
The Vampire's Possession

In a world where love knows no bounds, one man finds himself torn between his heart and his survival. After a passionate teenage romance with a male vampire, he thought he had left that life behind. But when bodies start running up, drained of blood on his college campus, he finds himself drawn back into the world of the undead. As he sets out to track the killer, he must confront his ex-lover, armed with nothing but garlic and stake. But as he delves deeper into the mystery, he realizes that the truth is far more complicated than he ever imagined. Betrayed by his new boyfriend, he must surpass a dangerous web of lies and deceit to uncover the real killer. Will he be able to resist the seductive pull of his ex-lover and bring the true culprit to justice? Or will he succumb to his own desire and become the vampire’s next victim?

Eloise_Ember · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 03

"Babe?" Marcus clicked his tongue. "Just fifteen minutes then we'll go home. I missed my friends so much," he explained.

Elliot stopped on his tracks.

Arguing as they traversed through the field. Elliot wanted to go home early because of the vile incident. While his boyfriend wanted to play soccer with his friends.

Elliot faced him. "Marcus, you're always playing with them before going home. It's not like you haven't seen each other for a decade," he scoffed.

"But babe—"

"Look, I'm not the bad guy here. I just want us to go home and to be safe, okay? That's how I love you."

Marcus sucked his lower lip. Sighing in relief and nodded his head. "Fine. I know that you don't want me to play with them," he said.

Elliot's eyebrows raised. "Excuse me? That's not what I meant—"

"You don't want me to play with them because you're scared that I might be the next victim. And also… you wanted me alone. All by yourself."

"The first part was correct but did it suddenly got windy here? Or was it just you?"

Elliot watched his boyfriend ran to his friends and bid goodbye to them. Those straight muscular jocks. The ones that used to bully him during his sophomore time.

But after he became Marcus' boyfriend, everyone at school is treating him decently.

Marcus is like a superstar in the campus. Five times MVP of the basketball team, captain of the soccer team and football team, and remains to be the campus heartthrob.

It wasn't easy for Elliot, knowing that his boyfriend is being idolized by a lot of students. Especially women and gays.

What would kill Elliot slowly is if Marcus became unfaithful.

But since they started dating, Marcus was always beside Elliot and vice versa. They have been honest, loyal, and loving to each other.

Elliot felt like he's one of those princess characters in a fairytale story.

"…—iot. Babe? Hey?" Marcus snapped his fingers in front of his boyfriend's face.

"Are you okay? You're spacing out. I've been calling you like a million times," he scratched the back of his neck. "You're not mad at me, are you?"

"W-What?" Elliot shook his head. "N-No. Why would I be mad at you? I'm just thinking about something," he started walking.

Marcus hold his hand and they marched through the parking area.

They went inside the car. Marcus turned on the stereo and drove home. Elliot realized that they are low on food so, they both stopped at the nearest convenience store.

As they headed inside, Elliot wasn't fazed that everyone with eyes in the store were gawking at his boyfriend.

He recalled being one of them. Wondering what this handsome man has to offer.

Elliot can vouch that Marcus was the complete package. Highlighting the word package of course.

"Can you make the dessert that you made last night? That was delicious!" Marcus was trailing behind him like a lost puppy.

"Mango tapioca?"

"I think so? Like the one with mangoes and pearls."

"Yeah. That's what it's called."

Elliot was busy searching for the black beans, fascinated and in love with Asian cuisine.

He declared in the car that he'll be cooking pork adobo, which is a famous cuisine in the Philippines.

Marcus didn't contest as cooking weren't one of his skills. His forte falls in the line of tasting and giving critique.

"Babe? I really need to pee quickly. I'll be back," Marcus whispered in Elliot's ears. A nod was his response, trying to concentrate on the ingredients that he forgot to take notes.

Ten minutes passed and Marcus wasn't back. Elliot looked around. "Where are you?" he muttered underneath his breath. A loud banging sound originated on aisle four. The aisle closer to the restroom.


With trembling legs, Elliot ran his way there. Inside his head were frightful scenarios that involved a while ago situation in the school. The customers were alarmed as well.

"E-Excuse me, let me through," Elliot pushed his way into the crowd. And when he saw what happened, he was relieved.

"Oh, thank, God!" as exaggerated as it sound, but he was sweating a lot and palpitating too.

Elliot's ears perked up, hearing the bathroom door's creaking. "Jesus, Marcus!" he clutched his chest.

Marcus' eyebrows crossed. "Did I missed something? Or were you scared that I might be dead by now?"

Instead of retaliating, Elliot chose not to and hugged his boyfriend. "Let's buy these items and go home."

"I like it when you're clingy to me."

"L-Let go of me now. People might stare, Marcus."

"Too late. They are taking pictures of us now. Hey! This is my boyfriend! And he's scared that I might be dead. Isn't he sweet?"

Marcus posed for the cameras. Meanwhile, Elliot hid his blushing face into Marcus' chest.


They arrived at their apartment. "Argh. What a tiring day," Marcus threw his body in the couch. "I'll cook delicious food for us," said Elliot.

As he arrived at the kitchen, Elliot turned his head, facing the front door. There was a series of knock. And his boyfriend was eating junk food on the couch while watching a cartoon movie.

"Yeah. Who is it?" Marcus said.

"It's me, Frank."

"Oh, Frankie boy!"

Marcus leaped and opened the door. Frank was their roommate. And their classmate too. Frank and Elliot's eyes met. They smiled at each other. "How are you, Frank?"

"I'm good, thanks for asking, Elliot," Frank replied politely. He's always been kind to Elliot from the beginning.

Marcus invited Frank to sit on the couch. And Elliot continued cooking food and creating the dessert that Marcus asked him to.

"I brought drinks."

"I can see that, Frank. So, what are we celebrating for?" Marcus asked.

"My Schengen Visa got approved."

"Damn you, bro. Congrats!"

"Thanks, Marcus. I can finally visit my long lost sister," Frank's smile were priceless. Marcus hugged him. "I'm glad the search is over, Frank. It's been a year too."

Frank's eyes were teary. "You're right. I'm not a lost soul anymore, finally, I'll be reunited with my biological parents and sisters."