

Immortal Emperor Dao was tricked into believing that capturing the wheel of time and space would fulfil his longtime wish of having children and a Dao companion of his own, but he ended up losing his original body, and his soul travelling through space into Earth possessing Old Ye who has eleven children. "Grandpa, I lost my job because my Boss instructed me to tell you to sell the Old Ye property" "Is your boss tired of living? Don't work for him, a Boss like that isn't even worthy to be the shoe carrier of Emperor Dao's grandson" "Grandpa, My husband's family want me to divorce my husband because I couldn't give birth to a child" "Is just giving birth to a child, I will give you a pill that you will give birth to triplet, are they worthy to be in-laws of Emperor Dao? They should be burning incense to their ancestors for getting such an undeserving opportunity" Heaven above Earth below, who can make prideful Emperor Dao lower his head?

victor_enuka · 都市
31 Chs

Chapter 10: The Intruder

"Little child, you should quickly kowtow to this old man, caring for you for so many years has not been easy." Old Ye sighed and said he was excited to see another of his grandsons.

The more, the better. He couldn't wait to assemble them all, imagine eleven of them calling him grandfather at once. How exciting!

While Old Ye was imagining such a fantastical scenario, he didn't realise that calling himself an old man was odd because he was so young—very young—that Hayden, who had toiled all his days as a cleaner, looked older.

Strange facial expressions appeared on Hayden's face and Jenny and John's.

"I ask you who you are, and you are blabbering nonsense? Who did you take care of for many years? You better explain things  clearly."Hayden roared in rage; he folded his sleeves immediately, ready for a fight.

Although Hayden was a good-tempered person, he had suffered lots of grievances for so many years because he was suppressed by the Daniels and all the aristocratic families coveting his family's ancestral land.

The only job he could get was as a cleaner for a company, despite his high university certificates, he didn't wish to abandon home and leave for another city like his brothers and sisters.

He was sacked for clocking out earlier than expected to check on his sister's condition, he lost his temper.

Old Ye wasn't upset by Hayden's reaction; he was too excited when he said those words earlier. Reining in his excitement, he responded smilingly, "Is that not what my grandson ought to do? As your grandfather, don't you think you should kowtow to me?"

Old Ye's words didn't only worsen the situation; they were like adding fuel to an already burning fire.

Hayden lost it immediately. With fists clenched and his forehead creased with dark lines of anger, he charged forward roaring in rage with red eyes. "What did you just say?"

Jenny and John couldn't stand by and watch things progress to the stage of Hayden going into a battle of fists with Old Ye.

"Fourth brother, he is our grandfather," John said weakly. Despite Old Ye's words, he had yet to accept the fact that his old grandfather was now a young, handsome man.

"Fourth brother, you can't fight him because he is our grandfather," Jenny added, trying to calm Hayden by reminding him of their family ties.

Hayden, who was charging forward, froze; his eyes widened in shock when he heard that.

He looked at Jenny and John with a face filled with disbelief. He gave Jenny an askance look. Looking at Hayden's face, Jenny smiled helplessly as she explained, "Grandfather took a pill; that is why he is like this, I also took the same pill." Jenny could only come up with such an explanation.

Hayden didn't take a look at Jenny properly when he came in, his mind was filled with worry, and he was very anxious then.

When he took a proper look at Jenny, his sister's transformation shocked him to the extent that his pupils dilated and his mouth widened in shock.

Old Ye grinned and then said smilingly, "Since you know I am your grandfather, boy, why are you still standing there? quickly come forward and kowtow to your grandfather."

Old Ye sighed, he didn't believe a day like this would come when he would be begging for people to kowtow to him.

"Are you people pranking me?" Hayden asked suspiciously, there was no way he would believe the very handsome young man was his grandfather, who was at the end of his ropes because of old age.

"Big brother, we are not lying; he is a grandfather. You can check Grandpa's photos that were taken when he was still young." John suggested it when he saw that Hayden didn't show any sign of believing them.

Hayden had the thought of checking on Old Ye in the room he was recuperating in, and when they refused to tell him the truth, he made up his mind to confirm things himself.

He quickly dashed into the room, feeling shocked by the possibility that his grandfather was now a handsome young man who looked younger than him.

Old Ye sighed ruefully. He didn't expect his grandfather's position to be under investigation when he had barely enjoyed the benefits for a day or two. He left the room feeling saddened by the unexpected reality.

In the immortal world, appearance doesn't matter, what matters is knowledge and strength. With sufficient strength, even a baby could be addressed and exalted as an ancestor. He didn't expect the mortal world to have so much judgemental bias towards appearance.

While Old Ye was lamenting in melancholy, his face darkened, and he immediately faded into the environment.

A silhouette in a red robe flew over the broken fence of the large courtyard, landing calmly on the ground without making a sound. The ease of the flight showed that he was an expert.

"I never think a day will come when a lousy heaven rank master will dare to barge into this Lord's home, if you are not obsessively brave in courting death, why will you dare do such a stupid thing?" Old Ye's voice entered the expert's ears like the whistling of a wind.

"Who are you?" The expert wearing a red robe shouted in anger. He was very unhappy to take up the mission to assassinate an old man and a few other people, he saw it as something below his status. If not for the fact that he owed the people who issued the mission a lot, he would never take up such a lousy mission below his status.

"As expected, those who are ignorant are very brave, little ant, this Lord isn't in a happy mood, and you even made this Lord's mood get worse; I won't allow you to die easily." Old Ye retorted in a deep voice as he made an appearance.

If the red robe expert isn't ignorant, even if he was given dragon guts to eat, he won't dare talk back at Emperor Dao, even if he has nine lives to throw away.