
Novel ideas

I don't have the talent to write stories but I so many ideas. so I hope some reads this and use my idea to make an awesome story.

1. A medical doctor reincarnated as Nawaki son . what I envisioned is that Nawaki didn't die in the war but lost his memory and sustained an injury that made unable to use chakra. Tsunade will leave konoha earlier and will come across a boy that she is drawn to. In interaction with boy, she decides to help his father (Nawaki) on dead bed. Nawaki regains his memory on seeing Tsunade and tells her of the plot of orochimaru and danzo to kill of all Senju, then he dies. The will so sad that his chackra will unlock, making plant grow and flower to bow then his memories will come back. Tsunade will personally train him and Shizune with tonton while he will knowledge of genetics and medical science to treat her and unlock her wood release with his cells. Tsunade will also learn sage mode to be strong enough to face Danzo and 3rd Hokage if needed. Later they will go to konoha. They noticed that Minato is Hokage. so rest of the story will be Mc saving life and dealing with Danzo. And also joining and gathering all possible Uzumaki and senju and creating the strongest clan. Love Interest will be Anko. Minato and Kushina will be alive. Naruto a happy prankster.

2. reborn in the yamanaka clan with powers of professor x. mc will be lazy but a genius. he will push all responsibility of changing fates to his father. He is the twin of Ino. He will save Hinata mother by linking the mind of one of the elders planning to poison her with his father. and he save most like that.

3. Mc will be born as the son of Uchiha and will be the bestfriend and rival of Tsunade. they later marry and make konoha strong again.

non naruto fiction

4. reborn in avatar wither powers of garra or with amateresu. or even wood release.

5. hero Academia as iron man. he will creat devices to let those with weird power temporary seal them untill needed. hos love interest will be the invisible girl. he will make similar costume like fantastic 4 for her. he can even create his own fantastic 4 hero agency. or avengers agency. he will be more of a inventor than fighter.

6. harry potter universe where the mc leaves the canon and enjoy magic invention and adventures with Luna. he will be strong and filthy rich.

7. naruto fiction. Hiruzen adopt mc. mc will be reborn with son goku power in tail. he will leave the monkey summoning realm untill discovered by enma. he will also be the jinchiruki of son goku.