
The Vampire's Possession

In a world where love knows no bounds, one man finds himself torn between his heart and his survival. After a passionate teenage romance with a male vampire, he thought he had left that life behind. But when bodies start running up, drained of blood on his college campus, he finds himself drawn back into the world of the undead. As he sets out to track the killer, he must confront his ex-lover, armed with nothing but garlic and stake. But as he delves deeper into the mystery, he realizes that the truth is far more complicated than he ever imagined. Betrayed by his new boyfriend, he must surpass a dangerous web of lies and deceit to uncover the real killer. Will he be able to resist the seductive pull of his ex-lover and bring the true culprit to justice? Or will he succumb to his own desire and become the vampire’s next victim?

Eloise_Ember · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 05


A day before the graduation, Elliot and Marcus spend the afternoon in the mall. The two lovers were in the hunt for a new jeans and shoes that they can wear tomorrow.

"Babe, why can't we just use the ones we had?" Marcus pouted his lips. Thirty minutes passed already and they haven't found the 'perfect' items yet.

Elliot latched his hand to Marcus' big bicep. "We won't stop, okay?"

"But my feet is swollen already."

"You're such a drama queen."

"But babe—"

"Ooh! Try this one!"

Marcus couldn't say no to Elliot. He loved him so much.

They know each other's secret, worst fears, and even embarrassing stories. The cashier lady handed the Eco bag to them, inside are their purchases.

"Oh, at last, we're done," Marcus looked exhausted. Elliot chuckled as they headed out of the mall. "Marcus, dear, you're so whiny."

Marcus scratched his head. "I wish you'd carry me the whole time. Like I carried you out of the classroom when you're sick in the stomach."

Elliot scoffed. "You're ten times heavier and bigger than me, Marcus."

"I know, but I wish you can."

"Not a chance."

"But I also kinda like it better when I'm the one's carrying you anyway."

"Aren't you sweet?"

Marcus chuckled. "I remembered the time when I carried you and your legs were on my shoulders, holding my arms tightly because you're scared of falling because of the intensity."

A line etched on Elliot's forehead. "Intensity? What do you mean?" he was clueless but not until Marcus thrusted his hips in the air, eyes shut and letting out a soft moans. "Ohh. Ahh. Marcus, faster."

"S-Shut up!" Elliot's cheeks flushed. Embarrassment drowns him as soon as he looked around. People were eyeing them from head to toe.


Marcus started the engine of his car and decided to surprise Elliot a nice dinner at a Japanese restaurant.

"You know I can cook this at home, Marcus," Elliot hugged himself as they entered the restaurant. The freezing air greeted them. "Don't worry, it's my treat!"

"Is this about me, paying the stuff we bought earlier?"



"Yes, okay. I'm supposed to pay whatever you need. But you're constantly saying no."

Elliot shook his head and they sat on the table near the glass wall. "Men and their ego," he commented.

Marcus sat next to Elliot and kissed him on the forehead. "Please don't be mad at me."

"F-Fine. J-Just this time," Elliot stammered. He tried so hard not to smile, but he failed. They ended laughing.

The waiter soon then approached them and they ordered food for dinner.

Marcus' fork 'accidentally' slipped out from his hand. "Oh, shoot! Babe, can you get the fork? It's much closer to you," he said without looking at the floor.

"Sure," Elliot picked up the fork.

Unbeknownst that Marcus was planning to propose to him.

When Elliot handed the fork to him, Marcus was holding a jewelry box with a ring inside. "Be mine for the rest of our lives."


They made love throughout the night. The four corners of the room heard and witnessed it all, over and over again.

Marcus was kissing Elliot's neck then he whispered, "after our graduation tomorrow, we'll make things legal. I can't wait to call you Mr. Elliot Montgomery."

"Can I keep my last name Sullivan?"

"No. The world must know that you are exclusively mine."

The bed was creaking so loud, but it's the least of their concern right now. They are both sweaty, tired, and running out of breath.

As they come together in the bliss of physical intimacy, both find immense pleasure and nourish their love for each other.

Elliot was awakened through the piercing ray of sun coming from the open window. His brows crossed, yawning as he rubbed his eyes. "Good morning, Marcus," he greeted.

Stretching his hands and legs in the air, still feeling the intense love making they had the whole night. "Wake up now, we have to get ready for our graduation ceremony—"


His forehead creased. The room was filled with a profound silence. Which was something that Elliot wasn't fond of. "Are you in the shower or in the kitchen?"

As he left the room, Elliot heard a loud scream from the hallway. He quickly go out.

And his eyes almost popped from its socket upon witnessing a fresh warm blood coming out from Frank's room.

"What happened?" he asked the lady who screamed.

Fright is visible on her face.

"I-I just woke up. And I want to buy a cup of coffee but when I get out, there's blood oozing out from the door!"

Elliot was scared too. But he didn't show it. "Okay, I want you to help yourself to be calm. And I'll call the police, okay?"


Ten minutes passed, the authorities arrived. Elliot kept on dialing Marcus' phone too but he didn't pick up. He started to worry about his fiancé.

The landlord was talking to the police.

"There was no body found in the room, mam."

"Well, then why there is blood?"

"We have found several ids scattered on the floor and with a splash of blood, named Frank Sickowitz."

Elliot gasped. He stepped out from the scene and went back inside their room. For the nth time, Elliot called Marcus' phone.

A shiver ran down his spine when the phone was ringing on their bedroom.

"Marcus is missing too!"

Elliot reported to the police that Marcus was missing. "Okay, look, Sir. If it was true, we have to wait twenty four hours before filing an official report."

His shoulders dropped in dismay. But Elliot was certain that Marcus is missing. His guts tells him so.

The hallway was filled with a lot of people. And a yellow tape with a warning 'do not cross' was taped outside Frank's room.

As the people started to leave the area, so did, Elliot.

Right before he turned his head around, he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure from afar.

It was Damien.

"You son of a bi—"