
The Vampire's Last Omega

Vampires. More than 150 years had passed since they emerged from the shadows, taking over as the dominant species. After declaring themselves as rulers and for all humans to be captured, mortals were made into blood slaves, traitorous employees in the capitol, or lowly animals in the wild who could barely survive. Teru was the first omega to appear in decades, terrified of being discovered. His rare secondary gender would certainly garner the bloodsuckers’ attention...enough that it was even kept secret from other nearby packs. His nightmare came true when he was caught by traffickers during a scavenging trip to find supplies in ancient houses, used by people from the Before times. Little did he know that vampires were not the scariest monsters out there. Kieran, an immortal alpha prince of the royal family, was immediately captivated by his sweet scent. He craved to taste the omega’s blood, something he hadn’t had the desire to do in centuries since his ‘incident’ that left him unable to drink without becoming violently ill. Drinking Teru's blood was not the only thing he craved. His body wanted him in ways he never felt in his 1000 years of existence. For the first time, he questioned his pride. How did that human he purchased on a whim soften his cold heart? Once Teru became Prince Kieran’s property, the last human omega had a choice - will he try to return to his pack or give everything up for a forbidden love that’s more than meets the eye? *** Warning: This OMEGAVERSE contains mature content. Please read at your own discretion. Note: This story is technically three books (parts) under one cover. When the official published version is released, there will be three separate stories with different synopsis and covers. Cover artist: Chyntia

GiveMeThatBread · ファンタジー
54 Chs

Heat: Part 3

"You gotta get up. Dad? We gotta go home." Simba shook Mufasa's mane and tugged on his ear.


Teru turned off the TV with the remote. The sad scene made him tear up. Was this seriously a children's film? It would traumatize the pups way more than the storyteller's tales of vampires and deadly sins.

An omega's cycle wasn't intense the whole time. Rather, it came in waves. Once they were satisfied, their bodies 'came down' from the heat. After some time, it would 'build back up,' making the fever devour him once more. Heats could last up to a week which was normal, but every person was different.

At the moment, he was in the 'down time' after experiencing the first wave. That was almost a day ago. Unlike his nesting, Teru remembered everything as soon as the lewd fog dissipated – the way he panted under Kieran, their bodies molded together, how the damned alpha ate his slick, the knot…

Teru squished the sofa's pillow over his pink face and mentally screamed.

It wasn't even close to being finished.

No wonder omegas were considered to be lower-class citizens in the Before times. This was so inconvenient! How could anyone function like this? Did he seriously have to repeat this multiple times a year?

And what would've happened if he got his heat in the caves? There was no privacy or doors to protect him. When an alpha got their rut, they'd make him hide in his family's cubby hole for weeks. There were a few close calls when he was almost attacked, too.

But in his case, they wouldn't have been able to place dozens of people underground, waiting for his cycle to finish. The thought of all those alphas, his pack, stalking him while out of their minds through the dark system was terrifying.

Perhaps that's why his mother was so worried about pairing him off quickly.

"Hey," the shirtless vampire interrupted his deep thoughts, standing next to the couch where Teru was hiding under the mountain of cushions. "It's almost midnight. You should sleep."

"I will after the movie is over." His voice was hoarse. This was the first time speaking since they had sex.

*'Sex'. I can't believe I did it…*

Actually, he was making an excuse because he didn't want to walk. His hips were still sore and his hole hasn't completely healed.

After Kieran unknotted, he attempted to lick Teru's used entrance, but the human persistently refused:


Kieran slipped out his cock. It was half soft from releasing his full load inside.

The feeling of hot liquid dripping out of his ass made Teru grimace. His first wave officially passed ten minutes ago, leaving him horrified at the situation they were in. Before he could revile in what they had just done, his knees were pushed against his chest. Kieran had grabbed his ankles to spread his legs open wide, about to lick away at his own cream leaking out of the hole.

The bottom of Teru's foot pushed against the broad chest. "What are you doing?!"

"You'll heal quicker if I do this." Kieran stuck his tongue out again and aimed for his ass.

"Stop! That's…that's too dirty!" He kicked at the vampire.

"Let me take care of—"

"Get away from me!" wiggling away.

They stared daggers at each other.

"Then, take another bath to wipe out my—"



After bickering back and forth, Teru won the argument and tried to scoop out the thick seed himself, but he couldn't get it all. His stomach has been cramping for a while.

Kieran glanced at the black television screen and sighed before picking him up, pillows and all. "So stubborn." He carried him to the spare bedroom. As Kieran arranged the cushions to the side and pulled the covers up to his shoulders, he said, "If your heat returns overnight, say my name. I'll always come when you need me."

His big hand went to pet Teru's hair, but the omega dodged it.

Kieran frowned. He closed the door behind him. Teru saw a glass of water on his nightstand which was put there by the alpha.

Weren't all vampires supposed to be callous beings? Kieran went against everything he was told by the elders since he was a pup.

*I don't know what to think anymore.*


The clock chimed six times. It was still early morning. Sunrise was barely beginning to show, painting the sky a navy blue with slivers of pink clouds.

Teru yawned. Although he could've slept more, the soft material of his pajamas was itchy on his skin. He groggily took off the clothes and dropped them to the floor beside his bed.


The glass that Kieran placed beside him was empty.

He grabbed the cup to get more to drink from the sink. His legs still felt like jelly as he hobbled to the open kitchen. Kieran was sleeping, so he didn't care about being naked.

How shameless of him. Oh, well. It was the least of his worries.

Once he drank his fill, Teru headed back to his bedroom…

But his knees gave out on the living room floor. He landed on all fours, barely able to hold himself up. Hot shivers coursed through his body.

It was happening again!

His muscles ached as if he ran for miles without resting. Slick trickled from his ass, including the leftover semen that he couldn't fish out from yesterday. No matter how hard he clenched his hole, the lubricant wouldn't stop coming out.

The migraine returned. His pheromones spread around him.


Teru sat up so his butt and knees touched the floor, his legs splayed out to the sides. He tilted his head so his scent gland was on full display.

The alpha needed to cover him with his minty smell.

*When will he come get me? Can't walk. Can't talk. Hurts.*

He heard buttons beeping from the front door's keypad. Someone was typing the sequence to get in. After the fiasco with Tristan, Kieran switched from a normal lock and key to an electronic one. The only other person who'd know the password was the maid.

She was just a beta woman so it should be fine.

*She'll get the alpha for me.*

Teru took big breaths because it was hard to inhale. Drops of precum flowed from his member to join with the slick pooling around his legs.

"Sir, please, it's early. The Lord would still be sleeping at this time," whispered the maid. She brought in bags of groceries to restock the fridge.

She gasped when she saw him on the floor, dropping the food.

"What is it?" an unfamiliar voice asked from behind her. Who was that?

A man stepped around her and froze when he saw Teru in such a state. "Is…this the omega? Is it in heat?"

Teru has never seen this person before. He was older and wore a yellow collar, studying him with scrutinizing eyes over the rim of his square glasses.

This stranger had a plain scent - a beta.

I don't like him. Where's my alpha?*

"I suggest you go," the maid hushed and pulled on his coat to make him leave. "You can ask why he missed yesterday's meeting with the king at a better time…"

The guy yanked his arm away from her grasp and pushed her aside. "Get off me, wench! How dare you touch the king's head servant? You, omega, go get Kieran. King Abaddon wants to see him immediately."

Teru became scared of this man's tone, causing him to push out bitter pheromones. Because of his heat, cinnamon also mixed in to create a perfect aroma that would attract any predator to come and attack him. The scent would exhilarate all genders nearby, including pheromone-less betas.

"Oi, look what you're doing to me," the beta seethed. His smaller crotch strained in his pants. The servant came closer with a raised hand, clearly meant to slap Teru to make him stop emitting pheromones.

*He's going to hit me!*

"KIERAN!!!" he wailed loudly.


The beta stopped when hearing the wounded animal cry. It was a pitiful sound.

In seconds, Kieran held the servant by the throat in the air, his long nails digging into his windpipe. Streams of blood flowed from the puncture holes. The maid yelled and scrammed to the hallway to escape.

"David," Kieran snarled. Musky pheromones overpowered everything. The dominant alpha was beyond furious. "What are you doing? Why are you in here without my permission?"

David was limp with fear. The color of the vampire's murderous, crimson eyes reflected off this bastard's face. "K-king…wants you. You missed…your meeting…yesterday."

"And that fucking warrants you to enter my territory? Do you have a death wish? You should be well aware that I was approved for paid leave this week."

"N-no! I was told…to notify you, anyway. Besides…the whore's pheromones are too strong. They're...affecting me, also," gesturing to his stiff cock.

Kieran bared his fangs at seeing David's reaction to his omega.

*Whore? This inferior human.*

It was the wrong thing to say to an alpha defending his partner in heat within his domain. "Did you fucking touch him?" His nails dug deeper, crunching into the neck muscles.

David sobbed. "I didn't! No! Seeing him there…on the floor like that—"

Kieran had enough of this. He shoved David hard against the wall next to the front door, making a large hole. "And what about him? What did you see to make you so fucking horny like a feral dog? Tell me."

The servant couldn't oppose. The dominant alpha was teeming with aggressive pheromones to make him speak. It was much stronger than he's ever used on Teru. If David didn't answer the question truthfully, the beta would feel unimaginable pressure. "H-his body."

Kieran leaned to the right so David could see Teru on the floor. During the interrogation, the omega shifted into presenting position. His ass and hips were high in the air, trying to finger his slick-covered backside.

Now that the alpha was here to protect him, Teru didn't have a care in the world.

The prince moved back to obscure the lewd scene. "Did you get a good look?"

"Y-yes, sir."

The vampire pinched the center of David's glasses to take them off, throwing them across the room. The spec's cracked. "Good. I hope it was worth it because that's the last thing you're going to see for the rest of your pitiful life."

He made his nails grow longer until they were as sharp as knives. They aimed at David's panicking eyes.

"Wait! Prince! Please!"

Vampires could hear the beta's screams on either side of Kieran's floor. Torture was part of the everyday routine for them, so they ignored it.

As his eyes were being gouged out, Teru's whimpers became anxious. "Alpha, where are you?" he pleaded.

Kieran heard the desperate call. He growled and went out of the apartment to the elevator. When the doors opened, he threw the senior-ranked employee into the small space. David howled in agony while clutching his bloody, empty sockets as Kieran tossed the eyeballs at him. They rolled to the floor.

He pressed the first floor's button. The vampires down there would laugh at the gruesome sight. "Tell my stepfather to go fuck himself. I'll see him when I'm ready." At that, the elevator closed. It was finally quiet.

No one would threaten the mating pair anymore. This should send a clear message to stay away. How many times did he need to replace the damned maid? Should he just kill her? Back when he was heavily influenced by Pride, it was something he did whenever they pissed him off. No one wanted to work for him because they'd end up dead but his temper lessened over the years.

Given the second time that this occurred, he was losing his touch.

Either way, if anyone tried to pull this stunt again, Kieran would do worse. Everyone needed to know not to come here whenever they pleased.

He had an omega to attend to.