


Jenny’s face was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes. Because of the shock, I immediately stood up and handed my chest. She just laughed at me as if something was funny; one thing was that I hadn’t locked the door, so she got in easily. Fortunately, it’s Saturday, and we don’t have school, but I can’t relax because there’s still so much to do. Our teacher assigned us a lot of homework, which left me with a lot of things to do. I want to rest forever so that I can have peace of mind meanwhile.

“Good morning, Princess,” she greeted me as if something good had happened this morning.

“My morning isn’t going well if I only see you,” I muttered, and she snorted.

“You know how ugly your behavior is, don’t you?” she asked irritably, and I rolled my eyes at her.

“I don’t have time to be a plastic with you,” I said, pulling back my hair, and then I heard something outside as if someone was there. I’m not sure what that was or who it was.

I stood up and looked out my window, but there was nothing unusual to see, but I smelled what I smelled yesterday. Jenny approached me and asked what was wrong with me, so I immediately covered my nose. I couldn’t tell her what I had smelled. I'm not going to say anything because she might think something of me. I don't want her to be concerned about me.

“What’s wrong with you?” she wondered ask.

“Let’s go downstairs,” I said, taking her hand in mine.

“What? Why?” she asks, puzzled.

I didn’t wait for her response before we headed down. I’m not sure why I heard unusual footsteps from the balcony to the room, but Mommy was making breakfast when we arrived downstairs. She looked at Jenny and me, then asked what was wrong.

“Auntie, your daughter has smelled something strange,” Jenny murmured, and I noticed her and Daddy’s eyes widen as they glanced at each other.

“Do you have any idea of my condition?” I said, and they promptly shook their heads.

“Ah... nah... nothing,” Mommy said.

“Yeah, nothing,” Daddy said, taking his cup of coffee, and sipping it.

I’m not sure what they're thinking, but I know there’s something distinctive about them that they won’t tell me. I just groaned and looked at the stairs to see if anyone was passing by, but there was no one. We had barely finished breakfast with them when I noticed a shift in their mood. Mommy motioned to Daddy, who rose up and they went to the living room to have a discussion. But I didn't intend to listen to what they were going to discuss because I didn’t have any plans. Another thing is that something they are keeping from me, I will find out as quickly as possible.

We went upstairs after having breakfast since we were going to the mall. After all, I needed to buy something. We got into the car once I finished bathing and dressing. Thankfully Jenny had brought their driver with her. I didn’t see she had her car. Despite the fact that she does not have a driver’s license, her parents allowed her to drive on her own. The fact that I want to have my own too, but Mommy doesn’t allow me.

“What are you planning to buy?” Jenny questioned.

“I no longer have bond paper and notebook. Another issue is that the ink in my ball pen and marker has run out. I will buy a lot and also a cartolina,” I took a deep breath. “I’m running out of materials because our teachers are having us do a lot of work,” I added, and she winced.

“I’m glad I have a lot of stock,” she said, and I nodded.

She doesn’t run out because she has someone selling it for her. I could see a car with tinted windows behind us but couldn’t see who was inside. It’s too strange, yet I’ve had the feeling that someone is following me. I didn’t see Jenny while she told her story since my attention was drawn to the vehicle behind us.

“Oh, I just remembered something, Joel talked to me yesterday. Infernes with him because he’s handsome, it’s just that he’s not your ideal type. He’s concerned about you because you could have another nosebleed again,” she explained.

“He doesn’t need to worry about what could happen to me; tell him to stop because I might blunder him and smash him,” I replied, then she covered her mouth.

“You know Joel is the only one who has left out of the many who have courted you; why are you being so cruel with him? You are the most terrible woman I've ever seen!” she said, and I just shook my head.

“I don’t desire a man in my life,” I answered.

I clenched my eyes firmly as a remembrance flashed through my head. A memory I’m trying to forget, but why does it keep returning? I bit my lower lip, then held the chair hard and battled myself, afraid that my hand might slip in and startle Jenny if that happened.

“Hope all,” she said.

When we arrived at the mall, I noticed Sam and Joel standing extremely close to each other. I know the two are cousins, but I can’t help but wonder about Sam, as if she has some special quality that I don’t comprehend. Anyway, Jenny and I headed to the bookstore after entering the mall.

While looking for what I needed, I noticed the peculiar fragrance that I had experienced in the classroom again. Jenny and I, are far apart, so I searched for its scent and came to the end of the bookshelves where there were volumes of marketing books. I know that this is where I smell it. I know that he's here.

“Got you,” he said suddenly as he touched my shoulder, and I leaned against the bookshelf looking at him.

“Vixen?” I said.

I recognize him and understand what and who he is since we are the same. I couldn’t help but feel scared when he touched my face. Another one was his scent is its audacity. I instantly covered my nose to stop it from bleeding.

“OMG,” I said.

“Still nose bleeding huh?” he said, and I nodded.

“What’s the matter?” I’ll query.

“Something unusual happened recently, and I’d like to know who the guy who just followed you were,” he stated.

“So I’m not mistaken, someone is following me,” I said.

He gave me a nod and then looked around. “They had no idea where you were, but the vampire clan is interested in you,” he whispered.


“Hmm. Take care of the people around you, Shranaia,” he advised before leaving.

“Sharanaia?” I glanced at Jenny, then at what she was carrying, “Who are you talking to?” she ask confusingly.

“Nothing,” I said immediately.