores her mouth. Her own seeking out his, lacking technique, but not taking away from the sweet taste that flows between the two.

He pulls his tongue back and bites her lower lip.

He can feel her body shudder. A low, very low moan sounds from deep in the back of her throat.

He had been wanting to bite that lower lip from the moment he saw it. It lived up to expectation. Pillowy is not a real word, but he just made it so, due to its perfect description.

He bit harder.

Her body becoming tenser. Tighter. Her heels coming off the ground as she stood on her toes. Every inch of her flexed into him, even the arms that hung by her sides with her palms open, her fingers spread wide. He dug his hands into her back. Moving them ever so slightly, just to provide a bit of stimulus.

He removed his teeth and casually stroked his tongue across where his teeth were previously. No blood drawn.

He could feel her chest rising and falling quickly against his own. Her dead heart, pounding against his chest. He matched his heartbeat to her own, as he moved one hand up her back, to the back of her head, then he closed his grip taking in both of her twin-braids as he pulled her head back. Her eyes opened slightly.


He wanted her. He wanted her badly and based on what he saw in her eyes, she was just as invested in exploring their connection further. However...

He dipped forward quickly once more and flicked her bottom lip with the tip of his tongue.

Then, he released his grip that held her head in place, and moved his hand back to rest on her lower back. Everything below their necks was still connected.

They looked at one another. Neither one blinking. Neither one moving.

A half-smile took over his face.

Her arms that were stiff at her sides came up and wrapped around his waist.

Neither one blinked. Neither one moved.

"Don't you have a musical recital to perform?" He asked her. Neither one blinking, nor moving.

"I do. It's sure to be a blast." She states, her face forming a smile of her own.

"What are you planning, scumpa mea (insert affectionate translation of your choice)?"

"A slight revenge."

Eyes narrowed, "will you be subtle?"

And with that question that only Vlad would ask, finally, she joins in on the laugh and it is indescribable, from his perspective.

'A blast, indeed.'