
Chapter 21: The Main Course

“Casey,” Lavinia sighed, taking the girl’s hand, “I don’t know.” She gave a gentle squeeze. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Mistress.” Casey gently pulled Lavinia from the seat, to her feet as she continued, “Lavinia. Please.” She put a hand on the woman’s chest, looking up into her eyes. “I want this.”

Lavinia was VERY aware of Casey’s hand. She shook her head. “I can’t hurt you again.”

The hand that was driving Lavinia crazy shifted, sliding up to cup her cheek. Her body betrayed her and she leaned into it, closing her eyes before returning her gaze to the girl, who was looking up at her pleadingly.

Casey was impossibly close. “You’ll only hurt me in the way I want you to.”

It felt like a whisper, it felt like a cry from a mountaintop. Perhaps it was both. Casey was certainly close enough to whisper audibly, less than a foot separated their faces.